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More-Game, Less Endgame- Thank You Scott!


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I was almost dumbfounded when Scott said this. I stood up from my chair and applauded to an empty room. Thank you Scott! I like endgame, but endgame has an inherent sense of Game's End. We are playing through the "Big Bang" of the Warframe Universe. We, as players, are particles fussing together to create the history in this game. Very rarely do we have the chance to be at the forefront for the creative process. Developers say, " Here is the game go play", but we are seeing more and more that that is not enough. The creative need in every person can be harnessed to make this a game that you not only play, but take pride in being a part of. Think of Minecraft. The limits of that game are only based on your ability to use the tools you are given. As DE opens this up to more and more player created content the idea of Endgame will slip from peoples lips, and the only words will be "What is the next adventure?". So I say yes to More-Game, and less about Endgame. Yes to the adventure, and no to elitists mentality of a game is only meant to be rushed, conquered, and then thrown away. Thank Scott.

Edited by Jinkaza
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Either way, they need to create replay value content. Endgame or more game doesnt mean anything if players will play them once and get bored afterwards.


This.  As much as I'm loving collecting mods, weapons and tweaking out my gear, there needs to be a better reason to keep playing things we've been playing for hundreds of thousands of hours.  Games like Diablo have the epic quest for loot and then they added those additional levels, and while I'm not sure what else they have it's something.  When we get a reason for gaining affinity past ranking up gear repeatedly, I think that will be a good step in the right direction too.

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Now the question is...how? It's so open ended and nobody can ever answer it.


How does this change the fact that my stuff still rips through everything? Where is the content for that? Or is it just that? It's never happening and we are suppose to feel that powerful?

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-1 to the post-WoW mmorpg'rs who constantly say things like 'endgame'


-10 to the people that think all things started with WoW.


Endgame was around in Meridian 59 in 1996 ... 1 year before Ultima showed up and 8 years before WoW showed up.


Endgame is what happens when you have your character maxed out ... it's what you do after. The "replayability" of things if you will.


No "endgame" no player retention, simple. Stop giving max geared/level players something to do and they go find something else. Welcome to the world of competitive business where every game is wanting to take your player base. Don;t give players what they need and they find it elsewhere.

Edited by Ailissa
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Absolutely, It's the journey that matters not the destination. End-Game has a finality to it like that's all there is. Expanding the adventure on the way is what we need more of. Honestly I'm not interested in Endgame for a long time, what we the people want is a more expansive world.

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I was almost dumbfounded when Scott said this. I stood up from my chair and applauded to an empty room. Thank you Scott! I like endgame, but endgame has an inherent sense of Game's End. We are playing through the "Big Bang" of the Warframe Universe. We, as players, are particles fussing together to create the history in this game. Very rarely do we have the chance to be at the forefront for the creative process. Developers say, " Here is the game go play", but we are seeing more and more that that is not enough. The creative need in every person can be harnessed to make this a game that you not only play, but take pride in being a part of. Think of Minecraft. The limits of that game are only based on your ability to use the tools you are given. As DE opens this up to more and more player created content the idea of Endgame will slip from peoples lips, and the only words will be "What is the next adventure?". So I say yes to More-Game, and less about Endgame. Yes to the adventure, and no to elitists mentality of a game is only meant to be rushed, conquered, and then thrown away. Thank Scott.


This! This is what I want in my games. This is the game I intend to create one day. A game with no end. A game with an adventure around every corner. A game that will bring you back again and again.


I never understood why people wanted games progress to end and just grind what ever is left to do.

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I was almost dumbfounded when Scott said this. I stood up from my chair and applauded to an empty room. Thank you Scott! I like endgame, but endgame has an inherent sense of Game's End. We are playing through the "Big Bang" of the Warframe Universe. We, as players, are particles fussing together to create the history in this game. Very rarely do we have the chance to be at the forefront for the creative process. Developers say, " Here is the game go play", but we are seeing more and more that that is not enough. The creative need in every person can be harnessed to make this a game that you not only play, but take pride in being a part of. Think of Minecraft. The limits of that game are only based on your ability to use the tools you are given. As DE opens this up to more and more player created content the idea of Endgame will slip from peoples lips, and the only words will be "What is the next adventure?". So I say yes to More-Game, and less about Endgame. Yes to the adventure, and no to elitists mentality of a game is only meant to be rushed, conquered, and then thrown away. Thank Scott.


No. Just no.


Player created content (ie weapon skins, maps, and maybe a game mode or two) is not a suitable replacement for endgame. This an active MMOARPG, there will no PCC that contributes in any meaningful way to extending the life of the game. Hats, bells, and whistles are fine; but they are no substitute for actual gameplay. More game != End Game, and it never will. Because one can easily blow through the more game in a month tops of dedicated play, or a day tops if you've got the cash to spare. End game is theoretically endless, something you can become profficient at, but never quite gets old the same way as running 30 T3E's does for a Nyx part.


Don't compare this game to Minecraft. They're worlds apart. Minecraft has no goal because the entire process is fairly enjoyable and there are almost no limits to what you can accomplish. It's the journey, not the destination, that makes MC what it is. Not so with Warframe. The gameplay is fairly bland. Enemies are uninspired and the AI is nonexistent. Boss's are bullet sponges with Invincibility phases. Enemy level scaling is still atrocious. That means all the focus is on the rewards. That's why rushing is the nigh universal method of completing levels, because this is very much a rewards based game. We grind for stuff to grind for more stuff. Meaning plenty of people have run out of they want to grind, or to grind for at all. That's were an endgame comes in.


In Warfarm, there is no equivalent to wandering off down another mine shaft to see what awaits, even though you initially started the day meaning to build a farm, before getting sidetracked by a mysterious cave. Attempting to use Minecraft's lack of an endgame to justify Warframes is laughable. Steve has likened it to Diablo, which very much so has an endgame. Warframe NEEDS an endgame if it has any hope of retaining vets, something every developer should want.


This! This is what I want in my games. This is the game I intend to create one day. A game with no end. A game with an adventure around every corner. A game that will bring you back again and again.


I never understood why people wanted games progress to end and just grind what ever is left to do.


That's because you have failed to understand what endgame is, because it's most certainly not an endless grind. A game with literally endless adventure lacks focus, because it spreads itself out too much. Nothing will ever stick out in your mind, because there's only so many types fetch quests or exterminations you can do before they lose their appeal. Additionaly, by having an adventure around every corner, you lose any sense of progression, something this game is sorely lacking in to begin with. Games need to have focus and depth, lest they just became an ankle deep puddle the size of a lake. Just because you have lots of stuff to do, doesn't mean people will fill motivated to do it. Gamers need a goal to work towards and a reason to play beyond just shooting things, even in games like Minecraft (part of the reason the Ender Dragon was introduced). If the rewards are nice, but the gameplay is not, people will leave once they have what they want.

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Gotta grind ourselves silly to get that endgame piece that will give us the chance to grind even more endgame! Grindgrindgrindgrindgrindgrindgrind!





Not all of us.


THANK YOU Scott! Awesome idea!


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This is absolutely ridiculous. Endgame doesn't mean the end of the game, endgame is the thing you do when you don't have anything left to grind for. What's going to happen with no endgame is you people are going to get your BoltorP (or whatever gun eventually buries it in the sands of powercreep), get your top tier frames, and then you're just going to stop playing. Maybe you'll log back on when they release a new frame, play around for a bit with it, and then get bored when you max that too. Maybe you'll log back in for an event, and then play a bit when it's over until you realized why you quit in the first place.

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