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Who Is The Most Outcasted Frame?


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Hydroid is fun frame. Just go Power/Duration build no need for Range, 4+1 combo is excellent for damage and CC, 3 is a get out off jail card, 2 is mobility (max narrow minded=pokemon surf).


In Infested Defense he is great for preventing melee infested units from getting near the pod, you can even go melee mode only and have 4+1 combo back you up. (I spin2win with Scindo Prime while my tentacles penetra--thrash them around).


Source: Avid Hentoid--I mean Hydroid user. Don't knock him til you try him.

Edited by AoiiToori
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People really don't know how to use banshee. Only reason she doesn't show up so often because she is a clan tech now. The reason Banshee sonar only mark one spot is because you do 500% more damage on that area without power mods. Yes even though nova prime the entire body its only 2 times the damage. You can sonar people multiply times and its cheaper than nova and faster.

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Saryn ? 

She is FOTM the moment Transient Fury is released.

Seriously everyone just press 4 and bring the house down.



Banshee ?

Not in normal games.

But if going for 2 hour defense games, she is one of the best there is.


Zephyr ?

Rare. But I use her if soloing certain corpus maps.



Probably the rarest.


Ember ?

Skill sets ain't that good  but at least you still see her infestation games.



If arguably most out cast is Limbo. 

Hardly anyone trusts Limbo.

Edited by fatpig84
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You guys keep saying Banshee. Wtf is that? 


Just in case you're serious;http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Banshee_%28Warframe%29


hydroid - his ultilities are shadowed by others 

mag -  selective effectiveness, only works vs corpus

ember - boring ult, few sets of utility to survive 

banshee - only effective obtaining leaderboard goals, not good with practical things

volt - selective effectiveness, works vs corpus, offense capabilities are bad, look at his 4. dofok is that?


Mag...only works against Corpus?  Wha-?  Uhm, no.  I take her everywhere and the only major issue I run into is the shieldless Nightmares.  

She is geared more towards taking Corpus out, true, but she's not useless for any other faction.


'Frames I don't see;







Edited by Noamuth
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Who ever limbo decide to banish!



I would say


1) Ember

2) Mag

3) Hydroid

4) Ash

5) Banshee

6) Saryn

7) Nekros

8) Zephyr




volt - selective effectiveness, works vs corpus, offense capabilities are bad, look at his 4. dofok is that?


Hes 4 skills is the worst out of all of them try using 1, 2 and 3.

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As a Mag user, I am slightly biased... is she underpowered... sometimes.


Could she do with a buff? I wouldnt say no ;)


But, if you have ever been in a defence with a Rhino, Hydroid, Frost and a Mag, you will find you almost never loose.


Rhino buffs, Frost freezes, hydriod goes into his Puddle, and Mag pulls all the enemies into the puddle... Stragglers are dead hamburger sauce covered in Wall Pie...


That said, Crush could do with just a tad more power... Its a 100 energy for Lotus sake... should at least annoy the enemies.


I havent found a Warframe that I particularly think is underpowered compared to the rest, it just depends on the group you have with you.  I find its all about complimenting the team...


If you are soloing though... well thats another matter.  Loki isnt anywhere near as good as he used to be now assasinate seems to have been nerfed... cant tell you how many times I sneak up behind a low level goon, hit that button... and have the guy go "What the hell was that supposed to be" and me have to punch him to death with his dead comrades.  I guess its all about utility.

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As a Mag user, I am slightly biased... is she underpowered... sometimes.


Could she do with a buff? I wouldnt say no ;)


But, if you have ever been in a defence with a Rhino, Hydroid, Frost and a Mag, you will find you almost never loose.


Rhino buffs, Frost freezes, hydriod goes into his Puddle, and Mag pulls all the enemies into the puddle... Stragglers are dead hamburger sauce covered in Wall Pie...


That said, Crush could do with just a tad more power... Its a 100 energy for Lotus sake... should at least annoy the enemies.


I havent found a Warframe that I particularly think is underpowered compared to the rest, it just depends on the group you have with you.  I find its all about complimenting the team...


If you are soloing though... well thats another matter.  Loki isnt anywhere near as good as he used to be now assasinate seems to have been nerfed... cant tell you how many times I sneak up behind a low level goon, hit that button... and have the guy go "What the hell was that supposed to be" and me have to punch him to death with his dead comrades.  I guess its all about utility.

I see you are an Xbox player; don't worry. Just wait for her 2nd augment. ;)

I don't think you've played around her abilities enough.

Actually, I don't think I've played with her at all. 


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Ember and Nyx. Nyx may be the queen of CC, but Rhino is seen more often. And Ember needs a serious buff. Her abilities used to be amazing against Infested. I used her on a 2 hr ODD, but with the new Infested units Nyx would be better. Personally I dislike Rhino, and Nyx is better. I mainly use Rhino as my fallback frame when I have to complete mission nodes(since everybody's doing void). I would also say that Zephyr, Hydroid and Saryn are seriously underrated, despite Saryn's TOTALLY AMAZING AND COOL LOOKING ULTI and Trin as well. Heck, I've seen Rhino and Loki Prime more than I've seen all the other frames combined.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Zephyr is a really underrated frame. She is my favorite because she is a balanced frame. Her ability lots of utility and damage.

Tail wind=Quick travel 

Dive Bomb= In game knockdown, CC, and if modded correctly, can go over the 2000 damage.

Turbulence= Great protection vs corpus and corrupted. T4 is the hardest mission type in the game, but with Zephyr's turbulence, T4 ends up to be a joke. It scales into high level mission. The DE need to buff turbulence againist grineer. Every time i walk into a crowd of grineer enemys. I always just die and im contantly switching to a warframe like valkyr or loki that is good againist grineer. Last plus about turbulence, you are basically invincible againist the stalker and now i can farm and kill the stalker way more easy than just running.

Tornadoes= People call this ability unreliable and its not a "in game" ability. this ability lifts any level enemy and kills them easily with the right mods. Also under low celings, if enemys are up in the tornadoes for too long,[5 seconds] they instantly die. But the best part about this ablity is when you add elemental combos. Its base is magentic but you can change it to any element. This is so powerful, like if you put an element to toxic, it instantly cut the the health of any enemy to 50percent. When an ablitys like rhino stomp and avalance start to have damage fall off. Tornadoes murders everything. People probably are saying, "does it proc" and yes. It does proc.... alot

Zephyr doesnt deserve to be underrated. Every time someone inv me to t4 defense they tell me what warframe, when i say Zephyr, they deny me. To be honest, i see rhinos all the time. 75 percent of the game is rhino.I only see 2 percent Zephyr the whole experience. Zephyr should be not underrated

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Please don't mention Zephyr as outshined, outcasted, or w/e. She is fine and probably one of the more balanced frames in the game. 



She's one of the few frames where I feel I can bring her to any mission without being a burden to my team and probably the only frame where all her abilities are useful.


If anyone is outcasted, it's Nyx. Use to be my favorite frame but ever since ability augment mods, Loki the God has completely taken over her niche.

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How often do you see Hydroid?

No one has Hydroid because the grind to get him is still massive. Yeah, his skills still suck and he's one of the worst frames in the game, but comparing sightings of him to Ember or even Banshee is illogical. Still, I'm just going to parrot most of the posts here and say Ember, along with Hydroid, are in dire need of help. Banshee is a pretty good frame, but Silence isn't useful in the way they intended it (fantastic mobile stun, though), and Sonar needs to prioritize enemy weakspots rather than be randomized. As soon DE realizes that players being unable to pick up items in the Cataclysm is illogical, Limbo will be a fine frame. If they ever make Cataclysm re-castable, Limbo will be an amazing frame.


Zephyr is goddamn amazing, I'd say even completely broken, but I'd rather not explain my stance lest people hop on the bandwagon and get her nerfed. I'll admit her 2nd skill does need work, but that's because it's actually broken and half the time applies no damage, not because it's simply ineffective.

(Note: I actually have Hydroid)

Edited by CHunterX
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Ember (damage abilities not scaling)

Hydroid (he's just a tad... underwhelming, for some reason.)


Banshee isn't really bad or anything, I still have her, but she just lacks viability to be really useful. Sonar? nice, but hitting the spot can be annoying, because it becomes 'find the dot'. Shockwave? pretty nice personal space skill. Silence? haven't used it that much yet but it's ok-ishly useful. But sound quake. Yea, sure, stagger prime. But banshee isn't immortal during casting. And she isn't very durable to begin with.


Zephyr is mostly just an oxium sink, but she's pretty nice (although I'd love it if she could actually hover / fly, not just fart forward / Floating leaf: Drop of the dead leaf). Tornado is so stupidly OP in void sabotage during the portal 'attack' phase it's silly. Cast tornado when a terminal is activated, and it goes behind the portal, trapping every enemy. Occasionally recast and they can't even get out, let alone shoot you.

Outside that it's pretty useful to clear large hordes of enemies, even if they don't die, they're temporarily out of the way.


Zephyr player usually just go solo.


Yep. I take my zephyr out quite a lot (my fav frame, well, ok, on par with trinity, followed by vauban and valkyr, but each their own role) but since I play solo pretty much 90% of the time, not many people see me around. I grew to hate random pugs. Only place I still have matchmaking on 'online' is for caelus, uranus. Not cus I can't solo it with my itzal, but because you get more enemies with 4 people)


1) Ember

2) Banshee

3) Trinity? Idk, I don't see her often; and who wants to be stuck with the warframe whose sole purpose is to heal others?


Trinity is a support frame, in pretty much every sense of the term.

Energy? NP. Trinity has that covered. Just politely look at her and she'll make enemies light up like a christmas piñata.

Health? Pretty much map-wide near-instantaneous heal.


The only thing she can't really do is preventing incoming damage (don't mention blessing's damage reduction, it's pretty negligible most of the time; it only works if somebody is almost dead). I somewhat miss the perma-godmode lobster queen days xD )


But she isn't really needed in the lower/mid tiers. Only at higher levels where players take heavy damage she is more valued.

Also in rep farming as energy battery, but w/e.

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a lot of the newer frames have reputations as being trollable versus teammates (Zeph, Hydroid, Limbo)

Banshee is the great Waframe secret

an Ash main is thought to be more skilled versus a Loki main yet the invis duration/general ease of use skews usage towards Loki

before this Radial Javelin exploitation thats going on Excal mains were the rarest of the rare; If you used Radial Blind before all of the recent hype you are to be commended

Ember has gone downhill ever since her power change which is ironic because other frames now have the same or better and they are fine. Ember needs to get looked at again seriously

ever since the Prime came out the regular Rhino is like the Rhino in real life; endangered species


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-10)Banshee even though i play banshee i amost never see anyone ask for a banshee or play banshee (long time defences and survivals dont count).

1)Ember cause she is usefull Vs  infested  and ppl dont play that much infested missions and even in defence missions she isnt picked over Vauban, Nova, Trinity or Nekros.

2)Hydroid his skills from my point of view are to help defend or keep locations clear of enemies. Something that is done way better with a Nova , Vauban, Banshee and frames that have great CC like saryn, excal, oberon

3)Volt - Mag, rarely you will see them in corpus missions , or  CAPTURE  missions for volt (yes i know some of you use him even in T4s cause his shield is awsome, but not that many people ask for one or even know there is that way to play this frame). Seems now that Viver fever is behind us people put mag on the side u dont even see her in  cerberus  where it is mirage's kingdom nowdays.

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Loki Prime and Rhino Prime are obviously underpowered and they need serious buffs. :)


It's times like these I wish downvote still existed.


On a more serious, not sarcasm sort of way:


Pretty much Ember, Banshee, Vauban and Hydroid you only see rarely on a team anymore. Ember's too much of a high-matinence frame to really have a lot of people focus on in higher-tier, Banshee's decent but seems to get ignored a lot, Vauban is more or less Infested/Defense or GTFO I've noticed due to his stationary focus, and Hydroid, while fun, seems to also fall into Banshee's case of not being 1337 Edgemaster OP so noone takes them out for srs stuff. Cept me, cus I didn't make him pink for no other reason :D

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