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Do You Guys Just Farm Stuff Or Don't Care And Have Fun?


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I used to farm/grind like a maniac until lately I was like "screw that".  So lately I've just been doing fun T4 Survival or Defense and whatever reward I come across I don't care.  I don't even care if I'm caught up with all the new stuff anymore.

I mean seriously, it p*sses me off when dealing with the dreaded RNG, don't you?


What about you guys?  Do you guys farm stuff everytime you get onto Warframe or just don't care and have fun?

Edited by zavienh5
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If I didn't like the game, i wouldn't play. The grind is a part of the game, and I've accepted the hours in self-contemplation and grineer blood/organ showers as an enjoyable part of my weekly routine.

but its just that gore isnt really appealing in this game apparently -.-

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I'm farming, so that one day I can finally be done getting all the stuff I want and I can just have fun. Never works out, though, they just keep adding new weapons I wanna obtain and max out, now they're adding those annoying primed mods and you just gotta farm, farm and farm some more. Anyway, the void is calling, gotta run...

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I've never done much farming in this game. 

I haven't even been ruuning void that much (after selling redundant prime stuff I got around 1000 ducats).


Lately I found myself doing void runs not even caring what is the reward pool. Just to get credits and some random stuff.

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attempt to do both. and now with the void trader. RNGesus can laugh all he wants. I'll still get what I want in the end, when it comes to void. spec' when he comes back around with more stuff.


XP farming? go do a kappa run with some friends and a speed nova for lulz and such. It gets real spicy real fast.

alerts? race to end of objective and fast as possible, without using volt, via trolling with elevators(not sure if it still works, but if you hit the button while its in transit, you can make it stop and go back the other way, but haven't done that in a long time). stuff like that. makes it funnier in the end.

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Just enjoy the general gameplay.. you collect materials either way.. If you don't do it deliberately then it doesn't get terribly boring and you can just enjoy fun times with friends who do have objectives and things they want to farm.

Mostly I'm forced to solo, so if you fixate on the whole grind thing too much, you do get bored. To keep it interesting, I change up my weapons a lot, or I'll try out a new warframe.


Things that detract from game play atm (and is more a grind/boring)... Alad V is virtually impossible. FPS issues. NAT issues, and the game seizing up (like it has right now lol)


I'm generally pretty happy to be surprised by what comes.. its not like you can do anything to change the rewards lol

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