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Void Drop Tables' Rotation C Was Stealth Nerfed, Please Raise Awareness Of This Issue


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A friend of mine told me that during the stream they were saying something about buffing rare items drops after first C, but I dunno if this is true or not since I haven't watched the stream.

They called it rotation D, but it felt more like an awkward joke than proposed solution

i.e. "they want the D! huehue"

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Rebecca had brought up that there's no reward for going further than 40 minutes, and Sheldon, who seems to be the one in control of the void tables, seemed to get what she was talking about. But seriously, I don't want to have to play a single mission for 40 minutes before things start to get better. We don't all work for DE.

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Bloody christ, They supposedly lowered the ducat value of multiple 50 ducat items (like nyx prime systems) to 10 ducats, and changes r5 cores to 3x o cells in t4 survival. To put it bluntly, I am &!$$ED





O cell:



Why are ducats relevant? THIS ROTATION C NERF WAS TO PREVENT DUCAT FARMING. And now you nerf ducat farming? UGH. I just....I don't know how to make a complete sentence at the moment


And O cells in t4? r5 cores is the only reason I go to t4 survival. Stop doing this stuff


edit: Going to t4 survival to get my own samples of the new drops, wish me luck

Edited by cyrus106
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Bloody christ, They supposedly lowered the ducat value of multiple 50 ducat items (like nyx prime systems) to 10 ducats, and changes r5 cores to 3x o cells in t4 survival. To put it bluntly, I am &!$$ED





O cell:



Why are ducats relevant? THIS ROTATION C NERF WAS TO PREVENT DUCAT FARMING. And now you nerf ducat farming? UGH. I just....I don't know how to make a complete sentence at the moment


And O cells in t4? r5 cores is the only reason I go to t4 survival. Stop doing this stuff


edit: Going to t4 survival to get my own samples of the new drops, wish me luck

I really hope you have good news to bring back upon return.  Taking out the best source of R5 cores we have after interoducing numerous new R10 mods is a kick in the teeth!

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Results of 2 runs:


First run, literally no rare 5s 30 minutes






Second run 40 mins


15 rare 5s, 3 o cells, vasto prime bp




Confirmed, O cells are in rotation A.


Why is this bad you ask?


Based on how the drop rates work, rotation A had a 77% chance of dropping common items (the only item in "common" was cores, hence why t4 survival is so popular). Now that o cells are added, that rate is CUT IN HALF.

That's right! Only a 38.5% chance to drop r5s now in rotation A!




Sidenote: I ran a t4 defense earlier and got literally nothing but rare 5s in a 35 wave run, couldnt get a screenie due to game crash but I suspect maybe they made t4 defense the new spot....needs more testing!

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I know that hard "evidence".


Just noticed that you just added all the probabilities together, which irritated me. Also, there doesn't seem to be that much that is classified as "rare" at all when it comes to void, the only thing this applies to seems to be completed Forma.


That's because that's how their drop tables work... look at every single mission in the game they all conspicuously have the same exact percentages (if you add up the common/uncommon/rare classifications).  They use an idiotic weighted class system rather than each individual piece of loot having its own percentage.


As for T4 Survival getting Orokin Cells that's just a bad joke, let's hope that they're only in Rotation A, but either way it sounds like everyone's going to be swimming in those too soon enough.

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It's honestly Sheldon's responsibility. I dont mean disrespect Sheldon but you need to get your head in the game. Play the game more, earn your own gear, and perhaps you will finally see how POOR your changes are

DE definitely isn't good at their own game.  They don't really understand how hardcore players experience the game and they don't have a good feel for how casual players play either. That, and the pressure to monetize their game is leading to the toxic direction the game had been going in in the last few updates.  

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How about this: In order for a dropchance to get approved, DESheldon has to play the game until it actually drops for him. He can change the droprate freely until it drops, then it is final.

Problem with that is, that no item stands on its own. Each change in drop chance affects all other items in the same pool. Have you already forgotten how angry people got after a while when DE introduced the new corrupted mods, pushed their drop chance through the ceiling and you didn't seem to get anything from vaults besides those three mods, thus making the old ones almost impossible to obtain?

Not everyone in this game already has everything and is only hunting for the freshest stuff. Sometimes people need a part of, say, a Prime item three generations back because of reasons. Imagine you need a Frost Prime Helmet for Suda, but get nothing but Nova Chassis from T3S - wouldn't that feel as bad as the other way around?

If you change drop chances while you play, until you get a specific item, and then repeat that for every other item in the same pool, you'll end up with drop pools that have a total chance of over 200% sooner rather than later, making the RNG definitively go nuts.

Edited by Bibliothekar
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But I don't think the grind is that bad, DE has to make some money. IMHO, World of Whatever is worse when it comes to the grinding experience.

That's the same as saying "Oh please, shove a broadsword into my $&*^! It's not as bad as that guy over there! He shoves TWO BROADSWORDS into my $&*^". Never settle for the lesser of two evils

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How about this: In order for a dropchance to get approved, DESheldon has to play the game until it actually drops for him. He can change the droprate freely until it drops, then it is final.


Except then they'd have to ditch the weighted drop chances and actually make individual drop rates for every item that drops.  That would be logical, but that isn't allowed here you should understand that by now.

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How about this: In order for a dropchance to get approved, DESheldon has to play the game until it actually drops for him. He can change the droprate freely until it drops, then it is final.

No, much better to just get rid of all weighting in the drop tables and give everything an even chance of appearing. There might be a lot of stuff, but at least the odds aren't stacked against you. I know that this is the case for at least some of the drop tables - T2 defence, rotation A was explicitly stated by Kickbot in council chat to have equal weighting.

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No, much better to just get rid of all weighting in the drop tables and give everything an even chance of appearing. There might be a lot of stuff, but at least the odds aren't stacked against you. I know that this is the case for at least some of the drop tables - T2 defence, rotation A was explicitly stated by Kickbot in council chat to have equal weighting.


Except then they'd have to ditch the weighted drop chances and actually make individual drop rates for every item that drops.  That would be logical, but that isn't allowed here you should understand that by now.


Or you could all realize that I was JOKING...

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Spindash is a joker, lay off the rage friends. Let not turn on eachother, stay focused on making more change for the better via discussion and constructive feedback

I actually thought that was obvious...


Now that DE actually puts cores into lower Voids and Star Chart missions, I think I should once again propose giving more cores for B Rotation than A. C shouldn't have them, at least not in void (not too familiar with the state of star chart C Rotations).

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Or you could all realize that I was JOKING...


Except for the fact it isn't funny because he's been screwing the playerbase over, and quite frankly I think your suggestion is perfect punishment.  Clearly he doesn't play the game though and his cheating during their devstream just further shows how little he seems to actually care about the game side of things.


Now that DE actually puts cores into lower Voids and Star Chart missions, I think I should once again propose giving more cores for B Rotation than A. C shouldn't have them, at least not in void (not too familiar with the state of star chart C Rotations).


They only added them to A in regular Survival and B in Interception and I believe the star chart C are all keys I may be wrong though I haven't checked beyond what I've played personally.  I certainly agree they shouldn't be in C for void and neither should Forma BPs, but that just goes back to what this whole thread started out about.


I'm really curious how else the drop tables were affected when they inserted Orokin Cells, but who knows when/if we'll be able to find out since it would appear stuff is encrypted again.

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