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Anyone Else Burned Out?


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Yep, a bit, i think.

~1900Hrs played. And this is the first time I got bored in WF :\




Farmed for a week the new Prime stuff after its release. When i got it all i was like «uhm, what's next?.. Meh, that grind killed me, so i'm not interested in this stuff -- got 30 rank, forma'd it and then put it on the shelf -- It's time to back in Skyrim or Mojave Wasteland...»


I want to do missions but they're all boring.

This is actually a valid complaint. Nothing much to do besides grind, no fun.


I did ~570 586 invasions on Grineer side, and now it's [invasion] boring. I loved it before.

Void is boring, especially Def (+ODD) mission - the same place, the same rooms, the same AI paths, the same enemies, over and over again.

Edited by Spectre-Agent
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I don't feel burnt out at all. In fact I don't even have enough time to play many games I have, or playing WF fully each day for that matter. Each day after work and other personal chores, I have little times to enjoy games. If I'm not doing some missions in WF, and have some times, I would be playing other online games, like GW2, ESO, TSW, and 1000+ other games in my Steams. Unfortunately, most of the time, or everyday, I have just enough time for WF and possibly one other game.

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I have more then 1200 hours of Warframe, i have all Frames and weapons with the exception of Braton Vandal and Lato Vandal. Currently feeling too lazy to finish ranking up the Tibetron, Hikou Prime and Scindo Prime. I have been loging in mostly lately to keep my Kubro alive and claim the items my collectors have gathered for me.

Every now and then i try doing Sechura to see if i cheer up or get the weapons i still have ranked up but i end up logging out when seeing the taxes the current clan that has Solar Railed it (75% On both Credits and Materials!).



Mostly same deal, only true exclusives in the game are Lato and Braton Vandal since you had to be following all gaming news daily for 8+ years to get them.  Would happily trade founders gear for them to have something to do other than rank up more mods.   Kubrow mods were boring and when I got them to max I found a maxed formad kubrow with max mods can't do anything special late game and is less lethal than a non formad sentinel so I am not too excited about more content as it keeps coming out less valuable than what was already released.


They want to make every content release target everyone and eventually that is going to totally backfire as something has to be challenging enough that you can't do it with a day 1 account.  Something to aim for besides collecting it all since you can't collect it all unless you were top 100 in the first event and knew about this developer by luck or extreme dedication to an 8 year old game.  At some point that need to look at progression since there are so many exclusivity walls.


They miss the mark big time with these exclusive items, they could be big time (non-rng) challenges in game to unlock after initial event.  Imagine quest lines that vary in difficulty getting harder and harder to attain.  Not talking about 1 mission and you get a primed chamber but a ton of objectives like 500+ kills with sniper rifles, 100 of each faction unless quest line which requires a average to good team of 4 working together to complete 5+ missions that are extreme difficulty versions of current one.  You can even use this tactical alert low conclave thing to do that.


Instead folks see gear, have no way to get it and no reason to really grind anything difficult in this game.

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I'm a little bit burned out, but considering I've been playing Warframe since the beginning of open beta (clocked over 1.1k hours) and the way DE are releasing major updates, I don' t see anything surprising about it. I mean, for people who already have access to any weapon/frame/piece of equipment, major updates are basically a small portion of new fresh content lasting for several months or so...and there's nothing wrong with it. Now new or relatively new players, who already have lots of stuff on plate, just get more and more content too keep interest.

So yeah, there's nothing wrong with being tired of game, especially right before next major update.

Edited by Re6ellion
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But don't worry Tenno this is the year of endgame. I am sure you can enjoy one of the many exciting projects that is going to turn up this year. 


*Looks at a calendar* 


OH!... we must have received at least... one.... by now.... oh. 


Ummm errrr.....     Tier 4?


One day we will have content and endgame and fun... one day. 

*sniff* *sniff* Focus...

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I don't get burned out, I merely find myself drawn to other shiny things.



...And then I return to Warframe when the shiny wears off.  Quite literally, I'm here to shoot Grineer.  I ask for little more than that (like maybe a Lato Prime/Vasto Prime/AKVasto Prime and more lore.)

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I have wanted campaigns or stories or something more meaningful than just running the same missions over and again with no further anything than an end of mission reward.


I login daily and play missions until there aren't any more. I wish for more campaigns or quests to keep me entertained during non-alert periods.

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It darn well better!  The AKVasto's are the only other slash heavy hand gun in game that also happens to function similarly to the Lato!  And I love me some slash damage.  Need a full Prime load out because bling, but I actually want to enjoy the weapons too.

When i saw Lex Prime, i given up on seeing Vasto Prime. I doubt that DE will prime weapon that is reskin of Lex Prime any time soon.

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Right now I'm in a break period. I burn myself out every now and then because everytime I feel like playing Warframe again I just can't control myself and I play it almost non stop until inevitably, I get burned out again.


Sounds like some sort of mental disorder now that I think of it, but for me its how I play the game.


I'm always reminded of why I love warframe so much every time I get back into it though, its addicting and DE keeps the updates flowing, fueling the flame :)

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Finally found it, once Rebecca said:

...And regarding burnout overall, a consequence with every game no doubt. A lot of the time content is played faster than we can make it.  We're lucky that we get to update regularly, but unlucky because even with all the Fixes/Changes, the 'meaty' things people suffering from burnout want seem far off and another Tenno Reinforcement may not be up to par (maybe that's putting it lightly). We do try and do regular events (with Specters of Liberty just wrapping up on PS4 yesterday), and hopefully one coming... dare I say soon, on PC, which adds flavour/excitement. Of course, the events aren't there all the time which means it's hard to be sure how invested you should become in Warframe any given week depending on what you're after. Most (not all) long term players are after the systemic changes and improvements - Damage 2.0, Melee 2.0, HUD 2.0. These take more time, but there seems to always be another 2.0 on the table. Both prior examples were implemented based on feedback from the players.


Because Warframe is free, there is little risk in taking a break and coming back when you hear word of an event/weapon/update/new system or overhaul that grabs your attention, because we'll be updating as long as humanly possible. And ultimately it'll be a click away when it's time to pin some enemies to the wall with a bow or use melee channel to disintegrate your enemies.

Despite what i said before, I agree with her.

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About 1300 hours into the game. I've experienced burn-out about thrice, but I end up coming back every time.

I think I will continue this cycle until the end of this game.

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I burned myself out mostly because of the shifting sands event and the affinity booster that came with it. Now, some may not be a fan of excavator missions, but with the buttload of enemies there, plus 2x affinity gain, I was running through as many shifting sands runs as I could while taking minor breaks in between missions. I'm not one to waste a free affinity booster, after all.


But, I'll be back up and about in no time.


EDIT: I just had a dream where I'm wearing an Oberon warframe and casting smite on captain Vor's face, over and over again. So... yeah... gotta get the warframe funk out before I get back on, which will likely be in the next 12 hours.

Edited by Eggzodiya
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I'm a rank 10 almost 11 but honestly I have a long ways to go. But I'm taking things slowly and only doing a maybe 5 or so mission a day. I'm still debating leveling all weapons. So weapons I just have no use for but that extra slot is tempting. Then again at level 10 I am only missing out of a few slots.....

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I was, but I've recently come back again. The fundamental problem is that, even way before the high mastery ranks, everything starts to become optional. Endgame atm is using your warframes and weapons to get...other warframes and weapons. Most of which are wrung like a wet towel to get every last drop of mastery before they're tossed in the trash and the cycle begins again. In my opinion, there just isn't a satisfying reward right now other than a number next to your username.

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I'm rank 17 but I still play everyday and have lots of fun. In the past I got burned out a couple of times, especially after getting free affinity/credits boosters from events. I would play the same missions non stop for 3 days and there is no way that this wouldn't get boring eventually. However, after Shifting Sands and resetting many of my warframes I still want to play more.


Many people say that there is nothing to do once you reach maximum rank but I disagree. I still have 5 warframes left to forma a few times and eventually I might get to reseting one of my kubrows. In the meantime I sell mods/prime parts for platinum to be ready when major updates hit and I have to buy all these awesome cosmetic items.

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Im getting there. I was having fun leveling weapons and warframes after I got that affinity booster from the event but now that its reset to "normal" affinity rate it feels like a slog again. 3 missions and My new dual cleavers (level up fodder) arent even level 2. Over the last three days I forma'd nekros twice, zephyr once, Orthos prime once, Boltor prime once, tigris once, Dex furis once, My Huras two or three times, my Raksa twice. I finished out Exaliburs last 5 ranks, finished out Saryns last 25 ranks, Leveled the Ogris, single kama (duals are building now), sybaris, and probably more that Ive forgotten. Oh and the tiberons at rank 17


I felt like I was progressing at a reasonable pace but now leveling and formaing stuff just feels like a slog through it all. I dont relish all the other formaing I have to do, let alone leveling other weapons I hate for more mastery rank. Honestly Im probably just going to wait till I have another affinity booster from an event.


So yeah Im kinda burnt out at the moment but I seem to get that way toward the end of every update since I came back. In update 13 I got so burnt out that I barely did anything with the breeding grounds event and now with update 14 ever since nyx prime came out I havnt been wanting to play all that much but I did because of that affinity booster (and the tactical alert and gate crash events were actually fun IMO).

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