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The Legend Of John Prodman


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He only goes up against the greatest threats, so your Rhino Prime/Boltor Prime isn't that great to him. He'll just gently escort you back to Earth.

so that there will be no witnesses for the gore he`ll do xD (remember, he attacked phorid, second noobest boss after nef anyo) he seems to do it for the fun of it not for corpus!

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Man Bizzaro21, you should take a look at the MultiQuote function :)

which does? I considered asking about this actually on the support session....


EDIT: oh nevermind, found out


EDIT of the EDIT: didn`t think of checking the button, back to prodman now shall we?

Edited by Bizzaro21
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Did this start from an internet rumor? Sorry I'm a bit late coming into this one, where did all this start? It sounds like they will add him in as some sort of boss if they have not already.


Very funny

*Tips hat to DE and the players involved.

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Did this start from an internet rumor? Sorry I'm a bit late coming into this one, where did all this start? It sounds like they will add him in as some sort of boss if they have not already.


Very funny

*Tips hat to DE and the players involved.


Some time ago, a noble Tenno witnessed a Prodman going one-on-one with the Phorid, and win.
Then there was a thread about it, which took off and turned into a popular thread.
Then other people started making little stories about this illusive Prodman, and someone named him John. 


DE then thought (i assume) this was a funny little gimmicky thing, that their community had spawned, and decided to join the fun.


All in all, it's just fun and games right now. Nothing has officially been realesed into the game, there is not special prodman to hunt (that we know of).

What DE want the community to do, is to take note of Prodmen doing cool stuff, and taking on tough enemies without dying. Then you need to take pictures of this, and make a fun little story in this thread.

You can check out the thread that started all of this here:


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so that there will be no witnesses for the gore he`ll do xD (remember, he attacked phorid, second noobest boss after nef anyo) he seems to do it for the fun of it not for corpus!

Not entirely sure what you meant by your "noobest boss" thing, but I would like to point out, at the time that his epic battle happened, Phorid featured an instant-death(for tenno, at least) attack with a 200m range, and an unblockable radial stun AoE attack that had around 350m range, as well as an instant KD stomp/charge attack.


Phorid doesn't seem to be able to do any of that anymore, but I suppose that's a side-effect of being beaten to a bloody pulp by a legendary hero.

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Not entirely sure what you meant by your "noobest boss" thing, but I would like to point out, at the time that his epic battle happened, Phorid featured an instant-death(for tenno, at least) attack with a 200m range, and an unblockable radial stun AoE attack that had around 350m range, as well as an instant KD stomp/charge attack.


Phorid never triggers the Instant-Death attack when there are enemies close range to him so Prod Crewmen never had to fear that one, only cowardly Tenno thinking they are safer keeping their distance. It's a beginner's trap. ^^


The other two attacks can become quite ugly though if you let yourself get hit on purpose when going in melee range... BUT that's what made Prodman a legend. He tanked it all the way. xD


That's why my tactic is going close range doing tight circles around him as Phorid becomes totally helpless and can't do anything as he tries to follow you all the time but can't catch up with his attacks. :P

Edited by MeduSalem
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Phorid never triggers the Instant-Death attack when there are enemies close range to him so Prod Crewmen never had to fear that one, only cowardly Tenno thinking they are safer keeping their distance. ^^


The other two attacks can become quite ugly though if you let yourself get hit on purpose when going in melee range... BUT that's what made Prodman a legend. He tanked it all the way. xD


That's why my tactic is going close range doing tight circles around him as Phorid becomes totally helpless and can't do anything as he tries to follow you all the time but can't catch up with his attacks. :P

I'd like to note the IDA used to be a very popular tactic of his while you were trying to get down to see him.

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I'd like to note the IDA used to be a very popular tactic of his while you were trying to get down to see him.


Depends... I usually give him a few seconds to see what he is going to do before I decide to charge in.


If he uses his IDA immediately I take cover and afterwards I charge in because he's not the ultimate spammer.

If he uses his sonic boom I also charge in because that skill prevents him from using his IDA altogether.

If he doesn't do anything that's when things get risky, but then I normally let him come to me so he pretty much defuses himself.


There seems to be a cooldown to his abilities and those give you enough time to go in. But I can't remember anymore if they were much shorter last year than they are now. ^^



There are exceptions that render everything much easier:


Normally I'm not a rusher, but for Phorid missions I try to be under the first 2 people to arrive in the boss arena, because that gives you plenty of time to move in to where Phorid is supposed to spawn, so you are directly next to him after the cutscene and he never gets a chance to use his IDA at all. Also gives you time to get rid of all the other trash mobs like Disruptors and Toxic Ancients which may become ugly, depending on their level.


When there's other allied AI in the boss arena battling with other Infested Trash mobs, especially at the spawn location then it's also safe to move in because mostly Phorid will focus on your AI allies instead of you, also preventing him to use his IDA.



That said, in my early days when I did not have much experience with the game in general I got quite nervous when he started using his Sonic-Breaker thing... and because of fear I moved further away from him and that got me killed more often than not.


So ever since I don't fear to give my doggie a big hug I never die anymore. xD

Edited by MeduSalem
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New Augment Mod for Prova: Divine Prod - +1000% damage against Phorid, +1 Legend

The Legend attribute gives the user invincibility along with +42000% damage against any faction.


The augment's powers can be multiplied by using the stance "Dominating Hero" which drops only on a Blue Moon on the 28th day of February, the stars align to create a Prova constellation seen from Pluto and John Prodman has to be taking a sip of Grineer Beer from which he pillaged from the Opik sector of Phobos while proceeding to open a portal to a Tower IV Defense mission starting at Wave 19478.

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The augment's powers can be multiplied by using the stance "Dominating Hero" which drops only on a Blue Moon on the 28th day of February, the stars align to create a Prova constellation seen from Pluto and John Prodman has to be taking a sip of Grineer Beer from which he pillaged from the Opik sector of Phobos while proceeding to open a portal to a Tower IV Defense mission starting at Wave 19478.


And via Transmutation.

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