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What Do You Think The Next Warframe Will Be?


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You guys know that samurai aren't the honor bound warriors everyone pictures right? That belief was constructed from rules they were supposed to follow not how they actually acted. I've heard it described as thinking high schoolers act the way their student handbook says.


In reality samurai were just mercenaries.

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I personally cannot stand Typhus' design. It just looks lame as hell to me.


I don't think they're going to make him, but if they ever did, I hope they'd seriously rework his look.

they most likely will change a couple of things but for the most part stay true to the original design. although some earlier concepts for typhus i find more appealing to the final design

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I translated the devs remark about the next frame as a highly requested "concept", not a particular design. The most often requested frame concepts are Earth and Time, as far as I'm aware. I see those pop up quite regularly.





Edited by Farris
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They said in the last devstream iirc that its a time based warframe. 


that would be neat if it could affect things like power duration timers, and game type counters like excavation counters survival lifesupport countdown or and things like percieved time like bullet time, movement speed comparatively. 

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Typhus is way overhyped and a subpar design. A large portion of the community is blind to this because of the amazing artwork featured by his creator, which would be irrelevant to his inclusion in the actual game. It's frustrating to me to see him brought up so often, because I've seen much better concepts posted on this forum that receive less attention because they don't have such amazing art.


I would like to see a frame that focuses on gameplay and brings something new to team dynamics, rather than trying to fit some cookie cutter mold of a theme, such as earthframe, timeframe, or gravityframe. Gimmicks like these limit creativity because you have to force yourself into that theme. It's better to come up with powers first and then try to fit some theme to it later. If you can't, that's fine, not every frame needs a specific theme.


I've voiced my support for Typhus before, but you have a point. And even on the art department I feel like the guy put a little too much detail into bits that, really, are irrelevant.

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So for some reason since the last devstream and them saying the next Warframe's powers would work differently (not sure what exactly they said) and that these would even surprise the Veterans, Typhus is the one Warframe mentioned in threads here and there.


The warframe is called typhus? Warframes are a disease now? Lets call the next one AIDS, cause AIDS can kill...

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I say time frame. They said it was in demand, and there was a time (lol) where "chronos" (...stupid name) was very in demand, perhaps more than typhus. Also they said it would be very odd how the powers worked, and I can see some very freaking weird things being done with time.

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The devs have clearly said a good concept do not need artwork. They are pretty good at art if you haven't realized, and prefer to do their own visuals anyway.

Now Typhus do have a very clear source of inspiration; infested Samurai armor.

Lets say we remove the artwork from the OP. The theme is still an infested warframe that leeches on the enemy to make itself stronger.

And by dealing viral damage.

The single drawing in the OP have been final for a long time. Redskittlez have since moved on to creating art and a story all fan-made, unrelated to the main concept.

If Mynki do give the green light, expect heavy revisions and Big changes.

Red, unlike many followers, have never expected DE to just copy what he did.

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They said in the last devstream iirc that its a time based warframe. 


that would be neat if it could affect things like power duration timers, and game type counters like excavation counters survival lifesupport countdown or and things like percieved time like bullet time, movement speed comparatively. 

they never said time based. they haven't said anything about it besides it being a requently requested theme/concept. thats why you see people talking about typhus, time frames, earth frames, etc.


The warframe is called typhus? Warframes are a disease now? Lets call the next one AIDS, cause AIDS can kill...

saryn if i recall is based on a disease. they changed the name slightly to avoid using the actual name of the disease. also from what i've seen, the typhus frame is going off of it being an actual parasite, rather than a disease

Edited by Llelouche
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saryn if i recall is based on a disease. they changed the name slightly to avoid using the actual name of the disease. also from what i've seen, the typhus frame is going off of it being an actual parasite, rather than a disease


Saryn is based on Sarin gas,a nerve agent created by Nazis...

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I'm hoping it will be https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/37089-a-warframe-concept-the-dragon-20-%E2%80%94-archwing-art-update-8182014/ because we haven't had a tanky male in a while, but I would be happy with Typhus too.



The warframe is called typhus? Warframes are a disease now? Lets call the next one AIDS, cause AIDS can kill...


Or we could rename Trinity to Cancer.

Edited by Takatashi
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Never really paid attention to the fan concept frames.

The Typhus and TimeFrame seem coolest.

The idea of Arma sounds cool, but none of his abilities or the look really interest me.

The Dragon is also a cool idea. But, his abilities just don't seem useful. His 1 is basically a copy/paste of Excalibur's 1 bUT with an explosion at the the end. His 2 and 3 have too similar functions. Both are just Defensive/Offensive buffs. His ult is pretty lackluster. It's basically World on Fire but with a stat boost.

I would be skipping out on Dragon and Arma if they were made and put in the game with those abilities.

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The last exciting frame (IMO) was Hydroid. I regret buying Mesa and that Dr Seuss frame seems to be pretty much despised. Gotta say I'm a little concerned by the campy, comical aesthetics creeping into WF. Gimme badass frames with unique and "useful" abilities and the potential for cool cosmetics..... please.

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