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Question To The Community : What Makes Warframe Unique


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Hey guys . So i've been asking myself this question for a while.


What is /are the main element/s that make this game stand out from the rest 


good or bad



I think there could be a lot to discuss about



I'd start obviously with the artstyle ; probably what got a lot of people playing in the first place


What do you think?

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Steve with pink shorts :P

There is a lot of customisation which i really like, also the design of the invidual warframes looks excellent and sexy. Same goes for the weapons.

Edited by Aeon66
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This game suffers through the same bugs and issues as other games. But because the developers are constantly engaging the players on what they're trying to do, it makes you want to stick around to see what's coming.


Developers that simply don't engage their players, will find they quickly lose interest in talking to themselves. Then all it takes is for one person to mention a new game coming out and they'll be out the door. Over 50% of developers of other games I've tried don't even bother responding to a bug report. I just get a scripted response from a do_not_reply bot and that will be the end of it.


In that sense, it's probably better if a game is forever in "beta". At least then you have the sense that someone still cares enough to be working on it.

Edited by Ryme
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This game suffers through the same bugs and issues as other games. But because the developers are constantly engaging the players on what they're trying to do, it makes you want to stick around to see what's coming.

Developers that simply don't engage their players, will find they quickly lose interest in talking to themselves. Then all it takes is for one person to mention a new game coming out and they'll be out the door. Over 50% of developers of other games I've tried don't even bother responding to a bug report. I just get a scripted response from a do_not_reply bot and that will be the end of it.

In that sense, it's probably better if a game is forever in "beta". At least then you have the sense that someone still cares enough to be working on it.

+1 and billions more. Yes. And I like your last statement.

Also, worth pointing out, other companies, they try to make other games, and try telling how they still focus on the current game. But DE devotes all, yes EVERYTHING, to just only making Warframe.

Edited by ndantony
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Name me another game where you can have the following and still have it all work:


weapon stat customization

freeze ray

microwave gun

bow and arrows (with sawblade tips)

explosive arrows

bolts that pin dead enemies to walls

dualing 6 shooters and nail guns

swords, polearms, and sharp boomarangs



sniper rifles


F2P that isn't P2W

Cosmetics you actually want to buy and keep

Weapons you can purchase that aren't rentals

Buying sets of colors instead of one at a time

Updates or new weapons or cosmetic items added every week or every other week

And the shooting just feels so good

Co-Op that works but actually has some PvP but the PvP is completely optional if that is not your thing

Each character having at least 2 really good super powers

Player characters look really nice and unique


I would call Warframe uniqueness that it has all of that and it all still works.

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it's basically Sci Fi, 3rd person WoW, and that's a good thing. the loot grind, the fast paced action, the waves of cannon fodder, the customisation, all good stuff.


best thing is the community, i've very rarely come across trolls and quite often come across MR16+ veterans willing to taxi newbs to bosses or ODD to help them farm/level up. hope the devs can continue to promote that side of it as it matters alot. 

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First place:  Gunplay is just satisfying, especially with slash weapons equipped with slash mods (gibs, gibs everywhere.)


Second place:  Unique art direction.  Despite people heads screaming "realistic," the lighting, the shapes, the colors, all of it screams otherwise.  It's an anime without the pointy chins and planetoids for eyes.  Hrm... could still go for the anime look regardless.


Third place:  The game doesn't really care in the least what it is.  We're about to get Starfox to go with our Doom/Ninja Gaiden Light.  My only complaint is that we're not seeing too much experimentation on the micro scale.  At least, not since Valkyr, whom is decidedly a meat tank, not a shield tank.  I'd still like to see a frame with shielding that acts more like old school shooter armor, where quantity equals quality.

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Initially it was simply a game that my friends were playing and I wanted in on something social. Didn't give it a second thought and downloaded it.


Wasn't really all that fond of the characters initially. But the more I played and began to get the gist of what was going on I really started to appreciated and admire the uniqueness of the frames, now I've grown quite fond of them. Then I was told to come to the forums to check it out. Having an active community AND developers all in one place is really great. Lots of communication and enthusiasm. I know I haven't been here super long, but now that I'm on board I'm very excited to come along for the ride that is the continuous evolution and development of Warframe.


Being involved in the community gives it more uniqueness than just playing the game.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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I get to run around as an anime character killing stuff.  The game has it's quirks, but the visuals are nice, and the mechanics are in good shape.  Some games the fight mechanics are such a burden they hamper any fun to be had.

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The art style definitely.

Most sci-fi shooters have you playing as some boring-looking clone/soldier/robot, while Warframes have a really unique and attractive look to them that can be customized a lot.


Also business model is perfect, you get so much bang for your buck from a gameplay perspective (Slots/Potatoes/Forma) and nothing important can't be acquired through gameplay. Don't get all the complaints over permanent and customizable cosmetics that have no impact on gameplay being expensive. Don't like it, don't buy it and all you lose out on is eye-candy and nothing more.

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Seeing how I do not really play a variety of games, I cannot really say. But for some reason, I both like it and hate it at the same time. Don't know why, exactly, but perhaps it is how I think the overall concept of the game is good, but the execution was relatively terrible.

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I go back and forth on whether I love this game or hate it. There are a lot of fundamental problems that I don't think are going anywhere, and it makes me think that this game is a hopeless investment. I keep waiting for it to "get good" but I'm realizing that it's never going to happen at this point.


That being said, what keeps drawing me into it is the devs. I really respect their work ethic, and this is one of the few mmo games that doesn't try to rip its players off around every corner, truly listens to and responds to player concerns/suggestions, and constantly puts out new content. The hard work these guys put in is really admirable. Rebecca does a great job too~

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Combat system, I don't feel too restricted, I can engage my enemies through ability, melee, or shred them aside with my range weapons. The business model is whats also keeping me tether here as well. You can pretty much obtain anything through trade, and get plat for the right item given of course.  

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