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Soma Prime Stats Is A Disappointment


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When people are trying to balance toward the most insanely powerful assault rifle in the game (boltor prime) then yes it is crazy.


The soma (original) is still strong as all holy hell if you aren't modding it with dumb crap like 'vile acceleration' or 'hammershot'.


The soma (original) is lacking in basically nothing. It has a huge mag, big crits, excellent accuracy even with heavy caliber, and decent status.

In all honesty DE could have made soma prime have the exact same stats and it'd STILL be a good gun that will work on any variety of enemies at basically any level of difficulty, just like the soma.


Soma Prime doesn't need the massive power of the boltor prime (which is almost guaranteed overkill vs basically everything in this game).


And because DE accidentally made 1 prime crazy insanely needlessly strong once (boltor) does not mean everything they add henceforth has to march to that same beat.


THAT is what balance is.

Only thing that ticked me off a lot is that you said vile acceleration is a waste. Onto balancing Soma prime MR0 Soma MR6 woo balance.
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Boltor might do more damage but Soma is more efficient, it's a hitscan weapon, it more than triples the magazine size of Boltor Prime, has faster fire rate. Both weapons are pretty balanced, I like that they didn't go overboard with Soma Prime. No crit chance increase, no crit damage increase. Just a slight buff to damage, status and a bigger magazine size. It was already a great rifle to begin with.[/size]

Boltor prime is a mid range rifle soma can land in some far range shots. Slap in heavy cal bye bye to those it's now mid range just like the boltor and the boltor prime beats it in DPs. Guess you can get a rank 4-5 heavy cal to still use the soma long range. Mostly it comes to playstyle. I like damage that is my play style.

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I'd prefer a crit bonus instead of a status bonus is all... 10% status is still not viable for any sort of status anything.


I'm glad it's not a mara soma, at least.  It's worth using for sure.  Still think they should add mastery rank requirements to all prime weapons though... MR7 or so would suit the soma prime.


Bullcrap. I made a status-focused Braton Prime pre-balance and was absolutely wrecking face with it. if I recall, the Braton Prime was at 10% status before the upgrade.

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People, check builder, Soma P is up there.

Its better than Boltor P on sustained and a bit less on burst.  And thats not considering headshots.

Soma P is the new best rilfe in the game, but not by much, thanks to all the people who prevented it from becoming another synoid gamebreaker

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current Soma already good enough and Prime part just added 2 more damage and 100 more ammo capacity and you people disappointing at it? never judge a weapon before using it, Son....like how i judge the stupid Quanta because of the look but it turn out to be really good.

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Has anyone added theres no wind up and the clip size is so massive that it gains a bit more DPS and viability VIA not having to reload nearly as often?

For the second, there's been one or two mentions of that, but sustained DPS isn't what the DPS freaks go for (nor clip efficiency but that's another discussion entirely).


For the first... people would have to have a Soma Prime in order to know that, so far less people know that. :P


But yeah, the weapon's definitely better.

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Before ; Plz DE don't make soma prime OP


If the forum community was a single entity this would be funny, but this isnt the case. 



You got the "I like to play chess with myself because winning is fun and rewarding, screw challenge" crowd and you have the "The game is too easy, I want challenge" crowd.


Obviously they have different opinions on weapon balance.

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Seeing as everything goes off of the base damage, isn't an increase from 10 to 12 an eventual 20% damage increase?


So a 30K burst DPS build on the Soma should become a 36K burst DPS build on the Soma Prime, if I'm correct.


^ this, a 20% flat DPS increase + a little status increase + 100% extra magazine.


They did a DAMN GOOD JOB with the Soma Prime, it is greater but not OP at all!

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Jesus what more do you guys want? An alt fire that destroys all life every where? The soma in its basic form was already one of the best weapons in the game, any improvement to that just makes it even better, it does more damage,more status and bigger mag. Its like going from an A to an A+


Soma was a B at best, it was completely outshined by the boltor prime as well as the other top tier primaries. And with the release of the syndicate weapons, well it got pushed back even further, though they're still the best weapons in this game. 


So why did they buff the Synoid gammacor to such a stupid powerful place? The Soma Prime doesn't even come close to it. 


And i'd rather have them give it 5% more crit than all of the "buffs" that it received now, it doesn't really even feel like a prime now. 


And a bunch of these people who are saying that it's fine were flaming me for wanting to have the synoid gammacor nerfed. 

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What kind of thread is this? A thread that people want to complain Soma prime is soo OP? Its fine as it is! Leave it alone!



This thread is just full of stupid.


This gun does more dps than Boltor Prime by a large margin. And if you're getting some headshots, by a gigantic margin. And it's hitscan.


If the Soma was a B, this is an A++.

And you guys haven't read anything in this thread...

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