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Synoid Gammacor Needs A Nerf..


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I guess I should stop procrastinating and start using this little sucker and grind it to 30 before DE decides on anything. If they leave it alone, I'll end up with a top-tier weapon. If they nerf it, at least I won't feel the nagging regret of not maxing it while it's still good.


Also a PSA: When in doubt, nerf Trinity. We're all debating about Synoid Gammacor.. I think a Trinity nerf is in order. LOL j/k

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So they've introduced new infested and nullifier crewmen that are a pain in the butt and actually may require the new stronger weaponry, but you want to nerf the weaponry that was supplied to deal with the new content.


Brilliant, I bet you never play outside of the star map, or are one of those "I play t4 and extract at 20 because things get too op" types arent you?


1. They're not hard to kill. You most ceirtanly don't need something as OP And Broken as the SG to kill them. If you do maybe you should look into getting some coaching?


2. Well i tend to extract at 40. Unless i brought 4 people with decent gear and corrosive projections, which is rare and/or takes a long time to find.

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You know, you guys make it out to be this long, hard an epic journey, getting to max rank that is. It's not. 


1x Forma - You grind voids all the time but rarely get one? You rarely get a forma blueprint? Really? I currently have over 30 of those in my inventory, your argument for forma is Invalid.


1X Catalyst - Sure you might have to buy one from the market. They cost 20 plat, run some t4 get a loki p helmet and sell it for 40p, problem solved, and i do believe that every single syndicate has to pay a catalyst? I suppose people in red veil don't deserve a good weapon then huh?


1X Glaive Prime Blade - You clearly don't play this game a whole lot do you? Play 1 or 2 T4Int and you'll get one of these for sure. But Yes bad luck does happen, and it can be hard to get, and you can just buy it for 5p as well.


Frost Prime Helm - This is so easy to get for free that i'm not even going to say anything.. And i am 99.9% that you had to run 10 T4's to get this is a lie. I get it in nearly every T4S i go to.


And even if all of these things were hard to get ahold of, does that give the synoid the right to completely overshadow everything else? What about red veil? And since when did it become ok for secondary weapons to overshadow the very best primaries in the game? That's just not fun.. 


Also, all you people who are saying that its ok that its op because its a pve game, you're all wrong. And i bet that the only reason that anyone is actually defending this broken thing is because they went and spent 350 plats buying it. That, or they're in cephalon suda and wants to keep the money train going for as long as possible. 


Even PvE Games needs balance. Why? Well you see - when you choose a weapon, you want to choose the most effective and fun weapon to use. I used to at least have some options, but now? SG - primary? Guess ill just go for max conclave then.. yay... 

Good for you, you have 30 forma sitting in your inventory. Meanwhile, I only have 4, I have weapons like the Braton Prime that I want to forma up as well as several Clantech weapons that I want to build, and I've been running several T4 survival/defense and ODDs trying to find more. Just because you're successful doesn't mean everyone else is.

Good job ignoring my post I made earlier about it being bad business to ignore the portion of the community that prefers to actually work for their things rather than barter and buy their way to the top concerning how to get catalysts/reactors.

Again, you're ignoring my post about neglecting the concerns for those who'd rather work for what they want and implying everyone is as successful as you. RNG is RNG, some people are luckier than others including what T4 keys they find. I happen to have more T3 survival keys and T4 keys in general than T4Int. Nothing wrong on my end, RNGesus just hates me.

You are correct about Frost Prime helms, as I actually have 3. I don't keep an eye on my stuff for the most part unless it was called into question, so I might exhaggerate a little. Frost Prime helms are probably not the hardest to get compared to other items.

And I never said anything about the Red Veil, for or against them. If anything, I'd rather all syndicate weapons be as strong as Synoid Gammacor because of how hard and tedious it is to obtain them.

I bet your *** must hurt, riding that high horse all day.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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The amount of off topic discussion is sky high in this one..



if anything, you are the one being offensive.. Tho what he said is true.. Boltor Prime is the "go to" weapon for noobs. Anyone that doesn't know the game will get the Boltor Prime as soon as possible because its the "MOST OP" weapon. 


And yes it takes 6 forma to get everything you want into it.. While it takes GS 3 to do MORE dmg than what Boltor P does.




Don't know what you are getting at. He starts a thread, calling all Cephalons kids for their gammacor and mentions his boltor prime which could easily classified the same.


Point is: He probably dislike the weapon and starts ranting, but hey, I can't look into his head. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but that's what I read in his lines.


Synoid Gammacor is very strong indeed. Look at the pages.


Half of it is about how hard it is to get, while it's not hard at all. Depends where you start and how new to the game you are.


The weapon doesn't require enough risk or does not have enough disadvantages to justify its damage+utility, nor does any sort of illusionary endgame, which people make out of infinity missions, justify it.


The other choice is we accept it. Because neither Soma/Boltor Prime got nerfed and both introduced a new power level to the game.


I don't know yet whether SG will break the meta. In my opinion other weapons already did.

Edited by SIDESTRE4M
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Well from what I was able to gather from Warframe Builder:




Gammacor (256 burst dps, 213 sustained dps)

Synoid Gammacor (462 burst, 438 sustained), ya that's pretty close to the difference between boltor and boltor prime.


Modded (focused on Maximizing Burst DPS)


Gammacor (26k, 15k)

Boltor Prime (41k, 23k)

Synoid Gammacor (47k, 40k)

AKBolto (50k, 13k)

AKVasto (54k, 9k)

Telos AKBolto (58k, 15k)

Brakk (87k, 20k)


So, it is beat by several weapons in burst dps but it has a definite strength in it's sustained dps minus the range penalty. Looking forward to maxing it.


[size=1]Please don't nerf Trinity :([/size]

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1. They're not hard to kill. You most ceirtanly don't need something as OP And Broken as the SG to kill them. If you do maybe you should look into getting some coaching?


2. Well i tend to extract at 40. Unless i brought 4 people with decent gear and corrosive projections, which is rare and/or takes a long time to find.

So you would you say you need stronger weapons past 40?


I tend to run hour long survivals, and I need a weapon like snyod around that time. Just cause its op as F*** in the starchart dosent mean its unbalanced. Its just balanced for more intense content.


I think what youre after is more of a rank lock than a outright nerf. That way itd stay out of the star chart, and I could still get my cores.

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tad bit arrogant of a statement, don't you think?


No, i don't think so. Arrogant would imply that i'm talking about myself. I was talking about a group of people, i also didn't say we were better than anyone, so where did you get arrogant from?

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Synoid Gammacor is strong, but needs to be worth the grind. And it is. It's limited by range, and continous fire mode is currently a disadvantage, limiting status to status-per-sec.


It has weaknesses. Unlike Boltor Prime, it actually has weaknesses.


What do you call Boltors Travel time? Strength? Boltor, which needs heavy caliber to even come close to the SG - has horrble accuracy, and sprays like a shotgun (It actually spreads out more than shotguns with a maxed out heavy caliber mod). Boltor also doesn't have the best ammo efficiency. 


Synoid Gammacor On the other hand?


It has the "limited" range of 25 meters.


Sure i could mention magnetic damage, but it still is the highest dps weapon in the game so i didn't bother.

Aaand thats about it. 

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So you would you say you need stronger weapons past 40?


I tend to run hour long survivals, and I need a weapon like snyod around that time. Just cause its op as F*** in the starchart dosent mean its unbalanced. Its just balanced for more intense content.


I think what youre after is more of a rank lock than a outright nerf. That way itd stay out of the star chart, and I could still get my cores.


I'm not after a nerf or a mastery lock, i just want balance. If they nerf gammacor to be on par with the other weapons, then great!


If they buff the other weapons to be on par with the SG? Then that's fantastic! <-- But this is too unrealistic so i went for a nerf thread. 

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No, i don't think so. Arrogant would imply that i'm talking about myself. I was talking about a group of people, i also didn't say we were better than anyone, so where did you get arrogant from?

And before you come back at me with this "argument," calling other people ignorant with that tone after your comment?

It kinda makes you seem like the ignorant one to the fact that everyone has their own style of play and what they find fun.

He likes ridiculously strong weapons to slaughter things? Be my guest.

Not to mention the fact that countless people have brought up points with facts you seem to keep trying to argue your points uselessly against.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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Just because the star-map in your own little Liset spins around you doesn't mean that the solar system /revolves/ around you. Watch your damn tone. You might just find that it turns around on you.


Oh, so you disagree? 


You think that a game, any game, can be good without balance or balancing? You need people like me, people who share their view on things. 


Because as you can see in this thread, a lot of people would want this imbalanced weapon to stay the way that it is simply because it benefits them, and their platinum numbers. 


And before you come back at me with this "argument," calling other people ignorant with that tone after your comment?

It kinda makes you seem like the ignorant one to the fact that everyone has their own style of play and what they find fun.

He likes ridiculously strong weapons to slaughter things? Be my guest.

Not to mention the fact that countless people have brought up points with facts you seem to keep trying to argue your points uselessly against.


What you don't seem to understand is that the majority actually agrees with me. Almost all of them are saying that it is stronger than everything else, but that they want it to stay imbalanced because it benefits them.


And what points would you be talking about? They have spouted the same things over and over. So in my mind they're the ones who are arguing uselessly. 

Edited by Jahakarr
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<<< Probably the only (or one of the few) people at Max rep with New Loka here that thinks it should stay as it is :D


You aren't alone.

I just wish all the other syndicate weapons were as good.

Like if the new ballistica had WAY higher accuracy and a 60% crit chance so you could build it for loads of red crits.

I'd probably cream myself if that happened.

It'd be nice if all the syndicates had great powerful weapons.


As it is the only problem I have with the Synoid Gammacor is it's going to make EVERYONE want to join Cephalon Suda.

Which is a bad thing.

DE probably don't want people favoring one Syndicate REALLY HARD over the other 5.

But as long as the other Syn weapons outside of Gammacor and Marelok are only "slightly better" (or in ballistica's case, way way worse) people will be drawn to the best ones.

In fact I'm sure in a few weeks Steel Meridian and Suda will be the most popular Syndicates for these reasons alone.

And that breaks my heart.

I don't care about weapons being overpowered in a PVE game.

I have a boltor prime. I use it sometimes. Is it OP? Sure. I dont use it all the time though. Stops being fun.

Every gun in this game becomes OP once you sling Serration/HeavyCal/SplitChamber/LethalTorrent/HornetStrike/BarrelDiffusion on it.


But I DO care about FACTION balance.

Syndicates are one of the first REALLY cool things we've had added to this game in a long time.

Each one has cool NPC's, cool designs, cool voices, and cool mods.

I'd love for all 6 to kick &amp;#&#33;.


But with these new weapons most players probably only think 2 out of the 6 Syndicates kick &amp;#&#33;.

And that makes me a sad Kruglov.

Edited by Kruglov
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<<< Probably the only (or one of the few) people at Max rep with New Loka here that thinks it should stay as it is :D


And i don't mind that at all. But then i'd want them to buff the other weapons by an equal amount. going from akboltos to telos, the buff isn't even close to being as massive. 


Synoid does like 2.7x more damage than the gammacor. Akboltos only does 7k less burst and 2k less sustained. 


Vaykor marelok? It's hardly a buff to the original, they gave it some more crit chance, which sure, it's nice. But it's still not Crit build viable, at least not for high end content.


Ballistica is a bad joke, i feel sorry for red veil members. 


And the others are OK, but none of them comes even close to the Synoid Gammacor.

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OP there are plenty of other weapons that outdamage the synoid gammacore and some are easier to get.

Honestly I'd rather it was actually kind of useful then lackluster, which unfortunately seems to be the case with a lot of hyped up weapon rewards.

Even if it is slightly OP, its no where near as bad as you are making it out to be. There are plenty of other long time offenders. 


Just tone it down a notch. You're not making a good case by getting antsy.

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OP there are plenty of other weapons that outdamage the synoid gammacore and some are easier to get.

Honestly I'd rather it was actually kind of useful then lackluster, which unfortunately seems to be the case with a lot of hyped up weapon rewards.

Even if it is slightly OP, its no where near as bad as you are making it out to be. There are plenty of other long time offenders. 


Just tone it down a notch. You're not making a good case by getting antsy.

They are obsessed about the Sustained DPS, not the Burst DPS

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OP there are plenty of other weapons that outdamage the synoid gammacore and some are easier to get.

Honestly I'd rather it was actually kind of useful then lackluster, which unfortunately seems to be the case with a lot of hyped up weapon rewards.

Even if it is slightly OP, its no where near as bad as you are making it out to be. There are plenty of other long time offenders. 


Just tone it down a notch. You're not making a good case by getting antsy.


There is currently no weapon in the game which has higher sustained DPS than the Synoid Gammacor. So far I have only found one weapon which outdamages it in burst, but that is the Brakk which has a burst of less than a second making it very favored in burst-DPS calculations and much "worse" in practice.


I have already made some calculations on this subject for comparison: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/360449-thanks-for-the-synoid-gammacor-buff-de-but/?p=4000502


But the most important thing to note are these weapons in comparison I think (sustained DPS numbers):


Boltor Prime: 25k

Brakk: 34k

Despair: 11k

Flux Rifle: 13k

Gammacor: 17k

Quanta: 17k

Telos AkBolto: 22k

Vaykor Marelok: 22k


And the Synoid Gammacor: 44k


They are obsessed about the Sustained DPS, not the Burst DPS

There are plenty of reasons to why the burst DPS is not that useful on many weapons, mainly because you empty the magazine in less than a second if you consider burst DPS as the most important thing to optimize for. This does not really lead to a well-balanced build as you will spend 80% of your time reloading and 20% shooting which isn't viable against really high-level enemies.

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They are obsessed about the Sustained DPS, not the Burst DPS

Burst dps honestly will be nothing if your weapon empties clip under second.

Burst dps makes sense on braton or boltor calcs, these 4 seconds is enough time to kill some enemies, even heavier ones.


Burst dps is all and fine as long as you can kill everything before reload but against crowds these 5 bullets from brakk wont do much good

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