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The Mind-Bending Adventures Of Trade Chat


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Person wants a Sanctuary mod. This is a very rare drop so I said 15 platinum for it. Other person asks if I would take 13 for it? At this point I was desperately in need of fusion energy so I said, 13 and an R5 core would be fine. Then they come back saying that they are negotiating with somebody else, and that person lowered their price to 12. Would I be willing to go to 11?  ...  Putting aside for a moment the fact that I have no way of verifying that there is an actual price war going on, what could possibly be my incentive to participate? My operating costs are zero and my product has a shelf life as long as the game itself.




This conversation went on for ten minutes.

Literally hours after Blind Justice was released, I transmuted one and went to trade chat to sell it. A person offered 100 platinum in trade chat for this mod, saying they had already wasted over a million credits and just wanted it to be over.  I said, sure, I'll sell it to you for a hundred.  This is a stupid price but if that's what they think it is worth then who am I to say no. They come back saying will I sell it for 80?  Uh. No. The offer was 100. I didn't set the price, you did. Would I accept 80 plat plus some prime parts to make up the difference? Sure, if what you have is something I can resell. We looked at the list of stuff he had, and I agreed that 80 plus another item would be fine.  At this point, having wasted quite a bit of time in this negotiation, he said to just forget the whole thing, he would rather take his chances having it drop.  His parting message was that he was not, in fact, bullS#&$ting when he said that would pay 100 for it.


Then... why wasn't this transaction done in under a minute? I'm thinking they realized how silly they were being and didn't want to admit it.




"WTB orthos prime handle"

"I'll give an orthos prime handle, gratis. I have 16 of them."

"Too much for me. I was thinking 6-8pl for this. But thanks for your attention."

"What? Free is too much for you?"

"Not free man, 6pl"


Non-native english speaker clearly. I gave up.




Anybody else got funny/strange/insane stories?  Remember to remove any names.

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I normally have an ok time with trade chat. But I get the same types of people from time to time.

The biggest problem I have is people asking me for a price and the accusing me of ripping them off whilst abusing me.

When asked what they would pay for the item its normally only 5 or so plat cheaper.


1) why ask me to set the price if your going to get angry about it

2) I always mention I'm willing to negotiate

3)chances are its a hell of a lot cheaper then what most people are selling it for.

4) Don't like the price? Then don't buy it.


Had a terrible experience selling decisive judgment when it was new.

I had been seeing it go from 100 - 300 and everything between. Thats a bit much so I though 50 was reasonable despite selling myself short.

Got a buyer, told him I would sell it for 50 after which he proceeded to call me all kinds of names under the sun saying I was ripping him off and greedy etc. I checked the going price again in case I made a mistake. Nope, it was still going for exorbitant amounts of plat way above what I was asking.


People forget that there is no standard price for things and the value is up to the buyer. If you don't like the price and they wont negotiate then move on quietly. As a general rule I try not to sell anything for more then what i would buy it for.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Trade chat is a cesspool.



OT: This has been virtually every experience I've had trying to sell items sadly. I always make trades quickly when I'm the recipient of the item yet every time I'm the recipient of platinum it's some kind of mindfuck level of struggle with the other person to honor the price they offered. I'm sick of people trying to weasel out of their own offers.

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Well I ran into a of of nice guys. This guy sold me a scindo prime blade for 15 plat when it came out.



On another note, I had someone try to sell me crossing snakes as a stance for sword and shield instead of eleventh storm, saying it was 'dual wield' and so the same.

When I refused, he said: Do you even know your mods, bro?'


Yeah....he was MR2, I was MR 11......been here since about april 2013...I think I know my mods, thank you very much.

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I guess this little encounter technically qualifies as a trading debacle. It was also pathetically hilarious.


(Le guy spamming his entire inventory of wares on Region Chat.)


(Le me sending message to guy)


Le me: Stop spamming region chat


Le him: F*** you, I do what I want


Le me: Fine, I'll just report you


Le him: You little $#*(@, I'll hack you and take everything you own


Le me: Bring it


(2 hours later another message from him arrives)


Le him: This is bullS#&$, I can't hack your account


Le me: Lol, did you try unplugging your computer?


Le him: Smartass @(*()$ $&*#^%


Le me: Hey now, no need to be so vulgar


Le him: F*** you, stop trying to troll me


Le me: ...Just gonna let the irony of that statement settle in


Le him: Wtf are you talking about? Stupid troll


Le me: You'll find out when/if your brain starts working again/ever


(Le me blocking other user)

Edited by Kestral9999
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This story is actually only a few days old!

I mention into Trade chat that I'm looking to trade prime parts and/or rare mods for Loki Prime's Helmet, as it's the last piece I need. I then proceed to get a response! The guy seems friendly, but of course I have nothing he's actually looking for. However, in his apparently infinite kindness, he asks me to list my prime parts and he'll look them over. I proceed to list them. This takes about seven minutes. He asks me to now list my rare mods. I do so. This takes significantly longer, but my desire for Loki Prime's Helmet is great enough that I think it worth it. Again, he sees nothing he really wants. So, I'm thinking, "Crap, struck out again." However, then he says this:

"I'd feel terrible putting you through all this effort for nothing </3

Just give me a second to think. :D"

Surprised (and grateful), I told him "Sure" and began to wait. And wait. And wait. So I messaged him back to ask if he was still there.

"User is ignoring you."


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This story is actually only a few days old!

I mention into Trade chat that I'm looking to trade prime parts and/or rare mods for Loki Prime's Helmet, as it's the last piece I need. I then proceed to get a response! The guy seems friendly, but of course I have nothing he's actually looking for. However, in his apparently infinite kindness, he asks me to list my prime parts and he'll look them over. I proceed to list them. This takes about seven minutes. He asks me to now list my rare mods. I do so. This takes significantly longer, but my desire for Loki Prime's Helmet is great enough that I think it worth it. Again, he sees nothing he really wants. So, I'm thinking, "Crap, struck out again." However, then he says this:

"I'd feel terrible putting you through all this effort for nothing </3

Just give me a second to think. :D"

Surprised (and grateful), I told him "Sure" and began to wait. And wait. And wait. So I messaged him back to ask if he was still there.

"User is ignoring you."


Oooooooooooh, you're gonna need some freeze heal for that cold shoulder...


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Me: WTS Full Prime Set for X plat

Random User: I'll buy FPS for (X/2) +1 plat. Gogogo

Me: No sorry. That offer is unfair.

RU: U're a Kunt.


RU is ignoring you. 




I ain't even mad, but you're messing with my karma at the n time this happens.




But the cake is taken by a single user: I'll call her user X.

User X was convinced that builded prime parts was to trade: so she was expecting to buy a full builded set from me. Namely: bp +chassis/helmet/system already done. Just add your raw potatoes to the mix.

When she saw bp only in trade window (so not builded), she took everything ofc, only to going great lenghts to explain how charitable she was, called me names, explaining why I'm an idiot and a jerkass and a ascammer and procedeed to block me before I could explain the mistake of her assumptions.

CMkkUAQ.gif to her


Sadly I can not and I stayed blocked. I can only hope someone explained her mistakes. It hurts me to see a mastery rank 7 appears so petty...

Edited by Zuijin
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Bravo-BRAVO! to everyone in this thread for adding to the hilarious and wonderful adventures of trade chat. you just made the perfect bunch of mini story's to read while having a ice cold chocolate milk in the evening while reading them.


not that i did have the milk at the time but it would have made it even better.


I wish I could have added one of my own story's to the mix but I got nothing to add. my trades have been to normal boring or nice to be interesting.


and lastly good job once again on the tales of trade chat.

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