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Would You Have Started Warframe Old Vs. New.


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So, I just saw the nostalgiafest thread and a thought occurred to me.


If you saw warframe today as a fresh body, no knowledge of the game, would you have joined in? All the fancy UI, all the large communities, the feeling of being in a group and not alone.


Same question to the newbies of post U14 UI. If you saw the game in it's old state, with the old starchart and sense of loneliness in the system and very robust mechanics, would you have joined?


If I saw how the game as it is today when I joined, I would have turned away, honestly.


When I first saw the trailers, first started researching the game, I fell in deep love with the UI, the charm, the knowledge that "You are alone. You have the lotus to keep you from jumping into the star, you have your weapons. That's it." It was a wonderful, amazing feeling. The look of the planets and your warframe in the background meditating upon the stars, it was enrapturing, majestic, beautiful. It dragged me in with it's simple, yet complex design. I willingly threw plat and hated myself for not getting into the founders program.


Now...the charm is gone. I still throw money at the game to support the developers, but...I just wish they could bring back that old feeling of being alone, the old star chart and menu system, just as an option. Give certain tenno like me the ability to be introverted, to be alone in the universe. Sure, I team up with people every now and then to run missions, but I am, still at my core, alone in the universe.


Hell, even charge platinum for it. I don't care. Just let us choose. Give us the choice.


What do you think?

Edited by -Revan-
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Still would join.

The core aspect of the game is still there. Your opinion is strictly based on how bored you are with it right now which shows bias, but from someone with no knowledge of it, it looks like a damn fun game.

Edited by TheErebus
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Still would join.

The core aspect of the game is still there. Your opinion is strictly based on how bored you are with it right now, but from someone with no knowledge of it, it looks like a damn fun game.

It's not really that I'm bored with it, it's that I get such a bad taste in my mouth when I play. I miss the reason why I first joined.

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It's not really that I'm bored with it, it's that I get such a bad taste in my mouth when I play. I miss the reason why I first joined.

Again, you are not looking at it from a new persons point of view, you are adding in your own opinion that has been formed through a lengthy amount of time already playing through it.

A new person would never think like that, they'd see it first hand and then form their opinions from that point, as opposed to the rest of us who have stayed for a much longer time.

Edited by TheErebus
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I'd still join.    Tried game out cause. friend was playing, and looked neat.   Stayed cause.   Going from wall running to stabbing someone to the ground..  it was different from other games xD.   now i'm here cause warframe is fun, and enjoy seeing it evolve like it is.

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With no previous knowledge of warframe, as it is right now, I wouldn't have touched it with a ten foot pole. Not as the person I was when I started playing, and most certainly not as the person I am now.


What actually makes this game fun is buried under a massive mountain of issues. It took me a year and a half, plus three burnouts to realize what it is. And a lot of money in slots, as well.


And even with my current knowledge of Warframe... I wouldn't want to have to start again. It's fun being a vet with a lot of gear at my disposal... it's not fun getting there.


EDIT: And I just realized I kinda missed the point of the thread being the starchart thing. Just to clarify, I'm not talking about that in this post.

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i would have joined anyway, but have to agrea with you about the starchart.

Dont get me wrong, i love my ship, but if you sit down on the nav console, it would be cool if the old starchart, with the physical correct solar system would apear.

Thats the only thing that got worse for me, everything elese eveloped in a beautiful way, with arcwing, the new enemys/maps ect.

Warframe is a the game i dreamed of, since i first saw a trailer of hellgate london: Guys in armored suits that fight with plasma guns, dual-pistols and swords, variing between meele and gunfight, while doing actobatic stunts... things you could never do in Hellgate london.


I khink if i would find the game today i would be so damn glad to find it and throw away destiny (the game i would play if there wouldnt be warframe. Damn what a waste of money...)

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I would not. The amount of grinding is insane. De focuses more on veteran players, making everything more difficult and challenging, while newbies are having hard times. This makes it a must to have a team to complete solar system but there aren't many players joining regular missions. The ui, customization, quests etc are also more complicated.

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i joined the game to play together with my friends.. all of them left the game (hopefully on extended break) but i'm still continuing since I feel in love with it..honestly, i had no idea what this game was before joining..


I do miss the old star chart a lot..If I were to rate the old one, I would give it a 10 for looks..10 for usability (its easy to understand which planet/node unlocks which)


The new ones gets a 0 for looks (its just a lot of globes squished together) and ease of use is 4 (i still don't get which planet's boss unlocks which nav segment and have to frequently refer to wiki)..anyways, its bad overall, IMO (though DE made it clear that they won't go back to star chart). I wish they just fix the new map and make it a bit more intuitive. 

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I honestly would try it and go away again, Warframe now is just a chore for newer players, alone the mod grind for warframe and archwing mods (grind 2.0) is so immense that I cant still afford to max all rank 10 mods. I have a gross income of 50 million credits, and I only did 2 major trades in my time here.


Also getting all the single mods is just grindquest for eternity, back in U7 when I joined the enemeis had a horribly high mod droprate in the first week (1 mod every 5 enemies), and credits were still worth something, with reasonable amounts to spend and earn cash.


Im going through the archwing grind horror at the moment, my average Warframe playtime per day is 1/3 of what I did a year ago.



I would not. The amount of grinding is insane. De focuses more on veteran players, making everything more difficult and challenging, while newbies are having hard times. This makes it a must to have a team to complete solar system but there aren't many players joining regular missions. The ui, customization, quests etc are also more complicated.


I lol'd, vets only have to grind the new stuff DE releases, in no part of the game do we have to face any kind of actual challenge that is not induced by broken game design.

Edited by Genoscythe
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I downloaded this when it first came out, didn't play it until a few months later. It looked and felt like a generic f2p 3rd person shooter game.

I didnt play again until almost a year later when I finally was about to delete it. All of the improvements and polish got me hooked and I haven't stopped playing since.

I think I'd be even more impressed if I joined today and seen the syndicates, flying, hubs.

This game is sooooo much more improved and impressive. Add much as I love it, I don't expect to be playing this game after 1500 hrs. Anything gets stale ayer that long. Many of you are just salty and irrational.

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When I joined Warframe, there was far less content, but also far less issues with neglected balance.


I don't really know if I'd join into it right now, simply because of this. I don't know if I'd want to start playing a game where the majority of weapons is just a huge pile of junk because everyone can instantly go for the top tier.


I also don't like the current star chart. They had to make changes because of the consoles, I understand that, but as a PC player, I really liked the star chart that was a huge connected map where you could seamlessly move around from planet to planet far more than what we have now. It was also far more appealing to have the planets orbit around the sun properly.

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What actually makes this game fun is buried under a massive mountain of issues. It took me a year and a half, plus three burnouts to realize what it is. And a lot of money in slots, as well.


And even with my current knowledge of Warframe... I wouldn't want to have to start again. It's fun being a vet with a lot of gear at my disposal... it's not fun getting there.




I lol'd, vets only have to grind the new stuff DE releases, in no part of the game do we have to face any kind of actual challenge that is not induced by broken game design.


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Add much as I love it, I don't expect to be playing this game after 1500 hrs. Anything gets stale ayer that long. Many of you are just salty and irrational.


I beg to differ from that opinion.




It took me so long to realize where my fun in this game was... but I found it, and it doesn't seem like it's getting stale at all.

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Probably not...the old warframe just felt...better.


Starting from aesthetics, from the dark environment, with moody lights, and actual dynamic light effects rather than how nowadays you sit in the sun on Phobos but your frame is dark as in the shadows or night time on earth but your frame glows randomly as if there's a high beam on it...and also the brutality of the kills, as in, you deal a killing blow with your cutting melee weapon, you chop the enemy in half 100% guaranteed instead of them just fainting as if they had a stroke, or dealing the killing blow with a Bo sends the enemy flying...boy oh boy was melee fun to use back then. I mean just look at this, enough proof of what the game used to be like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEMyjmZ_G8A#t=82 .


Nowadays the game just turned into a happy kill fest where you run a pink rhino, spray a whole room with bullets, stomp the ground to the point where you wonder "how does this ship still fly?" and it oddly still fits the game...you can find fun in the game now also, but unless you have so many tools at your disposal like a veteran playing since alpha test has, it just wouldn't feel as fun.

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