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The Hacking Is Not What It Use'd To Be...


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Love it, now all those idiots who made my life difficult rushing rescue missions and forcing me to hack doors quickly have to STOP. I literally did 3 rescue missions in the past week and people used STEALTH!


Not stealth frame, we crawled around and assassinated the guardmen. This never happened before so the change is clearly for the better. In tight spots you have a full rank grineer hack, good luck opening it in 5 seconds without a cipher.


I'm sure in another few weeks people will just get ciphers and go back to rushing but at least I got to do real stealth rescues for once.

What? Is...Is it real? Are people really being aware of Warframe's stealth potential?! :D

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I like the new high-level Corpus ones.


I like the Low-to-Mid Grineer ones.


The High Level Grineer ones, though, are a bit over-the-top. The Grineer Ciphers are nearly 3 times as hard as the hardest Corpus ones I've seen, as if the Grineer didn't already have ridiculously hard stuff having to do with their faction (Lv40 Corpus are about the same challenge as Lv25-30 Grineer).


I think the Grineer Ciphers could use a little tweak, TBH. I like the concept, I just don't like the implementation at high levels, trying to get that last node to click is so unforgiving and ridiculous, you have a half-second window to hit the button at exactly the right time or you end up nailing one you already had done. I think there could either be slightly more space between the buttons, or perhaps the dot moves slightly slower around the circle so you have more than 0.3-0.5s window to hit the button.

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Btw, i just come from a solo (because pup games are full of trigger happy people starling the wardens everytime) "infestation" rescue mission in grineer territory and because of the nonsense respawn this game always had, it happened the wardens (which theyr presence doesen't make much sense, i mean, why are there wardens in a ship full of infesteds even in the holding area ?) have been "starled" by some random infested popped out of nowhere. I didn't care and went thorough and had a very bad surprise: I HAD NOT ENOUGH TIME to complete 4 (because the wardens have been starled before i could hack into the cells main door) full "wheel of misfortune" minigames on solo, but there I always have a lot to complete the node ones instead.


Sayd this, i don't think this hacking mechanism is bad BUT it might use some tweaks:

- The wheel shouldn't be ALWAYS a complete one, even if you think about the nodes to connect there are never enough to form a full hexagon figure even in the rank tests so i don't understand why the wheel is instead a complete one about 90% of the times.

- When i did find some partial wheel the cursor disappearing on darken areas was a bit confusing. It would be nice to mark the activable areas rather than make the cursor disappear completely under the ones you cannot activate.

- If there has to be a full wheel, please at least give us more time to complete those things in the rescue missions (the lesser players the more time to complete).


Extra tip about rescue missions: Corpus or Grineer wardens in infestation missions don't make much sense and keep getting starled by infesteds that are there already when you enter the holding area. Please eighter don't make infesteds enter the holding areas or remove the wardens completely from infestation rescue missions.

Edited by Otakuwolf
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You don't need a bad host, just play from Australia.


you have hit the space bar before the pointer get to the segment you want to effect with the latency we have to live with naturally here


Yea, I hear you.


Still, I love the change. What is the point of inserting a mechanic that is simply trivial, or has other meta attached when it does not get used?


Now DE can make a cypher hell difficult if they so choose, and make Intruder useful, or having cyphers useful (which are still trivial to build, btw), as IMHO, some locks should need multiple Cyphers and each Cypher use should have a time delay before you can use the next.


Next, hopefully, we can get new mechanics for Lifts, Double Doors and so on, as to actually provide a real obstacle, as now they are too easy to bypass. Or impossible, apparently, for those people that keep whinging that it slows downs their "solo" runs, while they are running in a "team". Go figure.


We should always have to hack lifts and double doors, possibly with a really hard, non-cypher use manual hack. This will allow solo players to still "rush", as long as they get hell good at hacking 20 tile cyphers - and if they are that good, man, rush all you want, I tip my hat to you - and still force normal teams to stop and deal with security troops while one poor sod deals with the locks :)

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It's fine they revamped the hack terminals to be faction specific, but the Grineer one is maddening. And with the recent update its doing the bounce back whenever you hit a node that is fkin annoying. A side mini-game that used to take less than 5 seconds usually now takes longer than a minute (yes by the time i finished the fking thing the hostage died because kubrows fail stealth). The first new version where it went in a single direction was infinitely more tolerable (and I argue it fits the Grineer better cause it was simple and low tech, like they are).

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The High Level Grineer ones, though, are a bit over-the-top. The Grineer Ciphers are nearly 3 times as hard as the hardest Corpus ones I've seen, as if the Grineer didn't already have ridiculously hard stuff having to do with their faction (Lv40 Corpus are about the same challenge as Lv25-30 Grineer).

I agree with this. The grineer one becomes very intense for a puzzle at high levels, even without people shooting at you. 

Reversing direction every click, going incredibly fast by the time you get to the last lock. Maybe for the hacking mastery test those conditions are a good test but in a mission it is a little much. 

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I like the new cipher, it does a lot of things for the game that people don't notice.

#1: You have to consider the fact that tripping an alarm now will possibly waste precious time if the ship goes into lockdown, so you either kill everything faster or slow down and take your time eliminating enemies strategically. 

#2: Also it encourages team play to a small extent: when you approach a room someone will have to spot the panels and kill anyone running for it. 


#3: Ciphers, which have been largely ignored, are now useful. 



Now what they have to do is add more dangerous consequences for tripping the alarms, like better enemies spawning or more frequent enemy spawns. Then they can make actually running through a level without tripping an alarm a good idea. 

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I hink the grineer one is 100 times harder than the corpus one.

Aren't Grineer in general? Although I'd like to see the roles reversed in this case, as it makes more sense that Corpus rely on stuff like security systems while Grineer primarily use their numbers and brute power instead of nancy pansy schnick like that.

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i kind of liked it more when it was in the center, because then i don't have to move my mouse to the side to spin a thing which is also angled slightly


if they kept the size but centered it, i would be just fine with it


i just need more practice with the grineer cipher and i think i can get it down, i used to do boktai 2's smithing minigame, and if you've ever seen that it is like, geez

Edited by weirdee
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I like the change of Ciphers - that they're different for Grineer and Corpus would make sense since I don't think they would be into hiring the same guys to build their security.


The grineer one is undoubtedly annoying but doable.. if you clear the room during a lock down, then you can take your time and not worry about damage. (I play solo mostly due to strict NAT errors). I've only done it twice so far, so I don't know if it has any variations like only certain parts of the wheel needing to be complete, instead of always the entire ring.


The corpus one though.. I don't know if any one else is having this problem but, I'm having trouble seeing it properly. I've failed it several times by not being able to see some stickyoutty line not connecting to anything else. You don't get much time to squint around the puzzle and see where you might have messed it up.

I'm not sure if that is because the lines are too narrow, or blend too much into the background/colours.. maybe if they changed colour when they interlocked it might be useful? At the moment, I'm using the ciphers for every puzzle just because I can't see the lines to connect properly, and this kinda sucks, since I like doing the puzzles manually and I've never had a need for ciphers.


The day after I started playing the new update, I had already purchased the 10 cipher pack and built 30 lol While running Invasions, I used a lot of them.

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I've only done it twice so far, so I don't know if it has any variations like only certain parts of the wheel needing to be complete, instead of always the entire ring.

On lowest levels, it only has three segments and the pointer doesn't change it's direction whenever you lock a segment. However, I usually need two or three full turns each time, because the pointer doesn't react immediately when I press Space, especially when I press it in quick succession.

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When the latest update came out, i started a mission and found the hacking to be suddenly "uncool". Its more frustrating in tight situations and dosent have the awesome little sound it plays after you complete it with the hexagons moving towards the edge of the screen....


What do you other Tenno think about this change? 



The hacking is now "what it should have been". It is meant to cause pressure, it should be hard, it should be a factor in missions. The "double doors" that everyone find merely annoying should also get this treatment and have actual mechanics added that have consequences.


You can build Cyphers. If you are in a dangerous or high pressure situation, use one (ie a timer in a Rescue mission and you will only really need to pop on once rather rarely if you know what you are doing.

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Enjoy the look of them, but...

The Grineer hack desperately needs to fix the issue with remapping your space bar.

In my adjusted key binds, the space bar is not jump. So hitting the space bar does nothing.

When I do hit my remapped jump key, still NOTHING happens!

I have never needed or used cipher prior to this update. Now I am burning through them.

DE please fix this! I can't even start a Grineer survival for Tenno's sake!!!

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I've noticed that the difficulty of the ciphers actually scales based on the difficulty of the mission you're playing, which is nice to see. Heck even some of the higher-level Corpus ciphers look intimidating, which is a feeling I haven't had about them in a while.


Overall I like the update.

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The new Corpus hacking is the same as the old, only the positioning of the module on screen is oddly up in the top right, which is just weird to me instead of being dead center. Even at higher levels it's only slightly more complex. Nothing big to deal with.


I like the new Grineer hacking. I like it because it is frustrating as well. What it does, is force people that are used to just bypassing the locking mechanism quickly, and make them use some tactical thought.


For example, I play solo in Grineer 35+ quite often. When a room gets locked down, I clear the room. I set up shields (I'm a Volt) behind me and get to work on the lock.


Second example, in a PUG, when a room gets locked down, this forces other players to....I don't know.....work as a team?! You have to defend the lock picker while they're doing their job.

So yeah, I think the Grineer locking mechanism game is more frustrating, but in a good way. It requires a bit more thought of what you're doing. And if you don't care for it, go build some quick keys and never think about it again.

Edited by Janzer
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The corpus one though.. I don't know if any one else is having this problem but, I'm having trouble seeing it properly. I've failed it several times by not being able to see some stickyoutty line not connecting to anything else. You don't get much time to squint around the puzzle and see where you might have messed it up.

I'm not sure if that is because the lines are too narrow, or blend too much into the background/colours.. maybe if they changed colour when they interlocked it might be useful? At the moment, I'm using the ciphers for every puzzle just because I can't see the lines to connect properly, and this kinda sucks, since I like doing the puzzles manually and I've never had a need for ciphers.


Absolutely agree. I can see it, but I noticed as well that I have to...not exactly struggle to see it....but it's just harder based on lack of good contrast.


Either they lines that interconnect should be a different hue, or they can be the same hue but a different shade/highlight, in order to give them much more contrast so we can pick them out much quicker.

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There's a problem with some people on the hacking system - and it's to do with player skills, rather than game skills.


Corpus locks are based around spatial re-arrangement (which I'm good at)

[unsure on this - but isn't this a gender-oriented strength?]

while Grineer are based on cyclic rhythm. (which I'm useless at)

[insert Catholic Jokes]


This means as a player I'm going to be wanting to do Corpus far more than Grineer - which makes Grineer even more OP - and they really don't need that.


It will only affect a small amount of the community, but it's a bloody pain for those that have these weaknesses. :)

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