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Update 15.2.0


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About Archwing interception:

- Enemies still being stuck in geometry

- Enemies still able to continue capturing towers from at least 600-700 meters

- Enemies still move about 2.5x speed of archwing

- Enemies still have pinpoint accuracy

- Enemies still can one-shot you on Uranus (maybe it is just me)

And now, after each round, by some space magic, these radio towers in space switch back to being under enemy control...

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Pure Genius, friend. Because others have lost the ability to farm with ease instead of with skill and time, they whine over this actual improvement. The laziness that people have shown is truly enigmatic. What has occurred, in some aspects, may be a little off the "too much" side, but it gave back to players the idea of skill that has been long gone to Rhino Primes harboring Boltor Prime.


R.I.P. Over used and abused frames. Only the weak will miss you.


Yeah because its obviously the players fault here, not the ones who made the game?


Blaming the players who farmed Viver is victim blaming, victims of an obscene grindfest and a reputation system that is clearly broken.


Please start redirecting your blame to the real culprits; the devs, just be nice about it.

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It seems like you go a step forward but go three steps back now, DE. I'm really happy for the new Infested Quest, because I love a good quest more than anything in games since good quests are intrinsically rewarding to play through. However... Nerfing Warframes that don't need to be nerfed, or nerfing them the wrong way?


Instead of changing the mechanics of an ability, why not just change the ability itself with something that's still extremely effective, does not mutilate a play style, and is rewarding to use? Radial Javelin was always bad because of how it left Excalibur vulnerable. Now you just made it worse to the point where it's not even worth half of its energy cost. Now Energy Vampire is extremely sub-optimal and players in general hate all that is sub-optimal.

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Yeah because its obviously the players fault here, not the ones who made the game?


Blaming the players who farmed Viver is victim blaming, victims of an obscene grindfest and a reputation system that is clearly broken.


Please start redirecting your blame to the real culprits; the devs, just be nice about it.

We all have our opinions friend, and you wont persuade me to change mine just because you disagree with my own thoughts.

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Hey, so just saw you completely ruined Excalibur again, funnily enough I was just dusting off my Excal prime after taking it out of the "Useless" pile with the last update. You also managed to make Trinity completely useless again!

Question, Can I just know why you even keep Trinity in the game if you're just going to nerf her with every update? at this point i'd just keep Trinity around just in case I ever feel like playing civilian...

Mag's shield polarize and Nyx's changes are just pointless...


Either way, thanks for changing two of my favorite frames over one node instead of reworking the node to compensate for the frames like a professional game company would. I love how my purchase of a founder pack is paying off right now, especially now that I'm no longer able to change the color on my Hunter Sigil.

Thanks DE, I'll be taking my break from your game now. 

Edited by Hidari
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I honestly have to ask because I haven't been around in the game for long, but was LOS always a thing? The game doesn't feel like it was designed with abilities being affected by LOS. Tight/narrow corridors and hallways, geometry sticking out everywhere, multiple levels to an area.


I honestly hope that the next Dev stream turns into a wreck from all of this.

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I never thought I would post on the forums, but this is completely awful. Instead of addressing the one node all of these things actually worked on, you choose to nerf everything else instead. These frames with very niche uses and only truly achieved greatness in coordinated unison are being hurt throughout the entire game because of this. Not to mention two of the frames are starter frames, making the experience that much worse for those just starting and looking to get into the game.

These frames were not overpowered by any means, but now they're almost entirely useless.

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Tbh Viver still seems easily exploitable. Saryns damage potential is huge, and trinity can just stand next to her. 2 pairs of this and you can easily cover the whole map, even a frost may be able to do similar due to colds advantage over shields. I've stood up for every decision youve ever made DE even if i thought it was wrong, because i knew you were thinking about things in the long run. But this, i cant stand up for this, its wrong on every level. As others have stated, totally uncalled for kneejerk reaction.

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Okay now the rage has died down a bit try again.

The Gryndicates are a bad idea. Adding a new solar map and a new faction would have been better. It is pretty much alluded to in the mag prime lore entry anyway that interstellar travel is possible so why not do that? (where are those sentients anyway?)

As for nefing the hell out of 4 frames to counter exploiters maybe redo the rep system so that it tallies with mission objectives, i.e. wave 1 interception 50 points wave 2 gives 75 points and so on (and make it dependent on how tough the enemies are as well to stop people exploiting it at low levels).

I agree that javelins/blind should be line of sight as they are physical effects from a physical source but the trinity/mag nerfs are a bit harsh because of one map and its exploiters.  

Instead we get a dumb looking blow up hammer and a rail gun.

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I honestly have to ask because I haven't been around in the game for long, but was LOS always a thing? The game doesn't feel like it was designed with abilities being affected by LOS. Tight/narrow corridors and hallways, geometry sticking out everywhere, multiple levels to an area.


I honestly hope that the next Dev stream turns into a wreck from all of this.

No, it wasn't a thing at first.


So let that sink in.

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I honestly have to ask because I haven't been around in the game for long, but was LOS always a thing? The game doesn't feel like it was designed with abilities being affected by LOS. Tight/narrow corridors and hallways, geometry sticking out everywhere, multiple levels to an area.


I honestly hope that the next Dev stream turns into a wreck from all of this.

^ thats kind of the problem with the LoS in general....the fact that AI programming makes them hide behind stupid objects or doors or walls....etc...



LoS just hinders the gameplay dramatically....as they increase the details, designs, and change the levels....they seem to add more cover for enemies and players....but now the abilities are gonna take a hit because i dont want to get one shotted by an enemy? thats not very smart decision making



No, it wasn't a thing at first.


So let that sink in.


^ it should not sink in because of the level designs and the AI mechanics....LoS is definitely not beneficial to this game


also how does it even fall into lore? i would assume that nanotechnology, void technology, or tenno technology has found a way to work around small corners and hit an enemy

Edited by sekushiiandee
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DE, I'm not amused to know that my 700 or so hours of playing this game is going down the drain because you don't play your own game and kill everything that's making it fun, or even bearable.


Please, I beg you to go play 3 daily missions for syndicate, amounting around 1,500 rep, and tell me how long do you think it would take you to fill in the 240,000 rep requirement to max a syndicate standing level. Please do, because I seriously doubt you start off at level 0, being devs (if you do you'd totally know why Viver grind is justified and is a necessity, not a commodity).


Oh wait, instead of maybe changing the interception game mode, you instead kill the frames so that they're completely useless in EVERY other game mode? Seriously? This is the worst possible attempt on update I've ever seen to date (not like the previous updates were any better...)


Despite the tremendous amount of feedback made by players with valid argument to back it up (so don't ask me for one, the valid arguments have been given since U15 was added, starting from the root cause), you still pushed on and implement the changes we don't want to see anyway. Why? This game is in beta, you made this specifically for us to give feedback, why not listen when we have them?


DE has proven how they valued and put our feedbacks up somewhere. I hereby declare that I will boycott buying platinum, until they started to listen.


Also I'll boycott the attempt to set the Guinness world record, don't bother trying to get me, not unless this change is rolled-back. I might interest in coming then. Might.

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Mark my words when I say that the exploiters will find another way to exploit the system. Why? Because you guys aren't addressing the root of the problem, which is the mind-numbing Syndicate grind. (I personally don't care to much about syndicates.) Why not lower all the syndicate prices by       25-50% that'd be reasonable. Because then it won't take casual players a year to reach max syndicate rank.



Also the fact that you nerfed frames because of ONE node is simply unacceptable wasn't Excal just recently nerfed/buffed but now you nerfed whatever buff you gave him. Hek why not just revert Excal to when he was just a RB frame, cause now he can practically be called "poorly implemented line-of-sight frame".

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