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Why Doesnt Multishot Have A Drawback?


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I don't get the purpose of having another straight damage upgrade mod. It's basically another mandatory mod right?

I would assume that multishot would come with negative accuracy or more recoil the way it sounds- but it doesn't. There is no drawback.

Is there choice involved in slotting multishot? are there effective builds that don't use multishot?

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The mods with negative effects are the Corrupted ones you can get from Orokin vaults. Straight up multi-shot is a standard mod that drops from enemies.


Frankly? It is older. One of the first mod types introduced.


And as for your question? Yes. if you want to go pure damage, it is pretty much mandatory. If you go for Crit builds or Status builds, it is less so but still useful since each separate shot has the same chance to crit or inflict status.

Edited by Kalenath
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And as for your question? Yes. if you want to go pure damage, it is pretty much mandatory. If you go for Crit builds or Status builds, it is less so but still useful since each separate shot has the same chance to crit or inflict status.

If you going into crit or status, it's twice mandatory, bcs second bullet have owe chances on crit or proc.

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I don't get the purpose of having another straight damage upgrade mod. It's basically another mandatory mod right?

I would assume that multishot would come with negative accuracy or more recoil the way it sounds- but it doesn't. There is no drawback.

Is there choice involved in slotting multishot? are there effective builds that don't use multishot?


If you think multishot is ridiculous now, look up multishot totals people were getting before U7. It's far more reasonable now.


As for drawbacks, multishot is expensive as !@#$ in regard to mod point cost. Elemental mods are better than multishot when there isn't a potato in the weapon in question.

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*sigh* sadly its stand there ...

i too want thats its like eat more ammo = every bullet cos, would only be logical cause you can really make 2 bullets out of one without harm its effectivity, and that would not be negative stat as the corrupted had

other option would be to split the dmg like 2 bulltes 1/2 ( or a bit more so the "gamer" community dont go: " another mod for the trash "


but its a fight against windmills ... you better lay down and read a book or something >->, i allways do when suchthings build up

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If it increased ammo consumption it would just be like +100% fire rate.


The downside is, as already mentioned, the cost.  Multishot is not normally a cheap option compared to a +90% elemental damage and, if used alone, they have about the same effect.

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Dude, back in Update 7, you could get something like 500% multishot, a mere 280% is nothing.



multishot already has been nerfed before. I think its pretty balanced now. I would be happy if the rifle multishot was given a slight buff and brought up to par with the other multishot mods at 120%

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I would need to check back on the last few livestreams, so take the following with a grain of doubt, but i'm pretty sure it was said.


Steve Sinclair remarked in a livestream some time ago that in retrospective it might have been better to given upgrade mods drawbacks like what they later did with the corrupted mods, rather than the straight upgrades they went with aftr getting rid of the upgrade tree.


Which is understandable since with the standard upgrade mods having no drawback, it means they become essential for players to keep up with their fellow players. This in turn means enemies need to be balanced around the potential upgrade mod build the players field. Which in turn means that new players need the upgrade mods to stay at the level of their fellow players.

A nice vicious cycle of power creep.


But since the mod system like it is has been established for too long and corrupted mods have become a seperated design of mods, they can't remove it anymore, without major backslash and also a total redesign of balancing.


So it seems multi-shot without drawback like all the other standard upgrade mods is here to stay.

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If it's gonna have a drawback it shouldn't be a Golden mod anymore. 


Also I don't think DE would be good at adding a drawback to the mod because depending on which negative effect it has it might just not be used on several weapons because it isn't worth it. Where as for some it's still viable and then you all of sudden have made that weapon pretty damn powerful.

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I think this would be a perfect opportunity to make use of that "beta" tag and give the mod system an overhaul. Damage 2.0 was a step in the right direction in terms of mitigating rainbow builds but now it's invalidated physical damage without changing build diversity.

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What? Being shafted into boltorcrap/somap and gamacor isn't enough being forced into for you? Now you want to get shafted with mods too? This is what happens when you post and don't even attempt to think about the nonsense you type.


If multishot ate more ammo it would be fire rate mod.


Lets make every mod have a drawback so you need a phd in math and excel charts to make a weapon that doesn't suck. Sounds awesome. Lets make every damage mod reduce fire rate or accuracy. Hell yea... sounds RIGHT! Who @(*()$ cares about actually hitting S#&$ or shooting more then 1 bullet an hour.


Lets make snipers/bows utterly useless because they have too much ammo atm. And lets make nullifiers eat more then a 3rd of your ammo per bubble.



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It used to, Originally it ate more ammo for each extra shot but it made weapons awkward since it would force weapons to reload if there was still ammo in the clip but not enough for the multi-shot.  Remember how people complained about Kohm's ammo consumption? It made most weapons feel like that. Also multi-shot does adversely affect accuracy for some weapons, because the addition of multi-shot changes the firing pattern of most projectile weapons often making them fire slightly off center. this also has an odd effect on weapons like angstrum where the spread becomes too wide to actually be useful.


Most people forget the fact that a lot of those extra shots from multishot actually hit nothing...they just fly off into some random direction. Only weapons with perfect or near perfect accuracy can claim multishot as a straight damage mod. everything else is just hoping the extra rounds go on target. that was a big part of the complaints with the mod when it was first released, it was nearly useless because the ammo consumption didn't warrant the extra damage and making the weapon awkward and your reloads unpredictable.

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It used to, Originally it ate more ammo for each extra shot but it made weapons awkward since it would force weapons to reload if there was still ammo in the clip but not enough for the multi-shot.  Remember how people complained about Kohm's ammo consumption? It made most weapons feel like that. Also multi-shot does adversely affect accuracy for some weapons, because the addition of multi-shot changes the firing pattern of most projectile weapons often making them fire slightly off center. this also has an odd effect on weapons like angstrum where the spread becomes too wide to actually be useful.


Most people forget the fact that a lot of those extra shots from multishot actually hit nothing...they just fly off into some random direction. Only weapons with perfect or near perfect accuracy can claim multishot as a straight damage mod. everything else is just hoping the extra rounds go on target. that was a big part of the complaints with the mod when it was first released, it was nearly useless because the ammo consumption didn't warrant the extra damage and making the weapon awkward and your reloads unpredictable.

so the extra bullet doesnt always hit on target? I didnt know that.


So i guess its not ALWAYS the best option.

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Multishot is less useful on primaries like launchers, bows, snipers and so on.  You're better off putting all of your damage in to one shot than potentially getting screwed and firing one shot instead of two.  There's also the fact that when you proc a multishot shot, neither shot will go straight down the center unless you have 100 accuracy.


In the case of almost all burst and auto fire weapons it's pretty much mandatory, but there are exceptions.

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If you go for Crit builds or Status builds, it is less so but still useful since each separate shot has the same chance to crit or inflict status.




It's still mandatory. Like, you could rather skip the base-damage mod than the multishot-mod.


Multishot is a no-brainer, on ANY firearm at ANY given time ALL the time under ANY circumstance.

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If you think multishot is ridiculous now, look up multishot totals people were getting before U7. It's far more reasonable now.


As for drawbacks, multishot is expensive as !@#$ in regard to mod point cost. Elemental mods are better than multishot when there isn't a potato in the weapon in question.

not in my opinion,


whereas elemental mods are only up to 90% base dmg boost, multishot is %chance for double/tripple dmg and those in turn affect elemental dmg.


id say put on dmg and multishot first, then elemental dmg. Especially for pistols.

Edited by T4LCOMX
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Multishot is less useful on primaries like launchers, bows, snipers and so on.  You're better off putting all of your damage in to one shot than potentially getting screwed and firing one shot instead of two.  There's also the fact that when you proc a multishot shot, neither shot will go straight down the center unless you have 100 accuracy.


In the case of almost all burst and auto fire weapons it's pretty much mandatory, but there are exceptions.


Vectis double tap to the head with 1 bullet = insta kill.

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If it increased ammo consumption it would just be like +100% fire rate.


The downside is, as already mentioned, the cost.  Multishot is not normally a cheap option compared to a +90% elemental damage and, if used alone, they have about the same effect.

Uh, no.


There is no situation that multi-shot isn't better, and yes, it costs more.


A second shot has the same base damage+damage mod damages, plus elemental damages, plus its own crit and status chance rolls.  100% Multishot doubles your TOTAL damage, not your base damage.  A 90% elemental mod adds 90% elemental damage to your BASE(modified by serration/heavy caliber, obviously).


So for 15 points Split Chamber gives you a 100% damage increase to every single damage mod, plus 100% increase to base damage, plus a second crit and status roll, 90% of the time.  It may be a high point total, but no other expenditure other than Serration/Hornet Strike/Primed Point Blank(not regular point blank) increases your total DPS and spike damage by as much.

Edited by Thrymm
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Uh, no.


There is no situation that multi-shot isn't better, and yes, it costs more.


A second shot has the same base damage+damage mod damages, plus elemental damages, plus its own crit and status chance rolls.  100% Multishot doubles your TOTAL damage, not your base damage.  A 90% elemental mod adds 90% elemental damage to your BASE(modified by serration/heavy caliber, obviously).


So for 15 points Split Chamber gives you a 100% damage increase to every single damage mod, plus 100% increase to base damage, plus a second crit and status roll, 90% of the time.  It may be a high point total, but no other expenditure other than Serration/Hornet Strike/Primed Point Blank(not regular point blank) increases your total DPS and spike damage by as much.


I know how it works and you aren't as smart as you think so please don't act so condescending and read my post more carefully.


Take a rifle with no catalyst or polarised slots.  Add Serration.  You now have 265% of normal damage and 16 points remaining.  You can add either Split Chamber or Hellfire etc. but you don't have the points for both.  Does it really make much difference which you add?  One is a 90% of 100% extra damage (second shot) while the other is a 100% chance of 90% extra damage.  Not much difference there.  The extra status chance is a benefit of Multi shot but the extra crit is not so much as although you get two chances to crit, each chance only affects one shot. More consistent damage but not any higher potential.  Where a single element would win out would be when we take enemy weakness into account.  For example if you have a mostly Impact weapon then adding Hellfire will give more damage against light infested than adding Split Chamber if you have limited mod points available.  I'm not talking about perfect builds here, I'm talking first time levelling a weapon before using Forma or levelling only for mastery.


Don't believe me?  Grakata with Serration and Hellfire 769 Sustained DPS Grakata with Serration and Split Chamber 769 Sustained DPS


Now please re-read the last part of my post again, I'll repeat it for convenience:


Multishot is not normally a cheap option compared to a +90% elemental damage and, if used alone, they have about the same effect.




If I had been talking about catalysted and formaed builds then I would have said to prioritise Serration, then take either an element or Split chamber but to definitely take Split Chamber before taking a second element since then it becomes three different multiplied damage boosts.

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