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I Figured Out What The Rhino Prime Codex Was Talking About! Update: Regarding Tenno "physicality"


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Perhaps consider a The 3rd Birthday theory. There is flesh within a warframe, the ascaris thing burrowing into the flesh within the warframe. But a Warframe is also built around something living. The Tenno power the warframe. Now, consider this.

The Tenno either had or still has a body, but that body isn't within a Warframe. Consider the possibility of mind-diving into an infested being. Consider this infested being being within a warframe, lobotomized to the point of docility.
Excalibur was the first Warframe, but the Proto-Rhno was the first body. The mind came from the children twisted by the Void, while the flesh comes from The Infested, the first weapon used against the sentients.

Edited by VocalMagic
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Perhaps consider a The 3rd Birthday theory. There is flesh within a warframe, the ascaris thing burrowing into the flesh within the warframe. But a Warframe is also built around something living. The Tenno power the warframe. Now, consider this.

The Tenno either had or still has a body, but that body isn't within a Warframe. Consider the possibility of mind-diving into an infested being. Consider this infested being being within a warframe, lobotomized to the point of docility.

Excalibur was the first Warframe, but the Proto-Rhno was the first body. The mind came from the children twisted by the Void, while the flesh comes from The Infested, the first weapon used against the sentients.


Yeah, that's the conclusion I've come to - with the added bonus of the idea that the Orokin found a way to rip us from our bodies and put us into these frames because, heh, we can control these things with our mind and our powers! We don't need physical bodies anymore! These thing WILL BE our physical bodies!


Seriously: F**K the Orokin!

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Clearly you haven't spent enough time around Lephantis' ancient head.


And this isn't the modern, Grineer-revived probably-Sentient-tampered Infestation that was designed as a Bioweapon - this is a deliberate, as "Phil" said, CRAFTED Infestation. They didn't just throw a guy and a virus into a tank and say "go nuts" - they had this thing under the scalpel, shaping it and molding it into what it needed to be.


But here's the question (though one I'm sure you'll find an easy way to deflect): if that Rhino WAS a Tenno himself, WHY did "Orokin Phil" only have a faint idea of what Davis was talking about?

Well deflecting answer would be that Orokin Davis(I think Orokin names need a whole thread themselves), doesn't exactly seem to be the guy kind of guy to be quite upfront with his information, fond of deflection himself.  The Zariman incident seems to be kept under relative secrecy too, people aren't supposed to know about the details of what happened to it and in it.

Why would a not-Tenno stop at that cell though? That cell holds no meaning to anything but the children from the Zariman. So it if it's a Proto Rhino, it must have a Tenno inside it, or be a Tenno in order to change its behaviour by it. 


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Well deflecting answer would be that Orokin Davis(I think Orokin names need a whole thread themselves), doesn't exactly seem to be the guy kind of guy to be quite upfront with his information, fond of deflection himself.  The Zariman incident seems to be kept under relative secrecy too, people aren't supposed to know about the details of what happened to it and in it.

Why would a not-Tenno stop at that cell though? That cell holds no meaning to anything but the children from the Zariman. So it if it's a Proto Rhino, it must have a Tenno inside it, or be a Tenno in order to change its behaviour by it. 


If the Proto-rhino is just the body within a warframe, it would be at a time before the infested meat bag was lobotomized to the point of docility. Possibly even what began the process of lobotmizing the infested meat bags.

The rejected warframes before it weren't Tenno, They were prototypes, but they couldn't control them. Orokin Davis believed that the children of the Zariman could control the infested flesh, but noone believed him. So, in order to test this, he 'accidentally' let a meatbag excape and led it to where the children of the zariman. And so, when the Meatbag got too close to them, one of the children sensed the new body and went into it. This is why it stopped and looked at it's hands. The child couldn't believe that it was in a new body.

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There wasn't any frame in Ember's codex. Only a child.


Nor are we certain that Mag in Mag's codex was the first Mag.


A child who burned someone's face...


Again, I see your point, but as stated precendently, given the feral nature of Rhino I wouldn't really be surprised if the one Davis speak about is the original. 

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If the Proto-rhino is just the body within a warframe, it would be at a time before the infested meat bag was lobotomized to the point of docility. Possibly even what began the process of lobotmizing the infested meat bags.

The rejected warframes before it weren't Tenno, They were prototypes, but they couldn't control them. Orokin Davis believed that the children of the Zariman could control the infested flesh, but noone believed him. So, in order to test this, he 'accidentally' let a meatbag excape and led it to where the children of the zariman. And so, when the Meatbag got too close to them, one of the children sensed the new body and went into it. This is why it stopped and looked at it's hands. The child couldn't believe that it was in a new body.

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*sighs*. * looks outside window*. *inhales deeply*. *rolls up sleeves*.





This his both horrifying and... beautiful, really.




If the Proto-rhino is just the body within a warframe, it would be at a time before the infested meat bag was lobotomized to the point of docility. Possibly even what began the process of lobotmizing the infested meat bags.

The rejected warframes before it weren't Tenno, They were prototypes, but they couldn't control them. Orokin Davis believed that the children of the Zariman could control the infested flesh, but noone believed him. So, in order to test this, he 'accidentally' let a meatbag excape and led it to where the children of the zariman. And so, when the Meatbag got too close to them, one of the children sensed the new body and went into it. This is why it stopped and looked at it's hands. The child couldn't believe that it was in a new body.



YES! THIS exactly!


Whether the Zariman kids were energy beings at this time or still had bodies they could project their consciousness from is still up in the air (and I've said by piece on that), but this is basically what I'm saying is happening.

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What if it is akin to a form of osmosis?


Void energy is amplified and channelled via Technocyte, from what we can tell. A Tenno then, can't help but 'enter' the Warframe, then, but they then in turn can't return as the human body is incapable of containing that energy. Cue Orokin PR that if they do as they ask, then they'll give them their bodies back, or some such similar promise. Somehow, they discover the lie, the reality of the situation fans the kindling of rebellion and, in true Tenno style, they strike at the heart of the problem at the Terminus; after all, what person ever expects to be slain by their 'heroes' at their award ceremony?


Cryosleep then becomes an interesting way for the Tenno to create a Tabula Rasa for themselves. Rather than a people shackled by the knowledge of the bodies they've lost, they're a people liberated by it; what was forced upon them, they can dismiss as 'natural' now.

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This his both horrifying and... beautiful, really.




YES! THIS exactly!


Whether the Zariman kids were energy beings at this time or still had bodies they could project their consciousness from is still up in the air (and I've said by piece on that), but this is basically what I'm saying is happening.

This implies warframe control from distance. Then why do we rescue fellow tenno from Alad V if they can simply build anothe frame? When we are freed by the Lotus we don't have a ship yet, so everything is inside our starter warframe, including the tenno. I say we are still children. Or reverse-aged to babies/fetuses and we fit inside the warframe's torso or something.

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This implies warframe control from distance. Then why do we rescue fellow tenno from Alad V if they can simply build anothe frame? When we are freed by the Lotus we don't have a ship yet, so everything is inside our starter warframe, including the tenno. I say we are still children. Or reverse-aged to babies/fetuses and we fit inside the warframe's torso or something.


Ahh, I see where I missed an element - its this reason that I now speculate the Orokin did the "brain in the jar" thing to us by ripping our consciousness and powers out of our own physical bodies and implanting them into the Warframes for us to rotate through.


And even the Lotus has admitted that there are times when we're out of her reach - see the Mirage Questline - and I'm not too certain we can just float around as ghosts either - I think we NEED a physical form, provided the energy theory IS correct, hence the changing of Warframes at the ship only.


And of course there's what I call the "Snake!? SNAAAAAAKE!" effect where failure is pretty much non-canon because a Tenno would very likely not make the childish mistakes we do that get us killed (like switching over to Youtube mid-mission to watch the latest Pewdipie video or whatever); but this is neither here nor there.

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As for our age, it's kinda an interesting point: ESPECIALLY when you stop to consider the themeatic ideas that revolve around the Tenno being children. The Lotus is referred to as our mother at least once, for example, and although she allows us freedoms to choose she also is pretty strict in telling us what we need to do - hence why we always come back to her as our announcer.


Hmmm, look at this:


At the end of the day, Lotus probably won't have her own Syndicate. But that's okay because (analogy time) Syndicates are like College choices, and Lotus is like your spacemom: woke, guided and raised you to make this choice in your life as a Tenno.

Looks like Rebecca was hinting at more than we thought back when Syndicates were newer.

Edited by hijinks_the_turtle
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I'd be a bit weirded out if we were still children

Hmm, well, not necessarily children, just of proportions of them, or perhaps more like dwarfish people?

Well, as well as potentially being smaller, I doubt the Tenno within the frames have much muscle or anything, considering even on our own ships we don't get out of the suits.

But yeah, the idea of being kid sized is a bit weird, but I've started headcanoning that as of this thread, anyways.

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ok here is my take the "Tenno" his/her self is stored on the ship "liset" and using void based powers remote controls the warframe which is a bio-mechanical organism made from the Technocyte virus. We the tenno are still organic but our powers let use have something of an out of body experience allowing us to control the warframes that are designed to accept input from our dis-placed self's. the warframes are what contains the technology and advanced biology to preform the skills we use but on their own have little to no power with which to do it let alone the intellect to use it as the warframe actually has no real brain to speak of.



we remote control the warframes with astral projection 


but that's just my opinion, have a good one tenno

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This theory would also explain why in death, the Tenno just drop dead instantly and why when you revive, you channel energy and literally blast yourself up with that pure energy. What I can not quite understand what do we then use to fuel our abilities and channeling. Why do we not " die ", when we are out of energy. And how do we regenerate energy trough Energy Siphon and not all the time? Questions, questions. But certainly sounds intriguing theory to say the least. One of the best ones I have seen so far certainly.

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Ahh, I see where I missed an element - its this reason that I now speculate the Orokin did the "brain in the jar" thing to us by ripping our consciousness and powers out of our own physical bodies and implanting them into the Warframes for us to rotate through.



There are some more current reference from the Gradivus Dilemma event. The cryopods are containing actual Tennos in cryosleep:


"You have all done well. Those of you who supported the Grineer have given me the time I needed to locate our sleeping comrades. A recovery team is already travelling to retrieve their cryopods."

- Lotus message part when the event was finished.


Alad V: You under estimate my Credits in the bank then. As you know, my Gas City is growing bigger than your little planets of sand. I will obtain the Tenno cryopods and you will not stop me. Any attempt will end in your little army begging for my mercy. I'm surprised you can communicate beyond Grunting honestly.

Also, all cryopod defense missions having some hints about this.
So, my theory is: the humanoid Tenno are the Void infused beings as you were saying, but they are not actually needed to be inside the warframe. What if they are just lying in the Liset somewhere and their consciousness is controlling the warframes?
This can sort of explain the revive mechaincs, it might be some rejection like effect and you have energy for four tries (with a remote frame), then you need to replenish your Void power to recapture the missing frame (well, it's not ideal, but you can't explain all needed gameplay mechanics with lore only :D). The frames stored on the Liset are much closer and you can make the connection with them.
This also connects to the gender/size changes.
The metal womb can be anything. OMG, I just have to stop before we'll start building a freakin' church around this thing :)
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There are some more current reference from the Gradivus Dilemma event. The cryopods are containing actual Tennos in cryosleep:


"You have all done well. Those of you who supported the Grineer have given me the time I needed to locate our sleeping comrades. A recovery team is already travelling to retrieve their cryopods."

- Lotus message part when the event was finished.


Alad V: You under estimate my Credits in the bank then. As you know, my Gas City is growing bigger than your little planets of sand. I will obtain the Tenno cryopods and you will not stop me. Any attempt will end in your little army begging for my mercy. I'm surprised you can communicate beyond Grunting honestly.

Also, all cryopod defense missions having some hints about this.
So, my theory is: the humanoid Tenno are the Void infused beings as you were saying, but they are not actually needed to be inside the warframe. What if they are just lying in the Liset somewhere and their consciousness is controlling the warframes?
This can sort of explain the revive mechaincs, it might be some rejection like effect and you have energy for four tries (with a remote frame), then you need to replenish your Void power to recapture the missing frame (well, it's not ideal, but you can't explain all needed gameplay mechanics with lore only :D). The frames stored on the Liset are much closer and you can make the connection with them.
This also connects to the gender/size changes.
The metal womb can be anything. OMG, I just have to stop before we'll start building a freakin' church around this thing :)


that's what i said more elaborate but same idea.

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Yup, I just started to write my post before you posted yours :)

no pulling that shat here son it don't matter whose theory it was. besides lets both face it some body's just gana come along and post a cooler one after this so these theory's are nobody's DE has a say on what go's 

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Means Tenno have powers/energy and Warframes just catalyze it .... shapes their power into specific molecules/ molecule bending abilities i.e overheating molecules = Ember, increasing molecules entrophy = Nova, contolling molecule vibrations which changes organisms behaviour = Nyx


 It seems, most likely, that Tenno craft their own bodies = Warframe suits and Tenno are merely an energy consciousness. Helmet equals their skull, chassis is their body mass and systems are like circulatory system, to circulate their energy. This would be too lame and complicated for the Warframe lore IMO. I hope it's different than that. 


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So it could simply be the whole 'Avatar' thing. Physical body sleeping, the mind is in the suit. That'd make sense on the whole size/shape switcharoo. Our Tenno is still who we want them to be in the end.


If the suit is a bio-thing, that'd explain why it gets hurt or needs oxygen. 

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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So it could simply be the whole 'Avatar' thing. Physical body sleeping, the mind is in the suit. That'd make sense on the whole size/shape switcharoo. Our Tenno is still who we want them to be in the end.


If the suit is a bio-thing, that'd explain why it gets hurt or needs oxygen. 

yup that's probably the best summery of it +1 to you good sir :3

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