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Twin Queens? This Is It. Our Chance For Endgame. [Raid Discussion]


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 I'd personally be very, very, very disappointed if Twin Queens was anything short of a 'Final Boss' tier fight.


 I mean, the two leaders of the entire Grineer Empire ought to be pretty awesome, right?


 So it'd break my heart if DE didn't take their time and save them for a time where hey could really go nuts.

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raids... As endgame content...? I like the core idea, especially with missions opening beyond the 4mansquad, or 3 squads in a mission.... I do not, however, like the seeming appeal to non-warframe like ideals, especially those relating to unforgiving timers, non-respawning fights, or hard break points 'hit it or kick it'. The maps are indicative of a play style that allows for numerous ways to traverse a room (all with their variations), and as much as rhino prime mains like to say it, there are multiple ways to play a frame. I like the idea of a lategame raid more and more, but I do not want it to become an institutionalized checklist of what must be brought to succeed. I suppose I endorse this idea, while very very heavily warning DE to stress flexibility and co-operation over strict number crunching. That being said, a 12+ step quest line would be fantastic, and could highlight two new game modes or so if you've got something up your sleeve. Raids good.... But be careful to keep Warframe *Warframe*.

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 I'd personally be very, very, very disappointed if Twin Queens was anything short of a 'Final Boss' tier fight.


 I mean, the two leaders of the entire Grineer Empire ought to be pretty awesome, right?


 So it'd break my heart if DE didn't take their time and save them for a time where hey could really go nuts.


This is exactly what I'm saying. Yet there's so many people here and especially on Reddit saying it should just be like any other boss fight. I find that to be ridiculous. Why would the leader of all the bosses we fought thus far be defeated the same as her underlings? 

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*All that stuff*


In all honestly, I'm totally against it...


I'd rather go playing another MMO, with all the pros and cons, rather than seeing such kind of gameplay involved in Warframe.


The selling points of this game where that, beside the 'infinite' missions, it was quick and fast paced. Warframe is a game that the casual gamer can enjoy without having to join large clans. Warframe is a game where you don't have to worry about Ninjas, and you all know what I mean, since everyone gets the same loot. Warframe is a game where everyone can play without having to worry about a raidmaster nitpicking people.


What you're asking for is the very opposite of everything Waframes embodies, what you're asking for is basically turning this game into another MMO, with the difference that it's a shooter and it works by istances. 


I don't want to clean 100+ Grineers to reach my boss, it's stupid, it's time consuming. I don't want, on an already butchered by the RNG game, have to wait for a week to get my chances at equipment. I want to play when I have time and for how much time I reasonably can in accord with my duties. I don't want Warframe to become World of Warframe by taking only the most boring and annoying mechanics from it.


DE did something awesome here, beside all the problems the game and community are facing, they managed to bring to light something that was innovative, something that was rarely seen in this gaming world filled with istances and time-locked raids. Your very idea is totally against what they did, it's totally against what we have done so far, it's totally against what I am expecting from this game.


And, to my eyes, it's not even endgame, it's just cloning. It's looking up on something that has become a standard by ignoring the possibility to go for  different route.


I seriously hope DE will choose to not stray from the path of being unique because every grindwall we have seen so far wouldn't even been comparable to this.

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Just because it's copying the basic mechanics doesn't mean it's necessarily bad. Warframe has an intuitive movement system unique to the game. They could take the base idea for raids and completely innovate the idea using their unique movement options. Every game has to learn from other games what works and doesn't. Raids are obviously very popular. Why not include them in this game?


Also Warframe really has no grind. Compared to ARPGs and MMOs, this is a ridiculously casual game. 2000 hours is nothing. I think a real grind would open the community's eyes as to what serious gamers do.

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I take extreme issue to all of these players linking ANYTHING that has to do with bosses/raids lasting longer than 2 minutes to WOW. WOW isnt the end all be all kids! 

Sorry to break your world. There are HUNDREDS of games with bosses that inspire unique mechanics and lengthy fights. NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO DO WITH WOW *breaths heavily*

Well aware of this having played XI for over a decade now. I've done some of the hardest things around but I still got the WoW vibe from this suggestion.

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Just because it's copying the basic mechanics doesn't mean it's necessarily bad. Warframe has an intuitive movement system unique to the game. They could take the base idea for raids and completely innovate the idea using their unique movement options. Every game has to learn from other games what works and doesn't. Raids are obviously very popular. Why not include them in this game?


Also Warframe really has no grind. Compared to ARPGs and MMOs, this is a ridiculously casual game. 2000 hours is nothing. I think a real grind would open the community's eyes as to what serious gamers do.


For something being very popular doesn't really means it's necessarily good.


I still think Raids, and I've done quite the amount in my days, or World Bosses being around the most stupid mechanics that could ever been implemented in a game. To me they are, and forever will be, a mechanic that needs to disappear forever from modern Videogames. But I guess that if you liked them, and found any enjoyement in doing the same maneveurs every time without a chance to improvise, I cannot argue with your tastes.


Can't really see the difference with 'press4towin' tho...


Also Warframe really has no grind. Compared to ARPGs and MMOs, this is a ridiculously casual game. 2000 hours is nothing. I think a real grind would open the community's eyes as to what serious gamers do.


Dunno, should I take this as an offense to casual gamers?

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Also Warframe really has no grind. Compared to ARPGs and MMOs, this is a ridiculously casual game. 2000 hours is nothing. I think a real grind would open the community's eyes as to what serious gamers do.


I'd like a definition for serious gamer and how 2,000 hours of playtime equates to nothing. At this point you're basically just going "I'm super hardcore if you aren't up to my standard you're casual and don't matter." 

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This is exactly what I'm saying. Yet there's so many people here and especially on Reddit saying it should just be like any other boss fight. I find that to be ridiculous. Why would the leader of all the bosses we fought thus far be defeated the same as her underlings? 


 Yeah, well.


 I know this much.


 While Raid type content with a ton of Tenno sounds cool and all and I'd definitely love something like that if it were done right. (I'd probably forsake the idea of doing levels like this in favor of them being only a few rooms and a seriously challenging boss showdown. You know, make them cut straight to the point.)


 I'd actually like to see some story related content that is difficult or 'endgame' or whatever the hell you feel like calling it because it is specifically meant to be tackled solo.



 I wouldn't mind some difficult content that took place on levels that DE built with set piece battles in mind, for one. It'd also be nice to see some content intended for you to lone wolf. I think the games story is the ultimate place to stick such a form of gameplay. Solo challenge questlines would be dope. They could be like side stories as well, if DE wanted to tackle it that way. 


 Just picture it. "Hey Tenno, Steel Meridian is glad to have you along. We noticed that you're a pretty powerful guy. We could use someone of your Mastery rank to help us liberate a Colony that we absolutely need to save. Will you help?" 



 As for 'endgame'. I dunno. Warframe doesn't really have an Endgame. Everything is still 'Midgame' for lack of a better term. There is no rigid end point in progression, there will always be new weapons or weapon changes or something altering what the peak of a Tenno's power can be. It is hard to build an endgame that can stay difficult and interesting while weathering that rapidly changing situation over time.

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-Attunement quest: A difficult quest that introduces the raid. The very lowest and basic gearcheck.


-Large group: A full 10 man minimum raid group. 


-Fixed map: Either a fixed map with all tiles in a single order, or randomize the trash tiles between raid bosses while keeping boss tiles and order fixed.


-High level raid trash: Level 100+ Grineer dealt with in groups. No constant respawning. Tactically placed throughout the tile. Add more enemy types with unique mechanics we need to deal with in certain ways (Nullifiers and Tar Moa are good starts). Perhaps even stealth will be needed for overly difficult enemies.


-Several Raid Bosses culminating in the final showdown with the Twin Queens: Several or all of the Grineer bosses currently in the game with their own boss rooms and improved statistics and mechanics. Complicated mechanics requiring teamwork and precise tactics to defeat. Force us to utilize positioning along with the movement options (i.e. parkour) we use during normal missions. Several phases for each boss, maybe adds spawn throughout the fight at intervals, and enrage timer to weed out groups with either underpar gear or poor execution of tactics (no mistakes allowed). Each boss will be a unique fight requiring unique tactics.


-Difficulty options: Lowest will allow for PUGs to get a feel for the mechanics and raid overall. Lower difficulty levels have fewer mechanics, weaker/fewer trash, more room for errors. Highest difficulty will require little to no errors be made during the raid bosses. Any difficulty above the first requires a premade group. 


-Raid Gear: Each difficulty grants a certain level of gear. Higher difficulties give better gear. Pretty simple one. Only obtainable from raids. You can only obtain drops once a week.


-(Optional) Global Acknowledgement (World Firsts): First raid completion of each difficulty will be broadcasted via Redtext. Groups will get a sigil/emblem showing world first completion. Relays will have their names engraved somewhere in Tennobet showing their great accomplishment.


-(Optional) Legendary Item: Rare drop. Something with an extremely low chance to drop (5%). Only dropped from Twin Queens at the highest difficulty.


Legendary questline (recommended). Obtain items from all raid bosses on highest difficulty at semi low drop rates (20%). Items are used in a long quest deeply involving lore. Will take several months to obtain all in total. Extremely satisfying to complete.

Very few people will obtain a legendary item. It will have stronger stats than top raid gear and/or a unique game changing effect. A showing of not only power, but determination (or luck).


While I love the idea of a raid I'm going to come out and say it now. Attunements sucked in WoW(They don't do them anymore for a reason.) and they will suck here. Please no to attunement.

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Have you ever played Nightmare Jackal? It's ridiculously fun and similar to a low level raid boss. Mine Ospreys spawn and litter the field with bombs. Dodging the stomps and one shot rockets. Containers falling from the sky when you run out of ammo. It's this but on crack and for endgame players.

He is falling after few shots with Marelok. Iron Skin protetc against most effects. Maybe we really playing in different games.

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You know the problem? This is basically a bloated version bossfights we already have now. You fight them a few times to get the drops, and then forget about it. After you've completed it-what then? 

Come to the forums. : /


I like the idea of a raid type mission.  What about adding a stealth/sabotage element?  Half or 1/3 of the raid team runs a side mission that has the potential of making the bosses turn on each other and do half the damage for us.

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1st. 1+ 

2nd. lvl 100 enemies ? so u want 5 rhinos & 5 trinities running around ?  because I qurantee u any other frame will die in a split second.

3rd. world completion ? nope nope nope

4th. raid gear ? ehhhhhhhhhhmmmmm yeah.....

5th rest is good

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While I'm all for amazing endgame content, don't forget that there are those of us that would sooner not have to restrict ourselves to playing to fit the schedule of a raid group. While I'm okay with the queens becoming an awesome endgame boss I'd also appreciate the option to take them on alone. Who is to say that a lone Tenno can't bring them down? By the time we reach endgame we're essentially gods.


A few of us brought down the entire Orokin Empire. Simply dispatching the physical leaders of the Grineer Empire shouldn't be too hard.



Also take your ideas of weekly caps on boss runs and throw them out of an airlock. We don't need them here.

Edited by Cybernetix
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I will never understand the obession with 10-man raids.


Yes, more intricate boss fights would be great, but you don't need to lift the exact same model from every other MMO in existence. You can achieve this more epic-style boss fight with just a little work on their individual mechanics, no need to create an ENTIRE new game mode for it and throw in double the number of people (which I know only a handle of host comps could handle).

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