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A Warframe Concept: The Dragon [2.0] — Final Update 2/09/2015


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A quick rough sketch of the small changes I'm considering. Also, as far as names go, if I do a "dual-stage" Warframe, he might well have two names, and if he does: Siegfried while grounded (with a more "knightly" set of abilities), Fafnir while in Rising Dragon (with the more appropriately "dragon" abilities). Maybe. Everything is always in a state of "maybe, maybe not, we'll see."


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There are two options that i can see now, if you were to decide to that way:

1) 4th ability acts as a switch-it should cost 100 and give some kind of short-timed buff... Maybe going from brusier to tank could force his shields and health to regenerate and give him a little boost to shields and maybe armour (while in tank mode all the time) at the expense of making him move with the speed of rhino/frost (or even a little bit slower)? Then 1st ability could become a "breath" attack, for 2nd i have no idea... 3rd would stay the same.

And when going into bruiser he could get big buff to movement speed and attack speed and maybe stamina regen and small buff to his reload speed and/or movement speed(same as with bruiser-active until the next switching) ... but at the cost of lowering his shields...Then 1st&2nd ability could stay the same, 3rd would allow him to fly (without any buffs).


2) 1st or 3rd are the switch - Low cost with a bit of cd and no timed buffs, the permanent one should stay(boost to shields&armour and boost to Stamina regen&reload/movement speed)

In tank mode the Challenge should stay, and the 4th  could be that uber-costly-and-damaging channelled breaath that Archwizard mentioned (I think that it was him...)

In bruiser 4th and Indomitable should stay i do not have any ideas for other ability...


But then what would be his innate state? bruiser or tank?


these are ramblings of mine...

Damn! It's half past three am for me! I really need to go to sleep!

Edited by Drejzer
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I was actually thinking Nyx could be a terrifying instructor that teaches about the psychology of war, the danger of paranoia and hypervigilance, stuff like that.




Sample panel; like, this could be after a botched mission.


Possible initial plot: Excalibur pilot is protagonist, during a training mission, he thinks he sees the Stalker—his father was supposedly murdered by the Stalker, everyone else thinks it's just a bogeyman, a ghost story to tell young recruits to keep them vigilant and watchful. Thinking he's found his father's killer, runs off, abandoning his teammates. As a result, teammates Loki and Mag are severely wounded (Loki critically so), Frost barely saves him in time (he was dealing with a mass of enemy forces), and then Excalibur gets severely chewed out once they return to safety (a Lotus/Tenno academy?).



I would LOVE to see a Warframe manga style comic like this :)

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There are two options that i can see now, if you were to decide to that way:

1) 4th ability acts as a switch-it should cost 100 and give some kind of short-timed buff...


Alternately, the 4th ability is a toggled skill with a high initial cost and low upkeep, and once in dragon form, hitting 4 again reverts you (rather than giving you the ability to double-ultimate). The three "scaled-up" skills also could have a higher cost to top it off.


Which STILL means you have a frame with 7 abilities, mind.


Edit: Actually the more I think about it, if he DOES get a breath weapon, it would mean he'd have two toggled skills... Probably not a safe idea to make the ultimate a toggle after all.

Edited by Archwizard
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A quick rough sketch of the small changes I'm considering. Also, as far as names go, if I do a "dual-stage" Warframe, he might well have two names, and if he does: Siegfried while grounded (with a more "knightly" set of abilities), Fafnir while in Rising Dragon (with the more appropriately "dragon" abilities). Maybe. Everything is always in a state of "maybe, maybe not, we'll see."

I like it so far. :)

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I like the concept, but Indomitable seems overpowered. I may just be seeing as overpowered, since you never specify how fast the health and shields regen. I would also reccomend making it cost 50 energy instead of 35, but otherwise, I see no problems with this frame concept.

Edited by Kalithar
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I like the concept, but Indomitable seems overpowered. I may just be seeing as overpowered, since you never specify how fast the health and shields regen. I would also reccomend making it cost 50 energy instead of 35, but otherwise, I see no problems with this frame concept.


Well to be fair, if it combines with the AoE agro effect, it would balance itself out, seeking out players that can play under pressure, a true "tank".


I think the whole reason for the regen, is since you're going to have ALL the attention of the heavies, Elites, possible G3/Stalker. You're going to need to keep yourself up, since being on the receiving end of a focus fire.. is a terrible feeling.

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A very well drawn Warframe definitely. I would like to see him in game. But I'm not sure about his abilities. Whole they are good for a dragon design, I feel they are too Beat Em Up for Warframe. Regardless, It would be delicious tasty carnage to the wrath sponges. 

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While the Tenno slept in cryostasis ...

... they waited.


As the Grineer empire grew unchecked ...

... they hardened their bodies.


As the Corpus cult harvested Orokin settlements ...

... they sharpened their minds.


As the Infestation spread to every corner of the Sol system ...

... they honed their blades.


When the enemies of the Tenno finally tracked down the Lotus ...

... they found Dragons.





—Highly mobile, melee-focused tank/threat

—"Plasma" damage [Heat + Magnetic] (thanks for the idea, Evariskitsune)

—Skill-based (no more spamming 4 to win)



Among the oldest of all Warframe designs, and the closest in design to their Orokin archetypes, the Dragons are few in number, but have been watching over the sleeping Tenno since the beginning of the Exile. Bound by Orokin decree to never enter the affairs of the Sol system unless absolutely necessary, most Dragons haven't seen action for decades, if not centuries; they are sworn to secrecy, bound to defend the mainframe that houses the Lotus AI. For countless years, they have been unseen sentinels, spending much of their time training or in meditation.


When the Corpus managed to track down the Lotus's signal during a botched mission (thanks, Darvo), the Dragons were finally forced to act.


'Dragon 2.0' Art Concept 



Alternate Helmet 'Zirnitra' Rough Concept ↓



Kubrow 'Drakar' Alternate Skin Concept 



Old Art Concepts 



Modified (Old) Warframe Design with Visible Back (Also, Potential Boss?) 





HEALTH: 100 (300 max)

POWER: 100 (150 max)

ARMOR: 400

SHIELD CAPACITY: 120 (360 max)




AURA POLARITY: V (ideal for Steel Charge or Rifle Amp)


Dragon is a beast of endurance; reliant on his abilities and his high mobility, he lacks the higher shield capacity of Frost and Rhino (the traditional tanks) and their explosive high-damage ultimates. Instead, he draws the eye of all enemies, taking all their fury and wrath, and then he shows them what wrath truly is.




Energy: 25 Description: Dragon spreads his wings and storms through the air in the direction of your crosshair. After a long, high-speed "air dash" or upon pressing the ability key a second time (whichever comes first), flight ends and Dragon's plasma jets release a supercharged burst of plasma damage*, knocking over enemies nearby. Leveling up the skill increases the duration of flight and the AOE damage. Affected by Power StrengthPower Duration, and Power Range.

(Old) Visual Concept 




Energy: 35 Description: For a duration of 10/15/20/25 seconds, Dragon's health and shields continuously regenerate (even while taking damage) and Dragon's fire rate (melee and ranged) is increased. While in this state, Dragon cannot be staggered or knocked down. Affected by Power Strength and Power Duration.

Visual Concept 




Energy: 75 Description: For a duration of 15/21/27/34 seconds, Dragon issues a challenge to all enemies within range (continuous AOE taunt). When an enemy damages Dragon's shield, his Armor increases. When an enemy damages Dragon's health, his damage increases. Maximum increase are based on ability rank:

 —Rank 0: 1.5x Armor, 1.3x Damage

 —Rank 1: 2x Armor, 1.5x Damage

 —Rank 2: 3x Armor, 1.7x

 Rank 3: 4x Armor, 2x Damage

Affected by Power Strength (multiplier increase), Power Duration, and Power Range.



Energy: 25 (+4/sec) Description: Dragon launches into the air via plasma jets, dealing AOE plasma damage* to all enemies around him, and takes flight. Dragon has increased speed and free movement while in flight. While Rising Dragon is active, Dragon is engulfed by a plasma aura, dealing low continuous plasma damage* to enemies nearby; however, Dragon's energy constantly drains. When Dragon runs out of energy, Rising Dragon ends. Affected by Power Strength and Power Duration.


Plasma Damage: Plasma is not meant to be a new elemental type. Instead, it would just be 50% Heat damage, and 50% Magnetic damage (or whatever DE deems to be an appropriate combination).

Visual Concept 



Tell me what you think!


I wants him

I needs him


He is like a better Rhino :O

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This is just too awesome


I love the syadana, are they wings? if yes to they open when you jump or when you fall (nothing special just does it?).


I love the start of the concept, the lore

Oberon was a myth so who says there can't be others, I love the abilities as well and i like how you put the action for it







All Hail The Dragon!!!

Edited by Hunter126
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Still thinking about how I want to handle plasma, and whether plasma would even be a thing anymore. Maybe it'll just be straight-up Radiation, like focused Void energy, or Blast.

Well, the tricky thing with plasma is how to interpret it through Warframe damage types. And to do this we need to look at what exactly plasma is.


Plasma is one of the 4 states of matter in our universe, with the other 3 being solid, liquid, and gas. Now, many say that plasma is just a superheated gas, but it isn't that simple. Plasma is an ionized gas, with the ionization achieved through either intense heat or strong electromagnetic fields.


Plasma is not radiation, radiation is a form of energy.


I'm not suggesting what combo of damages that plasma should be, but with all the wrong-headed ideas about what plasma should be, I felt the need to clarify.

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I'm pretty sure that with close to 1000 upvotes, dragon frame is not happening. Hate to be that guy but this concept has been a thing, literally forever. If DE has not said yes yet, that means someone has to have said no.

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