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Anoying Players You've Seen In Warframe (No Namecalling)


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MD and me being the babysitter, I just say "Hmm, I hear defending the objective is a cool idea"...give it 10 seconds..."No? Sorry I guess I am just too mainstream" then I join them and let them be faced with the big red text of death....


I repeatedly tell people to defend an objective as well as waypoint it.

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MD and me being the babysitter, I just say "Hmm, I hear defending the objective is a cool idea"...give it 10 seconds..."No? Sorry I guess I am just too mainstream" then I join them and let them be faced with the big red text of death....


I repeatedly tell people to defend an objective as well as waypoint it.

As i main Loki, i tend to place Decoy at console and aggro as much mobs near it. Then i go invisible and watch mobs destroy the pod.

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As i main Loki, i tend to place Decoy at console and aggro as much mobs near it. Then i go invisible and watch mobs destroy the pod.

That's nice. If there is just one person doing it I revive them once and say "See, that is why we stay together" but another death 1km away won't receive a revive.



I just don't get why people do that, especially after they died. I had this guy who died 7 times. 3 times he got revived by each of us until we decided enough was enough then he kept on dying in the end leaving the game...


Mind you, he was spawn camping when we told him not to :/

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That's nice. If there is just one person doing it I revive them once and say "See, that is why we stay together" but another death 1km away won't receive a revive.



I just don't get why people do that, especially after they died. I had this guy who died 7 times. 3 times he got revived by each of us until we decided enough was enough then he kept on dying in the end leaving the game...


Mind you, he was spawn camping when we told him not to :/

Dont try to understand spawncampers, no one can understand them. ( ones that know what is spawncamping and they are still doing it ).

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Accused of following a player around and kill stealing with Boltor Prime.

It was survival we were trying to stay together.
I was using Paris Prime as my Primary but never fired a single arrow since we had a very melee capable squad I spent the mission disarming and using melee.

Even when someone else said they had Boltor it seems I wasn't absolved of wrong doing, the other two players were kinda confused too since they hadn't seen me do anything except disarm and melee. The player with the Boltor Prime was using a frame that looked nothing like my Loki I think it may have been Rhino Prime.

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There's no kill stealing in this game. If it was his kill, he would have killed it.


I use my BoltorP when the situation calls for it or as the mood strikes me. What others think of it is entirely immaterial.


My ignore list is very long and usually finds a few more denizens every weekend. Mostly, that's from foolishness in region chat and not directly game related.

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For a specific incident, I was going Loki P, when some fourteen-year-old joined. He was Loki Prime as well. He kept trying to get me to change frames because I don't know, there can only be one? He even said that if I was just Loki (not prime) We'd do better. He made a point to Point out EVERY mistake I made during gameplay.


"Y DIDNY U KILL THE EXMUS UR INVISIBLE" (still LP, he could've done that just as easily.)




"DISARM IS STUPID NOOB" (T3 survival, btw)




Keep in mind that during this entire time, he was doing shart like putting the decoy next to himself and getting downed because of it, pointlessly switch tele'ing teammates because he thought they were in "danger", and getting downed after running far ahead of our squad.


So I kindly pointed out that he could benefit from placing his decoy behind cover, and suddenly he began ALL CAPS'ing me about how I was worse then him and he was better then me. My other teammates started to cuss him out, and somehow he thought I was to blame, saying things like: "jsut ignore that jerk hes dum", even after my teammates repeatedly emphasized that it was HIS FAULT.


He ragequit after I got more thanks from my team then him, and I've never seen him since.


I regret literally nothing. frogdanceplz_by_caly_boy-d79os1a.gif

Edited by Snydrex
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As i main Loki, i tend to place Decoy at console and aggro as much mobs near it. Then i go invisible and watch mobs destroy the pod.

Yup. It really fun to watch your team suffering a panicking as the enemies become so uncontrollable. I do this sometime and watching and laughing from the corner.
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A spamming snow globe frost in ODD, when we had vauban, nova and nekros. We told him not to use his bubble, he T-bagged us....


I've been there too many times. Once we had a Frost that was in snowglobe with 1/2 dozen toxic ancients and his globe was about to run out.

The whole team kept typing and using voice chat to tell him not to renew the globe because hes the only one tanky  enough to stay in such a small the globe with level 30+ toxics and we can't shoot them from outside. He ignored us renewed it we stood outside the globe and watched him die, thankfully his globe was short duration probably high efficiency so after it went down again we obliterated the toxics and watched him bleedout. We spent the next 15 waves leveling and having fun while he typed obscenities.

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A Saryn who want's to level up while spamming her ultimate in a survivalmission with 2 nekros in the group.


full group extermination. everyone is coptering and spread out. screen starts to flicker.

x: "lstaker onn me"

y: "WP plz"

x: "on me! hurrywwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"

y: "dude WP plz, press G"

mister X dies D:

x: "u fukkin noobs!"



I've had this experience to many times to count. Mr X never listens.

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>This one guy who was using a Rhino had a stalker deathmark on him and I didn't know.

>(Had an Excalibur on me even though I main Valkyr)

>Had my Kubrow on me.

>All of us got rekted except for his kubrow.

>I was down right next to my kubrow.

>He revived, didn't revive my kubrow.

>Walks away.

>I die.

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  • Tradescamers (even they were unsuccessful because I'm too geeky myself to fall for their crap but I amuse myself on their insults if they notice they can't get me into the deal)
  • AFKers
  • Door/Hallway-heros
  • Trolls. (Especially people sabotaging the mission on purpose)
  • Also sometimes newbies if they don't want to listen and rush to their doom.
  • The usual stuff... ^^




Just today I had an experience with a troll. Spawned into that regular Phorid mission at the Neptune outbreak and that one other Rank 6 guy fully equipped with a Rhino Prime and Boltor Prime joined in and didn't move at all. I went ahead until I reached the first friendship door. Guy still not coming. Normally I give people some time because I know sometimes they just have to go to the toilet or answer phone calls... So I waited there for like 2-3 minutes. Then I decided to slowly backtrack and look what that guy is taking so long.


So he didn't notice me but I watched him slaying infested there so I knew he was not AFK. I watched that for like 10-15minutes. Well had no problem with waiting because I decided to have lunch while watching that bastard doing his crap there.


Then finally 2 other guys joined into our public session. We 3 headed off and finally I could open that friendship door. When the troll noticed that he started to rush ahead with his Boltor Prime and spam every room with his Stomp and gunned everything down with his Boltor before anyone else could melee or shoot the Mobs. He did that until the end of the mission.


None of the other guys had a kill and I got only the few I ran into before I encountered the friendship-door and the few after I backtracked. He just made me wait so he has a wider audience to brag around to.


If it wouldn't have been for the other 2 guys that suffered as well I would have aborted the mission right at the extraction point just to annoy that troll.

Edited by MeduSalem
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As far as annoying players, I had an amusing incident earlier. I'm usually a team player and don't do this sort of thing, but it was too good of a karmic opportunity...

I joined a pug Interception and was immediately met with "pff Zephyr :S" (my warframe at the time)
Teammate #1 kept talking sh*t with teammate #2 about my frame choice for a while though I hadn't said anything (and I never use Tornado unless it's an emergency, so I hadn't done anything either)...

And on one occasion when I had just revived him (being the only one fast enough to get there in time), and he said something like "jajaja omg f*cking zephyr touched me, shiiit"

So I finally said... "Okay... Next time I won't? :P"
Teammate #2 said something like supposing he should be grateful.

Lo and behold, even though Interception is incredibly easy, he goes down again... and fortuitously, so does #2 (and the silent last guy is way off at the furthest objective.)

I speedily Tail Wind over, and stand there so he can see that the Zephyr is the only one there... watching him bleed out. It's like it was meant to be. Guess I'm a little vindictive, but it was quite satisfying.

Once he died, I turned and walked away, reviving teammate #2 in time, and then the rewards popped up. They selected Battle, I didn't, but with one dead (or had to Revive and would probably just keep dying) and teammate #2 also going down on the previous wave, I doubt they did very well afterward, especially when I saw the % of my contributions on the mission score screen. But it's not my job to babysit.


TL;DR Lesson learned? Karma's a b*tch, and don't antagonize the people you may need.

Edited by Zhyzak
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As far as annoying players, I had an amusing incident earlier. I'm usually a team player and don't do this sort of thing, but it was too good of a karmic opportunity...

I joined a pug Interception and was immediately met with "pff Zephyr :S" (my warframe at the time)

Teammate #1 kept talking sh*t with teammate #2 about my frame choice for a while though I hadn't said anything... And on one occasion when I had just revived him (being the only one fast enough to get there in time), and he said something like "jajaja omg f*cking zephyr touched me, shiiit"

So I finally said... "Okay... Next time I won't? :P"

Teammate #2 said something like supposing he should be grateful.

Lo and behold, even though Interception is incredibly easy, he goes down again... and fortuitously, so does #2 (and the silent last guy is way off at the furthest objective.)

I speedily Tail Wind over, and stand there so he can see that the Zephyr is the only one there... watching him bleed out. It's like it was meant to be. Guess I'm a little vindictive, but it was quite satisfying.

Once he died, I turned and walked away, reviving teammate #2 in time, and then the rewards popped up. They selected Battle, I didn't, but with one dead (or had to Revive and would probably just keep dying) and teammate #2 also going down on the previous wave, I doubt they did very well afterward, especially when I saw the % of my contributions on the mission score screen. But it's not my job to babysit.


TL;DR Lesson learned? Karma's a b*tch, and don't antagonize the people you may need.


karma is cause and effect and it starts with us, you dont meet anybody for nothing, the seeds for whatever expirience comes out of the past, you cant change the past, you can only change yourself and your mind


once you have mastered this, you can see which others are able to be inspired that they change too, and even here, there is no secure knowing about as well as a clear feeling (which has nothing to do with emotions)


nothing about guiltyness or whatever more, karma is simply cause and effect ,-)


just for trying to make smth clear inbetween the possibillities here and i also dont need to deepen that because everybody can find it by expiriencing it :-)

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