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Really, De? You Surprise Me.


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It's not even as "time gated" as releasing Primes.. You can get the Archwing parts in less than an hour and inside the 2nd mission you do... So I still dont see that precedent of yours. Primes release are way more time gated with all the farm than what we just got.


Plenty of stuff to do and a lot of additions were instantly received.


At issue is the fact that Archwing is flagship content, meaning it's being driven to sell Warframe as a package. For comparison, remember that Simpsons episode with Captain Mcallister where he starts a marketing campaign: "Come for the Freak, Stay for the Food"?




That's the principle of Archwing. It was not marketed as a perk, but as a centerpiece. Players are drawn to games by primary content, and indulge in secondary content to maintain their interest. Free To Play schemes are based on idea that players are willing to pay for such tertiary benefits -- and believe me, we do. Despite running through the pay gate myself, I completely follow the frustration of new or returning players who felt like they were tricked into coming to experience a particular piece of content (with the prospect of finding and paying for other things once they've had a taste of the new hotness) and then got put in the back of a days-long line. No amount of hype is going to keep those players engaged that long, and gating them from Archwing isn't going to be an incentive to spend money on Platinum to get it faster either. From a customer perspective, it's emotionally disappointing and from D-E's position it is financially damaging since they could be losing new players from this decision.

Edited by Exodess
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Really OP, you dont surprise me.


Again so many of you complaining about the wait time to make parts.  If you dont want to wait then why even bother play the quest you cheap buggers & just buy the damn items in the store.  Oh sorry god for bid you have to spend any money on this free to play game.  If you have no money & have no patience this game is not for you.  Either make some plat by trading, buy some plat, or show some personal growth & be patient.

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Dude I rushed archwings.


You don't even want to know how many mods I lost due to forced extractions or enemies spawning in asteroids. Or some Corpus Corvette 1 to 3 shotting you with that electric attack that drains your shields and taking 200 to 300 hp damage per tick (on Zephyr).

Edited by fatpig84
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Really OP, you dont surprise me.


Again so many of you complaining about the wait time to make parts.  If you dont want to wait then why even bother play the quest you cheap buggers & just buy the damn items in the store.  Oh sorry god for bid you have to spend any money on this free to play game.  If you have no money & have no patience this game is not for you.  Either make some plat by trading, buy some plat, or show some personal growth & be patient.


If you're going to insult somebody, I recommend you do your research first.


You cannot simply buy Archwings from the store because the game prevents you from having equipment or playing content related to Archwing until the quest has been completed. If you try to buy them from the store before the quest is complete, the game will block you and explain that the quest must be completed first.

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Think of it this way: All those people who bought/rushed the archwings and limbo are testing the apparently buggy content for you while youre waiting for them to be built. By the time your archwing is built it'll actually (hopefully) be in a playable state. :)

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Really OP, you dont surprise me.


Again so many of you complaining about the wait time to make parts.  If you dont want to wait then why even bother play the quest you cheap buggers & just buy the damn items in the store.  Oh sorry god for bid you have to spend any money on this free to play game.  If you have no money & have no patience this game is not for you.  Either make some plat by trading, buy some plat, or show some personal growth & be patient.

Its like you didnt even read the OP.

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So because you are too cheap to pay for rushing the construction its a bad move by DE? How do you think this game is developed? Wishfull thinking?

It´s a free to play game with micro transactions, of course you will have to pay if you want certain content sooner, how is this game supposed to support itself if everyone is just a freeloader? 


Having to pay 50 plat is quite alright, if it was 24 hours for each part plus another 72 to combine them or pay like 300pl at the cash shop I could understand the rage but this, 6 hours wait and 50 plat or if you are really impatient ..what is it to rush the parts 15 pl a pop? 


Seriously, freeloaders, should make this game subscription based at least that keeps the worst whiners away.

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Mental note: NEVER again spend plat on brand new stuff.

Anyway, I think we should make a thread asking for a plat refund. We paid to get at that moment a content that proved completely broken and unplayable (Forced extraction, anyone?). Hence, we paid to not wait for build time, yet STILL waited (for a fix).

Sounds like a good reason to ask for a refund, don't you guys think?

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So because you are too cheap to pay for rushing the construction its a bad move by DE? How do you think this game is developed? Wishfull thinking?

It´s a free to play game with micro transactions, of course you will have to pay if you want certain content sooner, how is this game supposed to support itself if everyone is just a freeloader? 


Having to pay 50 plat is quite alright, if it was 24 hours for each part plus another 72 to combine them or pay like 300pl at the cash shop I could understand the rage but this, 6 hours wait and 50 plat or if you are really impatient ..what is it to rush the parts 15 pl a pop? 


Seriously, freeloaders, should make this game subscription based at least that keeps the worst whiners away.

I rushed the archwing. I have no issue with rushing the archwing. I enjoy the content and feel it was plat well spent, especially if I can help identify bugs and do what I can to smooth out the update process, but I'm concerned (much like many others) that DE are shooting themselves in the foot by advertising massive updates around mostly gated content that is putting people off who dared to get excited about the game again. This was a really ambitious update for DE, but these big updates are a problem when they get a significant portion of the fan base interested in jumping into the game again, but aren't doing enough to KEEP that interest for longer than a few hours. Stop diluting the point people are trying to make here by implying this is just about not wanting to spend plat.

There may well be some people who truly won't stick around for anything warframe related that takes time and honestly... I'll say right now that I think they're playing the wrong game, but I truly think DE's BIG updates from one version to the other need to be slowed down and given more time to build up before they're released, rather than tossing out a few substantial but ultimately short distractions that people either burn through immediately, or are left waiting days on, just to burn through once the foundry is done building them. Syndicates were a big step in the right direction in this regard as they are a fundamental change to how the game plays out for all of us and I am all for them, but things like hubs and new bosses... these are the other things people expect from big updates like this one and the fact that they've gone on the backburner for the sake of archwing means that people are spending most of their time once again playing the exact same experience that they're already a little burned out on.

Now having said that, there is one point that I want to make here and it's one I've made before... I still think people who are honestly that burned out on the core of warframe need to stop coming back every big update and expecting the world. If people really want warframe to feel that different when they come back to it then they need to take a proper break from the game for a few updates so they can come back to plenty of new content that makes the game feel fresh and new, and not just more of the same thing they've already gotten used to, because there IS only so much DE can do if you're that sick of the game itself (and more than likely, taking a break to that extent will make the tedium feel less tedious when they haven't experienced it so recently) but there is definitely a problem with the fact that as DE becomes more and more ambitious with these big updates, they're hyped as a fresh, new experience with the game, yet a large portion of the playerbase is left never feeling that way.

Edited by Tiqalicious
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Mental note: NEVER again spend plat on brand new stuff.

Anyway, I think we should make a thread asking for a plat refund. We paid to get at that moment a content that proved completely broken and unplayable (Forced extraction, anyone?). Hence, we paid to not wait for build time, yet STILL waited (for a fix).

Sounds like a good reason to ask for a refund, don't you guys think?


So u wanna refund plat rushers who abused mirages million plus damage skills to break survival records ?

Gee what a deal.


Sign me up plox!!!!

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The issue with it, is as above, DE said this was the "Archwing Weekend", and "Archwing will be ready to play during the weekend", ectera.  Despite being misleading...


"It will be available....if you pay."

Yep, completely agree. Why hype up content so much that won't even be playable this weekend for the majority of the community. Anyone who was looking to come back to the game to try out the new content, or any new players interested in the Archwing content, won't be coming back. Bad move in my opinion.

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As an update, time gating Archwing was a hilariously dumb move.  If DE really wants immediate bug fixing, they might have had the player's FIRST archwing quickly put together.  We won't be stuck with two archwings or the current selection of weapons forever, part of this update is to have a new type of "warframe" to add to the game.


Instead, they botched a good opportunity for returning player retention locked the selling point and namesake of this update behind something that just encourages players to go do something else.


On the flip side, it could be said paying players are more loyal (naturally) and will suffer through bugs, where as those just now returning might be turned off just as quickly by those very same bugs.


Weeks to months from now the time gate will be a minimal annoyance and we'll all forget about this crap.  It'll be that thing a newer player gets going in the background while they run off and finish off the star chart or run the void for the million and one prime parts they want.

Edited by Littleman88
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Why does this community think that nobody is justified for their anger/disappointment/frustration? Honestly, what's wrong with everyone?


I've already made a thread about this, and said my peace. This is to everyone who says "be patient" "stop complaining" "you didn't expect this? Sounds like your fault" "You're just whining" "You have a problem with the game you like? Be an extremist and quit playing all together."


Stop being so damn clueless. Nobody other than you is an extremist who will quit just because of 1, or even a few disappointing aspects of gameplay. We're all actual human beings, and can say "ok, that was bad, but I still like this, so I'm gonna continue."

Stop being so damn ignorant. If nobody complains about anything, then we'd have a broken, fun sucking, pay2win black hole of a game that nobody would enjoy. I play games to have fun, and relax. If something isn't fun, and is frustrating, I'm going to tell the developers so they don't make the mistake again.

Stop being so damn loud. You people are only appropriate when someone is legitimately overstepping the bounds of "feedback." Be it just a useless babble, and angry chimp who wants people fired/killed, or someone who is complaining about something completely irrelevant, like "this game doesn't support taco gameplay pls fix! If the "feedback" doesn't fall into those categories, keep to yourself.

Stop being so damn anti conscientious. Just because you have a problem with thinking doesn't mean nobody should think for themselves. We're entitled to an opinion, even if that opinion is critical to the game you worship so much you can't see it's flaws.


Here's a simple technique I think you can use to keep from hindering the game's growth. when you read a thread -









You know who you are.

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Why does this community think that nobody is justified for their anger/disappointment/frustration? Honestly, what's wrong with everyone?


I've already made a thread about this, and said my peace. This is to everyone who says "be patient" "stop complaining" "you didn't expect this? Sounds like your fault" "You're just whining" "You have a problem with the game you like? Be an extremist and quit playing all together."


Stop being so damn clueless. Nobody other than you is an extremist who will quit just because of 1, or even a few disappointing aspects of gameplay. We're all actual human beings, and can say "ok, that was bad, but I still like this, so I'm gonna continue."

Stop being so damn ignorant. If nobody complains about anything, then we'd have a broken, fun sucking, pay2win black hole of a game that nobody would enjoy. I play games to have fun, and relax. If something isn't fun, and is frustrating, I'm going to tell the developers so they don't make the mistake again.

Stop being so damn loud. You people are only appropriate when someone is legitimately overstepping the bounds of "feedback." Be it just a useless babble, and angry chimp who wants people fired/killed, or someone who is complaining about something completely irrelevant, like "this game doesn't support taco gameplay pls fix! If the "feedback" doesn't fall into those categories, keep to yourself.

Stop being so damn anti conscientious. Just because you have a problem with thinking doesn't mean nobody should think for themselves. We're entitled to an opinion, even if that opinion is critical to the game you worship so much you can't see it's flaws.


Here's a simple technique I think you can use to keep from hindering the game's growth. when you read a thread -









You know who you are.

It's fine if its justified complaints. Complaining for the sake of complaining because your little perfect world got upside down is childish.


I'm not even going to comment on that "extremist" part. You sure like to exagerate things on a whole new level here.


Some of you are complaining that something that got halved in time still has built time on it. Really? They halved it already.


The weekend also has nothing to do in the argument, it's a convenience in this case. The people complaining they have to wait a day and half for their archwing would still do so even if it was released midweek.


Stop being so egocentric on this subject already. Everything in Warframe is either bought with plat or constructed. "Time" is part of the business model after all. And if you chose to build it, you simply have to wait or you can even pay a smaller fee to rush it. What's so hard to understand with this?


Some of us are trying to make you see the middle ground here. If the Archwing had been 72 hours + 12 hours for each parts, I might understand some of the complaints, but its half that time! Get real here and stop looking at your own little self. People put plat in this to rush it and are actively bug reporting on it so we can all enjoy a better experience in the end. So yeah waiting a little bit, to get it free of plat, seems like such a big cruel punishment here...

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This isn't complaining for the sack of complaining. It's bad for the player - it's bad for DE. Listen, I have plenty of time in-game, I know the grind is WarFrame. However, time-gating one of the biggest updates in WF history, after hyping it up, and having "Archwing Weekend", is not smart.


There's a reason the playerbase was the highest it's been in 6 months, then a few hours later, shot down to it's normal amount. Because everyone who wanted to play Archwing - could not. I have my plat, I've bought it before, I've spent money on it, I have plenty of stuff I can trade for plat. It's not the point. It's the point that there are many people who will not rush stuff. The majority.


DE Time-locked all the new content in this update, so that unless you paid, nobody is playing it before the weekend is over almost, and some people may only have weekends to play. So there's more reason to be upset.


I just see this could've been handled better. More player retention. DE just got a huge amount of cash from their sell-out deal, they should put it into action, or should've for this update. It would've made sense.


Archwing opens up new game modes. The only reason people came back is to play these new modes, something different. Yet the first thing they notice when they come back? Come back in two days. If the bugs are even fixed by then.  I just see it as a missed chance for DE to gain even MORE goodwill with this awesome update.

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I do admit that bringing out a massive new gameplay mechanic that, without plat, takes 1.5 days to actually try out is a little weird. I mean, DE could have given players a MK-1 Archwing, ie, some damaged, old design, prototype Archwing that was found crashed when they had started testing them, and at least let everyone go bug hunting and get frustrated like me :)


I can see it from both sides, but creating a mechanics that lets the ENTIRE player base test for bugs from the word go might have been better. Or worse, because, more forum tantrums. Who knows.

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