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Liset Instead Of Archwing?


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Maybe it's just me and you're more than welcome to tell me why I might be missing how this is a stupid idea, but... wouldn't it be cool if we could pilot the Liset in archwing missions? Instead of the archwings? Don't get me wrong, the archwing is great and all that, but now we have our personal little ships, we get to customize the paintjob and everything and maybe they could be an alternative to using the archwing, like the kubrows are an alternative to sentinels?

The Liset doesn't appear super massive to me, there shouldn't be much of a size problem if you used one instead of an archwing and so far, archwing missions don't really seem to require characters to actually be "out there" as opposed to simply using their ships. Of course, melee probably wouldn't be much of an option, but other than that...

Yay? Nay?

Edited by Berserkerkitten
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"I'm a stealth ship not a combat pod!" -Ordis 2k14

In otherwords the liset isnt made for combat, I'm just fine with that. I want to pimp my ride, and keep it clean. Combat would only damage my friend Ordis here,

Edited by Phyrosite
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Maybe it's just me and you're more than welcome to tell me why I might be missing how this is a stupid idea, but... wouldn't it be cool if we could pilot the Liset in archwing missions? Instead of the archwings? Don't get me wrong, the archwing is great and all that, but now we have our personal little ships, we get to customize the paintjob and everything and maybe they could be an alternative to using the archwing, like the kubrows are an alternative to sentinels?

The Liset doesn't appear super massive to me, there shouldn't be much of a size problem if you used one instead of an archwing and so far, archwing missions don't really seem to require characters to actually be "out there" as opposed to simply using their ships. Of course, melee probably wouldn't be much of an option, but other than that...

Yay? Nay?

Sometimes i think DE toyed with the idea of the Liset being what we controlled in space combat before settling on AW. I wouldnt be suprised if being able to move the ship around on the loading screen was the result of the experimental work done.

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"I'm a stealth ship not a combat pod!" -Ordis 2k14

In otherwords the liset isnt made for combat, I'm just fine with that. I want to pimp my ride, and keep it clean. Combat would only damage my friend Ordis here,

^ i want to damage ordis further and destroy him......



hopefully cephalon suda will like me enough to become apart of my new liset

Edited by sekushiiandee
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Maybe it's just me and you're more than welcome to tell me why I might be missing how this is a stupid idea, but... wouldn't it be cool if we could pilot the Liset in archwing missions? Instead of the archwings? Don't get me wrong, the archwing is great and all that, but now we have our personal little ships, we get to customize the paintjob and everything and maybe they could be an alternative to using the archwing, like the kubrows are an alternative to sentinels?

The Liset doesn't appear super massive to me, there shouldn't be much of a size problem if you used one instead of an archwing and so far, archwing missions don't really seem to require characters to actually be "out there" as opposed to simply using their ships. Of course, melee probably wouldn't be much of an option, but other than that...

Yay? Nay?

Well, it already is, in a way. It seems to me, with the changes and more coming rendering the uniqeness of each Warframe's in Archwing down to just cosmetic, you would have a pretty much another spaceship game and less to do with Warframe already.
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I want to troll the Grinner ships.


Grinner: Tenno Ship detected! Ready Flak cannons!


Me: Nope *cloaks*


Grinner: Ahhhh!!....... lost it!


Me: hohohohoooooo *uncloaks*


Grinner: There he is! A--


me: heyheyheyhe *cloaks*


Grinner: They're gone, Damn! F--


Me: lalalalalaaaa *uncloaks*


Grinner: KILL H--


Me: Lalaaaalalala!! *cloaks*



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i actually like ordis sociopathic ''im going to kill you in your sleep'' character. yea hee seems broken but he has that maniac-ish feeling about him...thats what i like the most.


If Liset was a combat ship....then yes ok lets go wreck sh!t.

but sadly he is a stealth ship.....and there is no point making 1 type of stealth ship mission....you sneak next to a ship....scan it quickly to learn weakspots...the end.

We got Lotus for that. she always finds the weakspots.....*wonders how? * she probably works for some1 even more powerfull.

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