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Gore 2.0


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As we know, this game is 17+. That means we can have high amounts of gore.

i know that its nothing important but it wouldn't it be awesome to kill enemies by litteraly decapitating them, or smashing them in to a pile of organs with saurons mace?


(yea we have some decapitations and sometimes we chop off an arm or two....but you get where im going)


we need more *detailed* gore....more guts, more/ different types of death.


because when i kill some1 with a hammer or daggers it looks the same.


hammers should smash some ones head, not rip off his arm


2 handed swords and axes should be more based on slicing enemie in half

1 handed swords/ daggers y'know, cutting off legs and stuff.



probably thinking that im insane and i have to go to mental asylum....

but if this game is 17+ then cant we have more gore?

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Yes, please.

I would love to see a gib system no longer governed by RNG... and instead dependent upon the type of weapon used! (Especially with FIREARMS.) Headshots! Puncture deaths! Bullet holes! 

And please make this entirely optional from the get-go. I don't want it to be rolled back because people with less-than-iron stomachs complain or because it kills performance for weaker machines.

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This is a very VERY minor system and aesthetic in the game. Theres much more to work on, and the current system works fine. There's no point upgrading something that doesn't need it.


I disagree. 

Quick question, what is more fun and satisfying? Swinging your sword and having an enemy fly into two pieces, or swinging your sword and having it fall over?


What do you think would be more fun? Shooting someone in the head with a sniper and seeing it burst like a grape, or just getting to watch the nice big number pop up on your screen?


Something VERY minor like this shouldn't take a lot of manpower away from normal development, and it would help refresh Warframe's combat a bit while the Devs *hopefully* work on adding features to keep people playing when the awe-factor dies down. 

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There is gore... if you using slashing weapons. Problem is, impact types just cause ragdolls at this point, and things like blast procs that kill cause the enemy to explode/disintegrate. No smushed, burned, or punctured corpses to be found...


We could definitely use some additional death effects since only Slashing really has one currently. Although even that has caused some performance issues with suddenly spawning too many pieces.

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They seriously need to improve the sounds gibbing aswell, it was extremely jarring when ages ago when there was no arm/leg gibbing, almost every melee kill would bisect the enemy, and the bisection kills have the most satisfying sounds in the game, but then they added arm and leg gibbing, and after that it was pretty much a 99% chance to get a emotionless soundless arm dismemberment and the remaining 1% to get the bisection.

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This is a very VERY minor system and aesthetic in the game. Theres much more to work on, and the current system works fine. There's no point upgrading something that doesn't need it.

Except the entire game is about killing things which means that even if it is a minor system anything that makes killing things more satisfying will have a massive effect on warframe's ability to keep people interested.


As for the OP I would love to have gore 2.0 but I would be satisfied if DE just gave us back the gore we used to have like this for instance


and for those of you who never got to see this there was a lot of screaming during that animation it was really quite horrific which really helped you feel like you just killed someone instead of just making generic corpus tech number 2,000 fall over.

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Up@ If i remember properly, when Infested units have lost their legs they started to crawl.

When you cut arm of butcher they was screaming and charging at you trying to kill you with their saw-arm (in closed beta they used to use saws instead of cleavers) it was really cool

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This thread is kindly on topic with yours. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/340366-why-doesnt-this-happen-anymore/?hl=gore


What it basically states is how we used to have a system like what you want, but because of issues with enemy body animation times, body drop times, and the general bugs and glitches that came with the system it was dropped to improve game play and performance.  Though it is still possible that the system will be worked on again when DE finds it to be more relevant to what both they and the community want.  At this time that would be content and "end game."

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This is a very VERY minor system and aesthetic in the game. Theres much more to work on, and the current system works fine. There's no point upgrading something that doesn't need it.

It's not just a minor aesthetic as people with gore on see it all the time not just in certain palces. To provide an example of how terrible the system is at the moment; go to any planet with humanoid enemies and use your melee. Tell me how many times their left arm falls off?


The gore from beta was much better then what we have now. Except blood decals, the blood used to do all sorts of things like sticking to out off the ground.


This thread probably belongs in art/animation feedback with all the other gore 2.0 threads.

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Except the entire game is about killing things which means that even if it is a minor system anything that makes killing things more satisfying will have a massive effect on warframe's ability to keep people interested.


As for the OP I would love to have gore 2.0 but I would be satisfied if DE just gave us back the gore we used to have like this for instance


and for those of you who never got to see this there was a lot of screaming during that animation it was really quite horrific which really helped you feel like you just killed someone instead of just making generic corpus tech number 2,000 fall over

That would be so cool! let's get that back if possible

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This is a very VERY minor system and aesthetic in the game. Theres much more to work on, and the current system works fine. There's no point upgrading something that doesn't need it.

Yeah it doesnt really need it dude... but we want it ...and it would look awesome!!!!!

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We could just set this as an option in settings if some players don't care for gore.
Honestly though, I stopped paying attention to the gory ways they died some time ago XD

Just realized stuff just drops dead these days without being torn into pieces like they used to.
Also I think I'm inclined to agree with Stormandreas. The game really could use some balancing between the massive arsenal of mods, weapons and warframes... this shouldn't really be on anyone's priority list.

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