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Which Warframe Have You Had Zero Interest Playing And Why?


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I dislike the "Heavy Guy" in most games because he is to straight foward and look at that, Rhino plays this role.

It supports lazy play in my eyes and gets overused to oblivion.


Still everybody just play what you like no offense to anybody

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I picked Mag as my starter frame, and I didn't like her at first.  I generally play as a tank, and kept dying.  As soon as I learned how to fully take advantage of Pull, and got better weapons, though, I felt like a god(dess).  Pull is just so versitile, especially when you apply the Stretch mod.  I was doing defense, and I pulled like 8 guys off the pod and then finished them off with my rifle.


I have zero interest in playing as Loki, though, and while I wish I'd picked Excalibur as my starting frame, I'm glad I didn't.  Slash/dash and Radial Blind are good abilities, but I like Mag's abilities better.  Loki's design is gaudy to me.

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Nekros, mostly because he feels like EVERYTHING about him was gimped because his farm rates though. (Still use him when I HAVE to, but never like it.)

Vauban to. I thought I would like him, but he needs so many forma to get rolling. And even then he is only good on Infested Defense (Read- Dark-sectors, aka the dead Sechura). He is just not interesting.

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What's that Warframe where all you do is hit a button and everything is killed/stunned/otherwise occupied? Yeah I hate that one. Especially since that's like, all you do with your infinite supply of energy and low level adversaries. 

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What's that Warframe where all you do is hit a button and everything is killed/stunned/otherwise occupied? Yeah I hate that one. Especially since that's like, all you do with your infinite supply of energy and low level adversaries. 


So you don't play at all?


Considering nearly every frame has one of those kind of abilities you must hate this game.

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