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One Simple Way To Make Players Feel That The Missions They Done Is Being Noticed


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Hello all,


Given the Radio Chatter contest that had ended quite some time ago, I went back to sift through some of the entries, and I had an idea to make players feel that the missions that they done have some impact towards the world. The suggestion is to have the radio feed broadcast about the impact of the latest mission that was done by the player. An example is thus: 


Player finishes an Extermination mission in Neptune (Corpus).

Then, once the player goes back to his/her Liset, the radio chatter will have a few lines about how the main base lost contact with one of the outer bases, and then feared that everyone there was killed off by the Tenno as the last thing they heard from them was some sort of power activating. 


These lines can either be pre-recorded (i.e.: Static), or be dynamically created by having set groups, and the game then pieces different lines together from each group to make the radio chatter sound coherent and logical with regards to the latest mission done. 


This small addition would allow players to feel that all the missions that they have done actually has a bit of impact towards the factions, while not having to place as much development time into making visuals and cutscenes, thus allowing a large number of radio chatter lines to be created. 


Please discuss civilly about the proposed addition.



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Love the idea. The only radio chatter i ever notice is when that...i guess grinner? guy just keeps going. "So uhhhhhhhh we gatta report this to uhhhhhhhh command. Uhhhhhhhh I think Uhhhhhhhhhh" All he keeps repeating is "Uh" and it makes it feel SO FAKE! If the grinner are an army why do they sound like they are children on the Radio? we dont hear Corpus or even bosses! I mean we have spy missions and other things why cant we bug Vors ship or Even bugging Phorids area so we can hear him talk about conquering other planets or SOMETHING. I know it might take a while but id like to see the radio reflect the mission we just did or even the previous before that. Just so it feels unique.

Edited by KibaWesker
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Reality is that "we are not doing something".


It's one thing if we had a storyline and narrative from the start like say, Guild Wars 2, but making me listen to radio chatter about me just having done a mission, and then having me go back again 4 more times to THE SAME NODE to do all the 5/5 completions to get a mat, and hearing the same message 5 times, will break that illusion rather fast.


How many lines would Ordis need to have not to sound repetitive? How did that one turn out?

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Reality is that "we are not doing something".


It's one thing if we had a storyline and narrative from the start like say, Guild Wars 2, but making me listen to radio chatter about me just having done a mission, and then having me go back again 4 more times to THE SAME NODE to do all the 5/5 completions to get a mat, and hearing the same message 5 times, will break that illusion rather fast.


How many lines would Ordis need to have not to sound repetitive? How did that one turn out?

This can be increased over time. The first batch would have to be sizeable (around 10-15 lines per mission type and faction, but that might be a bit too tall an order to do it now), then updates can add on to the first batch, and so on. By the time the number of lines reaches a large amount (around 50-75 lines per mission type and faction), the chances of repeating would be small (even smaller if each post-mission radio chatter is dynamically created from set groups, so even if one part may be repeated, other parts would not be). 


For the case of Ordis, he only has around 8-10 static lines. I am suggesting for a larger pool, along with dynamic creation of lines, so that it would sound more natural than being a broken record. 


Besides, I did hear that one could switch off the radio audio in the Settings button, so if you get tired of hearing it, you have the option to switch it off. 

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Have all my upvotes.


This is a great idea. It would make the Warframe Universe seem so much less "static", and it would be a huge addition to immersion as well. At the very least, I'm the kind of guy that would sit in the ship after the mission and listen to the communications coming and going about what I had just done to confirm my actions had the desired effect. Also to have a light chuckle at the hopeless efforts of our enemies, because schadenfreude.


Reality is that "we are not doing something".


It's one thing if we had a storyline and narrative from the start like say, Guild Wars 2, but making me listen to radio chatter about me just having done a mission, and then having me go back again 4 more times to THE SAME NODE to do all the 5/5 completions to get a mat, and hearing the same message 5 times, will break that illusion rather fast.


How many lines would Ordis need to have not to sound repetitive? How did that one turn out?


In the case of repeating missions, it could be done so you only hear a transmission when you're done with them. For example (Corpus): "Situation report from the front lines: thanks to the collaboration of a squad of Tenno, we have been able to deal a decisive blow to the dogs. Authorizing battle pay to be delivered... transmitting details through secure connection."

Or (Grineer): "Congratulations, brothers and sisters! Much greedy milk has been squeezed today. Speaking of which, the spoils we promised the Tenno for their help are awaiting delivery."

Edited by Guest
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In the case of repeating missions, it could be done so you only hear a transmission when you're done with them. For example (Corpus): "Situation report from the front lines: thanks to the collaboration of a squad of Tenno, we have been able to deal a decisive blow to the dogs. Authorizing battle pay to be delivered... transmitting details through secure connection."

Or (Grineer): "Congratulations, brothers and sisters! Much greedy milk has been squeezed today. Speaking of which, the spoils we promised the Tenno for their help are awaiting delivery."

Actually, we could expand on that, and have one line play between the second and fourth repeat, to emulate progress with the invasion by the help of a Tenno.  

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After each invasion is complete, could we at least get one of the bosses making an announcement to the Tenno?


"You think you've tipped the scales, but you were wrong! " kind of thing.

I think I would like it to have the enemy leader of the Invasion make a statement against us. 


Or having the ally leader suddenly laugh at you for being a good tool to further their cause. 

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Love the idea. The only radio chatter i ever notice is when that...i guess grinner? guy just keeps going. "So uhhhhhhhh we gatta report this to uhhhhhhhh command. Uhhhhhhhh I think Uhhhhhhhhhh" All he keeps repeating is "Uh" and it makes it feel SO FAKE! If the grinner are an army why do they sound like they are children on the Radio? we dont hear Corpus or even bosses! I mean we have spy missions and other things why cant we bug Vors ship or Even bugging Phorids area so we can hear him talk about conquering other planets or SOMETHING. I know it might take a while but id like to see the radio reflect the mission we just did or even the previous before that. Just so it feels unique.

I uuuuh agree with uuuuuh this tenno...


Radio can be much more immersive than this! Checking expired visa gets old fast...

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