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Can We Keep The Fog ?


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Well if they make it permanent part of the visuals for some missions i hope they patch out that it automatically switches on the depth of field effect.


I was playing that alert mission and then an archwing mission and wondered why everything looked foggy in space. Then i switched depth of field on and off and it was finaly gone again.

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I would really like it to stay as well, but feel that before being implemented there should be some more work done on it for the people using low end machines. 


I've been running that mission just fine, but have heard others say they've been getting some nasty frame drops in a few of the more graphically intensive areas of the map.

They could always simply use the Silent Hill work around where the fog is simply a way to make it so you can't see to far meaning the game won't have to load as much terrain as it usually does instead of keeping the current style where it's huge fog bank over entire area even though you can't see most of it. It should help with FPS because it means there is a LOT less of an area the machine has to worry about at any given time. 

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I'd be fine with the Infested being able to see in the fog, and honestly Grineer and Corpus don't really have the same sense of foreboding as the bulk of an Ancient.  Really, though, if they're going to make us strain to see, the mission shouldn't be one where we always know the enemies are in front of us and it should be one where there's a bit of a legitimate threat from our opposition.  Frankly, the fog should send a big signal that we're in for something nasty, even if we can't actually tell what it is or when it'll happen.  Missions that are going to spawn the upcoming Juggernauts or new Ancient models in unusual numbers, that kind of thing.


As for fighting and looting, I found it frustrating to loot but exhilarating to fight.  I was using a largely unmodded Opticor and I still had just enough reaction time to charge up and flatten the first thing around a corner.  Again, another reason to use mission types where looting isn't quite so incentivized - something like Deception or Sabotage, maybe (and if DE wanted to play a nasty trick on us when we got to the Sabotage core, well...).


And like other people have said, while the fog was an awesome mechanic, if it's used too often - often enough that we can form patterns and say "there are going to be six Juggernauts this mission" instead of "something's going to happen and I don't know what" - it'll lose its charm and be a pure hassle.  Something to keep in mind.

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Oh god no, lets hope DE see through this insanity.

Yes it's different guys, yes its awesome... will it still be awesome in a month?


I'll give you a clue, the answer is not yes.


Being unable to see the environment past 20 metres is awesome isn't it :


The level designers can just not bother with all the detail.

We can forget about designing skyboxes

Remove all snipers

Everyone can just use shotguns

Ancients can pull you from out of visual range


Think past the short term for the love of god.

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I'd rather not keep the fog. The grain effect hurts my eyes badly and I have to wear glasses to even see the letters on my keyboard. Sure, it's a cool idea and my computer can handle it easily, but if I won't be playing and spending money for very long if a game hurts my eyes that much.

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this thread must be some kind of joke. people can't seriously like this eye-cancer causing effect right? 


if this is indeed to be taken seriously, maybe create an OPTIONAL <--- NOT MANDATORY!!!1111 graphics effect for the roleplaying tryhards who actually like the fog/grain/whatever.

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this thread must be some kind of joke. people can't seriously like this eye-cancer causing effect right? 


if this is indeed to be taken seriously, maybe create an OPTIONAL <--- NOT MANDATORY!!!1111 graphics effect for the roleplaying tryhards who actually like the fog/grain/whatever.

Edited by unknow99
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Aaaw hell no, get rid of the smoke/mist from any other mission. There was a reason why the fog in Void areas was removed completely. 


Unless you can make an accurate fog you shouldn't have one. It honestly has no place on any of the maps in the game.

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