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Worst Event In Warframe


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Part of this is from another post where another player asked what would make us want to fight harder in this whole Balor Formorian archwing event.

We were discussing potential rewards that would up the ante as it were and make us grind it all out, time and again for those runs at the Balors.


The problem with providing incentives for doing things is that they have to be WORTH the trouble of acquiring to more than 75% of the community. In previous events DE has given fantastic rewards that people were happy to grind away to achieve. Where as this event is a reward that appeals to MAYBE (and I'm being quite generous here) 25% of the community (judging from the massive party that was thrown on Strata and the overwhelming amount of feedback disliking archwing gameplay in general).


You cannot implement an event with repercussions based on a gameplay mode that is considered by most as unnecessary and even downright awful by some. That just drives the IDGAF attitude. In addition to that you then offer rewards for that same gameplay mode further alienating the majority of your players.


To further compound that, you make it time sensitive during a season of the year in which time is the one commodity we have too little of to begin with.


If DE further compounds this problem for the community by making Baron show up less frequently, charge more for his items, or have less in stock then they will have wronged the community four times with one event. Which does not bode well for DE's future at all.


So as a point of clarification I myself am ambivalent to archwing and see it as just MR fodder, no more or less. I feel as a long time player that it is nothing more than a distraction to the core gameplay that I love. The basis for my stance is that Archwing provides no benefit what so ever to our general gameplay. There is nothing to be gained from archwing and therefore it is just a rank waste of time. 


In closing, I do realize there are people that like AW but even they must realize they are a small minority and therefore it is not fair in the least to have an event that forces the majority of players to do something they dislike or even hate for a reward that they will not enjoy or utilize. So please DE do not compound this fiasco further by penalizing those that dislike AW for not doing the event.

Edited by geninrising
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Worse event ever was the cicero event.


You cant beat the boringness of looking at the floor looking for plants,trying very hard to ignore the enemies who are annoyingly shooting you wile you cheerfully observe that pretty floor, waiting for night and day cycles, going true the pain of RNG not spawning that rare plant, and at the end fail it all cause you didn't had strong enough antitoxins for the defense part.


Before that event I didn't liked scanning, after it, I truly hated scanning.


But yah, Archwing is awesome, but the way it was designed to function, and the way it is designed for us to keep playing is very bad and not enjoyable at all.

Edited by 7grims
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For you people who are too lazy to read.

TL;DR: This event is focused around a game mode that isn't very popular and offer rewards that can only be used in that game mode, so lots of players won't run it because they either don't like the rewards or don't like the game mode.


Personally, I don't really care about the rewards but I don't like Archwings. If I was given an option to sabotage the ships from the inside then I would defend those relays like crazy.

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For you people who are too lazy to read.

TL;DR: This event is focused around a game mode that isn't very popular and offer rewards that can only be used in that game mode, so lots of players won't run it because they either don't like the rewards or don't like the game mode.


Personally, I don't really care about the rewards but I don't like Archwings. If I was given an option to sabotage the ships from the inside then I would defend those relays like crazy.

TY for the tl;dr. Sorry but I never do such things as I believe reading should be something utilized by everyone.

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I don't hate Archwing, I do find it lacking, it's one bad aspects in this kind development.


I don't mind the event. A few relays get destroyed? Nothing better to spice things up than to not be almighty.

Do you know one of the worst aspects that characters can have? Lack of weaknesses.


Maybe after this DE can use the opportunity to give us an event to rebuild them. Maybe they could even make a new game mode for archwing. Start in regular mode, infiltrate a cargo ship, steal some cargo and put it on a small ship, leave the cargo ship and switch to archwing and fight off the enemies chasing the small ship with the stolen cargo. BAM, archwing Hijack mission.

Archwing does needs a few modes that blend both types.



But yes, I'd agree if it is said "This event happened too soon and lacks rewards." Yes, it did happen too soon and does lack rewards.

About Xmas, well, there will always be people complaining about having to work, go to school, whatever, it's one bad thing about this kind of events, but then many games do it, and it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just happens.



I'd also like to say that many people misunderstand Archwing. It's not a spaceflight simulator, you can't just expect the fights to be like dogfights. The freedom of movement (and how fast you can switch direction or simply stop) will never give people the same type of gameplay that other space games do with dogfights, which most actually loosely mimic RL aerial battles and movement more than it gives off the space feeling, it just doesn't have the ground and the gravity pulling you towards it, but they still make you "direction bound", which archwing doesn't (despite not allowing you to rotate). People shouldn't mix the 2 things, and if they do, it's too late for them.

Though the problem here is the low amount of content and the "slow" development.



If people don't like the rewards and won't use them, they can just, you know, not get them. No one is forcing them to play. A few destroyed relays isn't much of a repercussion, and DE should find a punishment for that, but instead keep things fine as they are (on noes, Void trader, just move him to somewhere else, simple) and use that as a source of development of future lore, modes and events.


Maybe you see failures and destruction as something bad, for me, they are part of progress.

Edited by Sorrow0110
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In closing, I do realize there are people that like AW but even they must realize they are a small minority

I normally don't bother to post on the forums but this made me actually respond

You have no verifiable data to show that those who like archwing are a small minority, I know many who love and hate it and unless you have some colossal survey asking the vast majority of tenno what they think about it then I am going to call bullS#&$ on your post there

Having said that I don't disagree with most points raised in this post, the timing of this event is bad both because archwings are brand spanking new with all the bugs and issues that come with that and because it is Christmas time. The relays we are fighting to save are similarly new and many feel no attachment, desire or need to protect them

Compounding this is the frankly disappointing rewards that incentivize one and done play style since there is literally no point to fighting these things off, even the XP is rather disappointing

However I think that DE should use this as a learning experience to make better events, we know they can do it and have shown us that they can in the past

I think the next archwing event should be four to six months away at the very least with I think eight to ten being more reasonable.

If they really wanted a great feeling maybe they could revisit the gravidus idea of having two competing factions trying to sway the tenno to their side and give us something better to fight for than protecting some bland hubs that are really not worth the effort at current, a disappointing skin "pack" that was a sigil and a single skin for probably the worst archwing weapon and a one off credit bonus that is less than what a few runs of the void pay

I think Archwing has a great place in the future of the game especially with people pitching ideas for combined archwing and ground missions but not if they keep rushing poorly thought out and organised events like this one has so far appeared

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For you people who are too lazy to read.

TL;DR: This event is focused around a game mode that isn't very popular and offer rewards that can only be used in that game mode, so lots of players won't run it because they either don't like the rewards or don't like the game mode. [Emphasis mine]


While I think DE's design on this event is really counterproductive (Let's extend the event duration over the holidays so that people have more time for it, but then require players to play on many different days for the rewards!) and disappointing (Relays are predetermined to be destroyed, yet even then the populace of said relays don't give a S#&$. Not even a distressed civilian running around, a klaxon, or an evacuation ship?), I'd like to address the above emphasized point in particular.


I am loathe to make the "It could be worse" argument, but consider the alternative: putting rewards for the game mode that people like behind a grind of the mode they hate. At least, as is, you could declare your everlasting hatred of Archwing and not miss anything outside of it.

Edited by SilentCynic
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I don't like this event. Not only because of timing which really couldn't be any worse but because it is played out against a set schedule. In the past events you could play at your own leisure and most events could be completed in a day. 2 or  3 days if you were not in a hurry and wanted to take your time. But this time there is a grind wall, a time gate and you have to be around for half the frigging holidays to qualify for most of the rewards.


Also there has been talk of Strata being an inside job and other relays are likely to follow. So in addition to the price of admission, no rewards past the first completion, there is no agency, and never was. There was nothing you could do to prevent any of that. So are we held hostage? Made to slave away our holidays because of the fear of a stick? But from the beginning there was nothing but the stick. Only an illusion of a carrot.


How does that make you feel?

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In my opinion, the biggest problem of this event ist it's duration.

DE should have givven the rewards earlier. The Imperator Vantal after 10 Missions at most and the event itself should have lasted until december 31.

If i counted right, we are down to two relays by now and i'm pretty sure at least one more will be destroyed.

The problems at this point are:

-People who dislike the Archwing gameplay complain about to much grind.

-People who got the rewards stopped playing the Formorian Missions for the most part, which means the rest has to do even more grinding to save the last two relays.

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In my opinion, the biggest problem of this event ist it's duration.

DE should have givven the rewards earlier. The Imperator Vantal after 10 Missions at most and the event itself should have lasted until december 31.

If i counted right, we are down to two relays by now and i'm pretty sure at least one more will be destroyed.

The problems at this point are:

-People who dislike the Archwing gameplay complain about to much grind.

-People who got the rewards stopped playing the Formorian Missions for the most part, which means the rest has to do even more grinding to save the last two relays.

The reason people complain about grind in this mode specifically is that those individuals just dislike AW period. Regardless of the grind. WF is ALL about grind and that is nothing new. However the fact that we need to grind and then subject ourselves to a mode we do not enjoy if we intend to be able to use relays we do enjoy is the problem.


Rewards be dmned, events should never force you to partake in them and yes being threatended with the loss of the relays is a threat to our enjoyment of the game and is therefore being forced to play the gamemode. 


Also as it has been stated to me on many occasions here in the forums, but we love AW gameplay! Soooo why have relays been destroyed if the mode is so well loved by the majority of our players?

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DE, please never integrate AW gameplay so that us TENNO loving players can make sure all our hard work is never trivialized or disregarded in any way ever again.


Unfortunately, combo missions and an Archwing boss are already confirmed.

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Let me try to break this down:


* We did not have the Relays a month or so ago.

* We get an event that might destroy them all.

* We let them all die.

... ?


So what's different exactly? I'm doing runs, but I'm not invested in them, I'm just doing them because there's an event running, and it breaks up the "usual" missions.

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Unfortunately, combo missions and an Archwing boss are already confirmed.

I realize they are confirmed however what I want here is to maintain the separation of the two parts of the game as far as them being NECESSARY for completion of the star maps. This way the players that enjoy them can have fun and the players that detest AW can avoid it entirely.


Unless changes are made that provide some benefit to ground based combat(the thing we spend 99% of our time working on) it should not be necessary that people are forced to take part in these particular maps. As I have previously stated many times , if there is no benefit to core gameplay than it should never be mandatory that you do these missions


The problem with the event was that we are forced to participate to a degree and the fact that we are all going to be punished if we don't participate enough.


This is unacceptable to a large portion of our community and should be unacceptable to the entirety of this community.

Edited by geninrising
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