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Veterans: How Many Still Play?


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It's an up and down for me.


Somewhen this summer I've reached the point of having caught up with maximum possible Mastery Rank even I did not push the limits like some people do. So I ranked my last few weapons to 30 a few days back. I could basically say I'm done with the game, apart from the Nyx Prime, Scindo/Hikou Prime stuff, as well as Elytron and the 2 new Archwing weapons released last week which I don't feel like actively going for currently.


While the Syndicate update from last Friday eased my mind about the grind (gladly) since now it is not as tedious anymore as it has been before I'm still a little bit "meh" about it because the rewards are not really pushing me to the limits. That said even if they were I probably still wouldn't push the limits because of how longterm grind is always something that I've been doing in parallel of getting to shortterm goals like farming resources for a new weapon etc. But since I've got almost everything and most of the stuff listed above is still quite ugly to farm because of the abysmal random dropchances I pretty much have no shortterm goals left.


So with other words I'm back to logging in whenever I feel like it or when there's a new weapon or other stuff to check out. But at least I don't play every day anymore and I'm also willing to take weeklong breaks already if there's nothing new in the update pipeline and check out other games I left on the backburner.


Also I'm honest about the last few weeks in general... some of the decisions and moves made by DE as well as the community got me to the point to consider leaving the game altogether because of how the game slowly gravitates away from whatever I originally loved about it. Somehow Warframe is trying to become a "jack of all trades, master of none" and I'm actually getting annoyed pretty easily by that scheme currently. My boiling point is reached pretty fast lately and that's an additional reason to play less. xD

Edited by MeduSalem
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I've been playing for a little over a year (not exactly veteran, but it's close enough) And I agree... as fun as it is to endlessly grind for mods or parts or resources, that's the only thing this game really offers.. There isn't even an endgame that allows you to actually make use of your 5x formad weapons.

I want to get on and play, but doing that means mindlessly farming sechura and the void for hours. Not very fun.

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oh cmon!

your missing dragon age inquisition, far cry 4, assassins creed unity.

ill be back at warframe in 5 months LOL!

People would weep if they saw some of the unplayed games sitting in my Steam backlog.


Right now I'm playing through Oblivion finally, because I want to get through that game before I start Skyrim.

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I've got hundreds of hours played, hundreds of dollars spent, and have been around for quite a while.  I take breaks when I get burnt out or when one of the other games that interests me releases a major update, but I always come back to WF/DE.  Nothing really comes close to the dedication the dev team shows and that has had a strangely profound impact on how much I enjoy and value my time spent on this game.  So yup, albeit on and off, I still play.

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I'm still here. I don't care much for Archwing because it feels like a minigame totally separate from the core gameplay. But I'll get in it in time. I don't feel the need to grind out every new thing that comes out. But Warframe still continues to deliver interesting weapons, new setpieces, and new twists on the formula. The Aerial melee attack is just about my most favorite new ability ever. It opens up an entirely new dynamic for mobility and melee combos. Stringing an aerial into an air sliding attack is just so satisfying. It's especially beautiful on Zephyr with Silva and Aegis.


I feel the game has a lot of flaws in it's mission and key system which leads to so much of the map being empty. But as far as pulse pounding gun and blade action nothing else even comes close. Almost two years going and I still learn something new just about every week. So I don't see myself ever stopping. While it may be a deeply flawed gem it still outshines any acrobatic combat sim out there.


The things that keep me here are


the Controls: Warframe's momentum and parkour system creates so many possibilities for emergent mobility combos. When I'm on point I really feel like I'm flying and things enter a sort of "bullet time."


the Aesthetic: Warframe's visual style is both iconic and unique. The sets, characters, and equipment all feel a part of a living sci-fi environment.


the Experimental Variety:  Every weapon and frame feels like a whole new approach. I fell in love with the game via the Skana and the Mk-1 Braton and the experience has only gotten richer. I said I dislike Archwing. But what I do like is the devs willingness to take chances and try out new changes, while still keeping a close eye on the playerbase and protecting fan-favorites like coptering. I hope it stays as compelling to develop to the game as it is to play it.


My Caveat:  Please for the love of the Void, let me disable the Crosshair from the HUD. No crosshair makes firing the weapons feel so much more satisfying. I often lose track of enemies because the crosshair obstructs my view and distracts me. When I play solo I disable the whole HUD to circumvent this. But it would really help my experience a lot to be able to disable the crosshair specifically.

Edited by Ryjeon
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I was there when ember was blaze, and the skill trees were derping. I lost my account, but made a new one at about update 13. And I started posting here.


You think my loss would've turned me off forever from this game, but I just couldn't keep myself from returning.

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I go through periods, where I play a lot, then take a month or so off. I took nearly 5 months off around Update 8, which was my longest break. When I have friends playing, I'm always happy to hop back on. On PC, I made a clan for just a few friends, and had fun creating a clan symbol, and built a full dojo - that kept me going for a while. Then I had friends grab the PS4 version, so started playing it on console a lot...now I'm split between the two, lol. I have most of my PS4 dojo done, but my friends broke off to play Destiny and some other new games, so I haven't been playing any WF for a while. I still go back to it, but at the moment - especially this last week - there are SO many new games out, I'll be hopping around various games for a while.


However, I never plan to 'leave' WF. This is the only PC game I have supported like this, normally I don't even like paying for DLC (money for 5 more CoD maps? Forget it! lol), yet I've happily given DE...uhm. I don't even want to think about how much money right now, thanks...but I don't regret it, because I still love WF and DE, regardless of good times and bad. I've been following DE since Unreal Classic though. So I still watch every Prime Time and Dev Stream, and will always be a "Warframe player", even if I take breaks now and then.

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The only 2 reasons that I still log on and play....

1) - is when a new weapon/frame comes out ill get it and max it to stay on top of them all.

if its a good "FUN" weapon like the opticor or glaxion ill sink a good 6 formas into it...

2) - Tactical alerts and events, they are fun and I would hate not having an event item.

missing out on primed chamber is still killing me!


other than that its just a repetitive grind that never ends.

new content keeps it interesting, and i love the guys at DE.

    its just... I have gotten everything and cleared the map, there is nothing for me to do.

and I am not interested in the syndicate system at all, one way to fix a grindy game is to not add more grind to the grind.

so I'm just casually gaining syndicate rep during normal missions I refuse to grind for it.

it not worth the effort at all..


For now... until new weapons/frames, a tactical alert or event comes up. ill be playing far cry 4.

until next time-


MrSlippyFist <3

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One thing about having too much plat to spend, is I do end up skipping a lot of farming in WF...which I 'know' I should try harder to farm and make the game last more, but it's just to easy to be like "well, it's been 50 hours and I have onyl 2 prime parts for this prime I want still...bleh, I'll just buy the rest. Oh, and that gun is shiny, may as well buy that to level with the new frame, and oh that mod is shiny...WHAT HAVE I JUST DONE?" But even so, I can still put in tons of hours even when not simply grinding for parts.


For me, the most fun is getting friends playing starting out, and helping them run through the game, and collect what they need.

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Still playing 4500+ hrs in.. Over 400-500 forma in my weapons, not counting frames/sents/sent weapons.


My clan, and friends keep me going.. Winning events back to back is a plus as well, as everytime  I go to the dojo, I see the good memories emanating from each of the trophies. 


I was hooked when I found out this game was made by the same people that did Dark Sector. (A game I really enjoyed on PS3)

@Comments about only people from CBT being veterans.. Uhm, most of them took extensive breaks, and still try to act like they've been here the whole time. I know people that haven't played since CBT, does that make them a veteran?


Veteran: a person who has had long service or experience in an occupation,office, or the like:

Edited by Gurzil
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Back and fourth. Kinda hate Syndicates though. It's made too many people sit in Cerberus farming for them and that actually annoys me because it means that whenever I genuinely want to farm keys and have fun with Zephyr I can't cuz a bunch of nubs can't even host private groups and then complain when a pubby like me comes in and ruins everything. .-.



I'm not sorry

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