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A Warframe Concept: The Dragon [2.0] — Final Update 2/09/2015


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while he was harsh about it he did bring up some good points


The guys 3 below bring up some even better points.


About zephyr, this concept was around BEFORE zephyr was.

Zephyrs abilities blow excal out of the water, as does rhinos. Mirage's hall of mirrors destroys loki's decoy. And yet DE made them anyway. Also no one cares about your negative nancy opinion. And by the way almost all frames have a crazy PP ability or two. But thanks for the free bump.

So by what your saying, there is already a huge aoe aggro pulling tank that can sustain himself through regen, taking the attention of ALL enemies around him and off allies in need of dire help, all while increasing his own defense and damage while tanking for the team!?


Why haven't I seen this frame in the game yet then?


Just because some skills are similar, does not mean they are clones entirely. Some of them could use tweaks, but they're more of a hindrance to unskilled players. Let's see how many people can "fly" while having the attention of EVERYTHING in the room. Staying still is no option here.


But since we're talking about cloned skills..


Let's see:


Slash Dash, Rhino Charge, Tail Wind, Tidal Surge. Pretty much all forward dashes..


Super Jump and Tail Wind. Oh look at that, Tail Wind just took over TWO abilities at once.


Radial Blind and Prism..



I think you get my point?



Just because Dragon is going to be a tanky bruiser, doesn't mean he's just going to be another clone. His design is meant to be more active and mobile, taking the attention of all enemies so that his team has room to breath, and survive.


He will for sure be one of those frames for the skilled. With limited CC, the player will need to pay maximum attention to their surroundings, even further more when in a room with multiple flanks, or just plain being up in the air.


You can't call him overpowered, can't call him underpowered either. There will probably be a cap to his regen abilities. They'll be high enough to sustain him, but not make him immortal. Flying can't really be called overpowered either, unless overpowered means getting shot down by 25 grunts, 3 bombards and 2 heavy gunners.



I can understand where your coming from with not wanting another clone, but it's not like Frost and Rhino play the same, neither do Excal or Zephyr.



Edit: Typo

Edited by Rexlars
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The guys 3 below bring up some even better points.

While the original Dragon concept was made in April of 2013, Dragon 2.0 seemed to have started being thought of back in April of 2014 https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/37089-a-warframe-concept-the-dragon-20-—-major-art-update-6162014/?p=2463713 and is the one being compared to Zephyr which was started in October of 2013 https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/121272-warframe-concept-zephyr-the-wind-elemental-artwork-included-resolved/, and Rhino and the only real reason he is being compared to Rhino is becasue he has the same Physique and size as Rhino.

Edited by Senketsu_
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You know. Speaking story wise. I was thinking about this, but wasn't too sure about it until now.


So, we all should know, that there are ranks all the way up to rank 30. (Check your challenges if you didn't know)


Among those ranks, is the rank called, you guessed it!


The Dragon Rank.


So, wouldn't it be a unique way to unlock a frame? After hitting Dragon rank, you could embark on a long, and excruciatingly difficult quest to unlock the dragon frame. Why should it be so hard? Dragon rank IS a high rank, so therefore, you SHOULD be skilled, and have your abilities put to the test to obtain this frame.


This could fit lore wise, as a Tenno, you slowly gain in rank, attesting to your skills of Gun&Blade. When you reach the high ranks of the Tenno, you embark on a quest to become one of the elite few to have access to the Dragon Frame. Becoming one of the elite few who wish to protect his fellow Tenno, and bring all harm onto oneself, to see your brethren live to fight another day.




Well? Thoughts?

Edited by Shuuro
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I apologize for the long delay between updates, but I have actually been hunting for work. No promises, but I'll try to have concepts for the next iteration of Dragon up tomorrow.


Take your time, rushed work usually never turns out the way you want it. Good luck with work too.

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i like the concept, and would like a litle more mindful tank class....main a rhino atm, second is valkyr :) And even if the style breaks a bit from the norm, id really like to see it mixed up a bit and this style is amazing! maybe they could add a spear weapon class with him, or an actual defensive sword and shield!

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I apologize for the long delay between updates, but I have actually been hunting for work. No promises, but I'll try to have concepts for the next iteration of Dragon up tomorrow.

As Shuuro said, take your time, don't rush it and good luck with job-hunting.

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A quick rough sketch of the small changes I'm considering. Also, as far as names go, if I do a "dual-stage" Warframe, he might well have two names, and if he does: Siegfried while grounded (with a more "knightly" set of abilities), Fafnir while in Rising Dragon (with the more appropriately "dragon" abilities). Maybe. Everything is always in a state of "maybe, maybe not, we'll see."


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i hope not. i liked the original dragon the best. slim sleak, the whole thing behind a dragon is that their scales are waht gives them so much invulnerability. making him big and bulky kinda goes awsome from the steam line i liked of him. But regardless, still awsome art :) i just hope they keep draogn more thin, and kinad lancerish.

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