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Those Of You Who Have Played Destiny Thoroughly, How Does It Compare To Warframe?


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Destiny = 80% Halo / 20% Borderlands (maybe 90/10)


so it's a lot slower paced than WF, but it does have some neato open exploration environments, but they are rather limited as well, thus once you've seen it all, it doesn't ever change, additionally its FPS, not 3PS and the focus is on gunplay, not melee/hybrid like WF


Destiny is very shiny and very well polished however, the enemies and their AI in Destiny is arguably superior to WF


similarly WF now has a bunch of tilesets, and we're always getting more and getting upgrades to existing tiles and new tiles for existing sets, but if you play enough WF, you eventually grow to memorize the tiles and even though missions are randomly constructed, its the same tiles used over and over (until new ones get added or a new tileset gets added)

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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Its not worth the money:

Lame radom drops, without interesting weapons

only 3 classes with  2 subclasses.

No free optical costumisation, as you are forced to use new, better armor.

WAY less content than warframe.

Lame Bosses (always big, mostly using a kind of grenade launcher, always with rediculus Heath, dont have different Stages )

Less enviroments, maybe half of what WF got.

Factions feel the same(always shooting slow-traveling plasma-stuff)

Even less endgame than WF. (only "Raids"= doing like 4-6 different bosses over and over and over again)

Unbelievable BAD Story: "We are GUARDIANS: We are the rainbow-farting good-guys that will defeat the darkess, cause it scares little kids" 


pvp is good, but not better than Halo 4 as there arent much maps.

Edited by Dawn11715
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If you like the grind in Warframe you will LOVE Destiny!


...because its even moar grind but with even less fun.


But seriously Destiny is a really huge disappointment. The game itself is very solid, but Bungie screwed up the progression and PvP balance big time.


Mostly because it also suffers from power creep. Enemies just become stronger and stronger and if you haven't the gear to counter the numbers they will one-hit you. Seems familiar? And to get the gear you either need to grind a lot of reputation or rely on RNGesus. Also quite familiar, eh?


tl;dr: If Warframe burned you out then Destiny isn't a game for you. :(

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Destiny was such a letdown, I was expecting like Fallout/Skyrim'esque gameplay with multiplayer in a grand space opera setting, and I got... well... not that... that wouldn't even be a problem had they not blatantly lied in their marketing of Destiny.  The game is very limited not at all as open world as I had expected it to be, that being said it has like flawless gameplay, and gamplay kept me going for a while actually.  It really is just fun to play Destiny mechanically but its so empty and just void of anything to do.  


Personally I find Destiny more repetitive than Warframe if you can believe that... and that's saying something, but the difference is that Warframe is continuously evolving week by week, Destiny hardly changes, they have hotfixes here or tweaks there but over all its much much slower than Warframes development.  I dunno, basically Destiny is worth playing, but its not what it was marketed as.

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I used to have a thought of moving over to Destiny since I'm dried out of Warframe, but looking at the amount of negative reactions, I really would not try my hands on the game unless I have an insight.


How does it fare?

I binged on it for a month, got to the 29nth light level, which means I was one raid gear off of getting to 30.


There's not even half of the unique weapons in Destiny as there is in Warframe, yet the RNG for getting a weapon is broken.


The missions had absolutely no variation. The bosses were literally just bigger versions of regular mobs.


The PvP is full of boring one shots, though it's not much worse than Warframes.


There is half of a half of a story. Nothing is explained. The story is just a few miniscule cutscenes and dialog between massive waves of horde

fighting, which gets boring by the 3rd hour, when you're halfway finished with the game. 


Not only do they punish you by not giving you equipment, the lower level you are in relation to your enemy, they more buffs they get against you. When you're a level lower, you do 25% less damage to them and 25% more damage taken. 


Oh, and literally nothing is based on skill in the game. It's all luck. You could do a strike and have the most kills, assists, least damage taken, most damage given, most pick ups, least deaths, most what ever, and the guy who was AFK the entire game could get the exotic helmet you've been praying for, for a month. 


Lastly, they tried to do the same thing that Warframe did with the Codex. It's horrible. Because a lot of them are in DLC walls, which are really just passes to things hidden from us in game. It was all going to be there in the original plan, but Activision told them to rip it. The original dialogue and other stuff that was in the game was also ripped. You can read about that somewhere. 




Long story short, Destiny is a waste of money in all aspects. It's "10-year plan" is hidden behind DLC, which makes the game effectively over $100. The only reason Destiny got this far at ALL is because everyone's fooled by the marketing scam and they keep pre-ordering. (You should never pre-order games. There's no reason.) Hence, they gave Destiny all the money they wanted before the game even came out. Warframe is a F2P game that gives you new content every month for free with active communication with the the dev team. Destiny is just Halo + Call of Duty + Borderlands done wrong. 

Edited by (PS4)theelix
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High end Graphics, intense but not comparable to Warframe!


High end Graphics? 

Doesn't even hold up to Advanced Warfare graphics. 

Doesn't even play <30 FPS, like Warframe even exceeds sometimes on the PS4.

Doesn't even keep <30FPS, worse than Warframe drops. 

Even crappier on last gen consoles. 

Edited by (PS4)theelix
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      Destiny is far more balanced than warframe but is lacking in content when compared. Destiny is all I played during christmas break because I had access to my PS4 and no access to my PC. It is very fun as long as you have friends but once youre at level 30 youll probaly play like 2 days a week because progression is very slow at that point, the bad thing is that its slowed by wait times and RNG. Wait times in the sense that you can only get good gear from weeklies and raids and they only give rewards once per weekly completion. Meaning hat multiple raid runs are a waste of time because you get 0 rewards (nothing at all). Add to the fact that the release cycle for new content is larger than warframe once you reach level cap with one character within two weeks you will be fighting boredom. However destiny is an MMO of sorts with almost no random matchmaking outside of pvp it is still a very young one at that, I have no doubt that given time it will provide a superior experience t what warframe is offering.

     Although warframe is probably not as satisfying to you as it used to be(same for me), so I suggest giving your time to destiny for a while and coming back here once you are spent there. However if you won't have a group of friends to play with regularly or speak to in party chat while you run missions independent of one another don't bother playing the game. There is no matchaking for the crappy story missions you will have to play to level up to 20, which is where the real fun begins.

     Also the visuals in that game are better than warframes on max settings, dont be decieved by anyone who says otherwise, you could check for yourself to confirm this. Its less than a fact but far from just being an opinion.

(I play on ps4, definitely the better place to play the game since Bungie keeps shafting xboxone with ps4 exclusives.)

Edited by Shreiko
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Honestly? I like Destiny. Yeah, Bungie has made some awful design decisions about how they're releasing content and how they bring old content up to match newer content (i.e. Exotics). 


But it's definitely been worth the money, if the amount of time I've spent on it is any indication.


Honestly though I think Bungie should have released Bungie a year later; from what I heard the "maor" expansion (Destiny: Comet) is going to bring a lot of the content that was cut from the original game. And that when Comet is released there will be a $60 pack containing Destiny, The Dark Below DLC, House of Wolves DLC and Destiny: Comet.


I would highly suggest waiting for the $60 Destiny:Comet pack slated for September this year. It seems like it will deliver a much richer and more fleshed out game experience than what Destiny currently is.

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From what I played, there are pros to Destiny as well as cons. I played it a good while until I got to Light Level 29 but since Raids are friend only and those I planned to run them with stopped playing, I never got around to it.


Pros : 

  • Actually good gunplay which follows the "one type for one role". Most guns of a category covers the same range of use with some minor variations thus an assault rifle will always be useful mid range whereas launchers will be good against mechanical and armored enemies.
  • Halo-like enemy AI and mechanics. The off-center crosshair is a staple of Bungie and its present here. So is the enemies who move in when you're vulnerable and stand back when you're aggressive. Health and Shields exists and much like Halo, once your shields are down, you won't last long taking Health damage.
  • Interchangeable active and passive skills. Though they're implemented through some more common shooter actions in 2 cases (grenades and melee). So while you can change swap your grenade for another type, it's still is a grenade. Passive skills can be switched to adapt to a certain playstyle which usually mean a balance between movement speed, damage resistance (Health) and recovery (delay before shields and health recharges).
  • Equipment can grant you 4 stats : Strength, Intellect, Discipline and Light. The first three reduces cooldown times on active abilities (Melee ability cooldown, Overcharge ability and Grenade cooldown, respectively) while the fourth is a gear-based mean to level up past the soft cap of Lv.20. Light actually causes your abilities to bolster past Lv.20 in efficiency, giving passive matching effects and making your actives more damaging.
  • Weapons are divided between 3 main categories : Primary, Special and Heavy. Each use one ammo type drop to recharge your reserves, from common to rare with Heavy being the rarest. Primary covers assault rifles, pulse rifles (burst), hand-cannons (heavy revolvers) and scout rifles (semi-auto); special weapons covers shotguns, sniper rifles and fusion rifles (think elemental energy shotguns that needs to be charged to be fired). Heavy weapons are either machine guns or rocket launchers.
  • Uncommon pieces of equipment or above can unlock functions and passives as they are used, gaining experience (such as different sights/scopes, boost/malus balance). Rarer pieces of equipment have unique functions which enhances them further. The 'crafting' in the game is actually using up gatherable materials to unlock more advanced functions on rare weapons.
  • Multiplayer is basically Halo 3 with 3 character classes but freeform usage of your loadout weaponry. Requires sustained fire to take out enemies and 2 on 1 situation are hard to survive. Only differences are the Overcharge abilities which usually can wreck anyone caught in them like some sort of super weapon which charges faster the more kills you do while still charging passively over time. Normally, level advantages are disabled (so everyone's on an equal footing) except in Iron Banner events where those restrictions are lifted. Also, to prevent everyone from blowing themselves up with heavy weapons off the bat, heavy ammo only appears at intervals on the map. Starting the match and being killed automatically sets your heavy ammo to 0.
  • The presentation is very good, both in making loading screens part of the 'travelling to new destination' show. The worlds look good and are open-ended with instanced sub-zones and 'dungeons', making it so you can run into other players doing their own thing but left to your own devices when entering such dungeons.
  • Public events : at times, while exploring a planet, you'll come across events which will usually take the form of a mid-boss that can be fought by all present players. It's a fun distraction while you're in the middle of something else and fun to see people flock to it


Cons :

  • While weapons and armor have an Attack and Defense stat, I noticed that they only matter in reaching a certain Attack of Defense threshold against a certain level of enemies. If your Attack or Defense is too low, you'll deal less and take more damage. But if you Attack and Defense is higher than normal, then you soft cap at 'normal' damage dealt and taken for your level. Since you don't gain Health and Shield as you level up, this merely means that it's incentive to gear up over time yes, but if a Lv.1 Rifle deals 20 damage against a Lv.1 enemy, a similar Lv.20 Rifle (with matching balance of stats) will still deal 20 damage against a Lv.20 enemy.
  • Grenades being on cooldown means that unless you have a Discipline build or passives that help recharge your Grenades faster in one way or another, you'll often have only one grenade that will take over a minute to recharge. In PvE, it's not much of a deal but in PvP, the cooldown persists after respawning, meaning you'll end up spawning with no grenades at times.
  • Overcharge abilities are similar to killstreaks in PvP : if someone does well, then he gets Overcharged more often. In turn, killing enemies with an Overcharge grants Light Orbs that charges your allies' Overcharge ability... meaning they can then perform theirs more quickly... meaning you get to use yours quicker when they use theirs. See where I'm going with this? This makes it so PvP usually starts in gunfights but ends with people pummeling from above, melee rushing you almost twice as fast with light daggers or tossing nuke grenades at each other. Early PvP matches are fun but not mid to end of the match.
  • There is matchmaking for almost everything... except the Raids. Meaning you either need clanmates to run them or recruit in the Tower.
  • Fireteams are limited to 3 players which is odd since most games usually aim for 4 player cooperative play. Raids ups it to 6 but again, no matchmaking for Raids
  • Loading times... they're rather lengthy, no matter which platform you're on.
  • Bosses are bullet sponges. Think Warframe bosses are bullet-spongy? Then you won't like Destiny for making it 8 times much more resilient. And there's no reliable ways to work around the sponginess; you'll just have to hope adds will drop plenty of ammo or that you brought consumable ammo packs.
  • Some of the Legendary equipment requires several step quests to unlock. While that's not a problem in itself, the problem is that they sometime force you to partake in activities you're not interested in or have absurd restrictions. Such as kills in PvP if you have no interest in PvP... or worst, dealing damage with a fusion rifle in PvP... but your progress being reduced every time you die meaning your progress can almost be entirely undone in a match gone bad. Think like if you ran Balor Fomorians but that each time you died, you'd lose 1 point.
  • While there are 3 classes (with 2 subclasses each), they're functionnally the same with different starting Armor, Recovery and Agility stats while having different grenades, melee actives and Overcharge. Even so, shortcomings can be turned around with passive making it possible to have a tanky Warlock, a quick Titan or an almost Wolverine-regenerating Hunter.
  • While the game is nice to look at, once you've visited the main 'overworld' of a planet, there's not much else to see. Dungeons will show you other facets but are often locked away behind doors and walls if you're simply in Exploration mode.
  • The voice acting is pretty great, audio quality-wise... but it feels somewhat detached at times. In that, I mean that while the interaction between the player and his Ghost is good, it feels like other NPCs in cutscenes are more like talking to themselves while you happen to be standing in the vicinity.
  • The first 'expansion' feels much more like a rather large patch than an actual expansion. Usually, having an expansion means having loads of content added but The Dark Below is just a new Raid and a few new pieces of gear. And considering raids doesn't use matchmaking, that new content is only relevant if you have people who stuck around to run it.
  • The campaign overall is pretty short. While you'll need at times to simply go out and explore to level up to continue your campaign, the campaign missions themselves feels more like a chain of arenas you fight through in familiar landscapes. It makes sense as a shooter but there isn't enough 'other stuff' than shooting done in those missions.
  • Melee weapons should have been a Special or Heavy weapon option. After the taste of using the Sword of Crota in the mission of the same name, they should have known people would've wanted to use one. Sure, you can somewhat get one now... for a time off of an enemy spawn. But they could've done like with the energy sword in Halo and have the weapon use 'ammo' when striking an enemy.


Overall, I'm on the fence. Destiny feels like Bungie had plan for a Halo MMO but recycled it when it saw where Microsoft wanted to lead the franchise to (hell, 343 retconned a new spartan protagonist for Halo 5 just to fit in MC, at Microsoft's behest, in more missions to increase sales? Geez, give the guy a break! He had 4 games to shine, time for someone new for a new perspective!). It's good for what it does well but was much less than expected. It's not a bad game, it's just one you can't help but feel like there's a thing or two missing and what they're doing for content doesn't help much.


I haven't touched Destiny in a while though... but like Letter13 said, I'm hoping the game will be worth returning to later when a bunch of content has been added... and add raid matchmaking, goddammit! XD

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From what I played, there are pros to Destiny as well as cons. I played it a good while until I got to Light Level 29 but since Raids are friend only and those I planned to run them with stopped playing, I never got around to it.


Pros : 


  • Actually good gunplay which follows the "one type for one role". Most guns of a category covers the same range of use with some minor variations thus an assault rifle will always be useful mid range whereas launchers will be good against mechanical and armored enemies.



  • Halo-like enemy AI and mechanics. The off-center crosshair is a staple of Bungie and its present here. So is the enemies who move in when you're vulnerable and stand back when you're aggressive. Health and Shields exists and much like Halo, once your shields are down, you won't last long taking Health damage.



  • Interchangeable active and passive skills. Though they're implemented through some more common shooter actions in 2 cases (grenades and melee). So while you can change swap your grenade for another type, it's still is a grenade. Passive skills can be switched to adapt to a certain playstyle which usually mean a balance between movement speed, damage resistance (Health) and recovery (delay before shields and health recharges).



  • Equipment can grant you 4 stats : Strength, Intellect, Discipline and Light. The first three reduces cooldown times on active abilities (Melee ability cooldown, Overcharge ability and Grenade cooldown, respectively) while the fourth is a gear-based mean to level up past the soft cap of Lv.20. Light actually causes your abilities to bolster past Lv.20 in efficiency, giving passive matching effects and making your actives more damaging.



  • Weapons are divided between 3 main categories : Primary, Special and Heavy. Each use one ammo type drop to recharge your reserves, from common to rare with Heavy being the rarest. Primary covers assault rifles, pulse rifles (burst), hand-cannons (heavy revolvers) and scout rifles (semi-auto); special weapons covers shotguns, sniper rifles and fusion rifles (think elemental energy shotguns that needs to be charged to be fired). Heavy weapons are either machine guns or rocket launchers.



  • Uncommon pieces of equipment or above can unlock functions and passives as they are used, gaining experience (such as different sights/scopes, boost/malus balance). Rarer pieces of equipment have unique functions which enhances them further. The 'crafting' in the game is actually using up gatherable materials to unlock more advanced functions on rare weapons.



  • Multiplayer is basically Halo 3 with 3 character classes but freeform usage of your loadout weaponry. Requires sustained fire to take out enemies and 2 on 1 situation are hard to survive. Only differences are the Overcharge abilities which usually can wreck anyone caught in them like some sort of super weapon which charges faster the more kills you do while still charging passively over time. Normally, level advantages are disabled (so everyone's on an equal footing) except in Iron Banner events where those restrictions are lifted. Also, to prevent everyone from blowing themselves up with heavy weapons off the bat, heavy ammo only appears at intervals on the map. Starting the match and being killed automatically sets your heavy ammo to 0.



  • The presentation is very good, both in making loading screens part of the 'travelling to new destination' show. The worlds look good and are open-ended with instanced sub-zones and 'dungeons', making it so you can run into other players doing their own thing but left to your own devices when entering such dungeons.



  • Public events : at times, while exploring a planet, you'll come across events which will usually take the form of a mid-boss that can be fought by all present players. It's a fun distraction while you're in the middle of something else and fun to see people flock to it



Cons :


  • While weapons and armor have an Attack and Defense stat, I noticed that they only matter in reaching a certain Attack of Defense threshold against a certain level of enemies. If your Attack or Defense is too low, you'll deal less and take more damage. But if you Attack and Defense is higher than normal, then you soft cap at 'normal' damage dealt and taken for your level. Since you don't gain Health and Shield as you level up, this merely means that it's incentive to gear up over time yes, but if a Lv.1 Rifle deals 20 damage against a Lv.1 enemy, a similar Lv.20 Rifle (with matching balance of stats) will still deal 20 damage against a Lv.20 enemy.



  • Grenades being on cooldown means that unless you have a Discipline build or passives that help recharge your Grenades faster in one way or another, you'll often have only one grenade that will take over a minute to recharge. In PvE, it's not much of a deal but in PvP, the cooldown persists after respawning, meaning you'll end up spawning with no grenades at times.



  • Overcharge abilities are similar to killstreaks in PvP : if someone does well, then he gets Overcharged more often. In turn, killing enemies with an Overcharge grants Light Orbs that charges your allies' Overcharge ability... meaning they can then perform theirs more quickly... meaning you get to use yours quicker when they use theirs. See where I'm going with this? This makes it so PvP usually starts in gunfights but ends with people pummeling from above, melee rushing you almost twice as fast with light daggers or tossing nuke grenades at each other. Early PvP matches are fun but not mid to end of the match.



  • There is matchmaking for almost everything... except the Raids. Meaning you either need clanmates to run them or recruit in the Tower.



  • Fireteams are limited to 3 players which is odd since most games usually aim for 4 player cooperative play. Raids ups it to 6 but again, no matchmaking for Raids



  • Loading times... they're rather lengthy, no matter which platform you're on.



  • Bosses are bullet sponges. Think Warframe bosses are bullet-spongy? Then you won't like Destiny for making it 8 times much more resilient. And there's no reliable ways to work around the sponginess; you'll just have to hope adds will drop plenty of ammo or that you brought consumable ammo packs.



  • Some of the Legendary equipment requires several step quests to unlock. While that's not a problem in itself, the problem is that they sometime force you to partake in activities you're not interested in or have absurd restrictions. Such as kills in PvP if you have no interest in PvP... or worst, dealing damage with a fusion rifle in PvP... but your progress being reduced every time you die meaning your progress can almost be entirely undone in a match gone bad. Think like if you ran Balor Fomorians but that each time you died, you'd lose 1 point.



  • While there are 3 classes (with 2 subclasses each), they're functionnally the same with different starting Armor, Recovery and Agility stats while having different grenades, melee actives and Overcharge. Even so, shortcomings can be turned around with passive making it possible to have a tanky Warlock, a quick Titan or an almost Wolverine-regenerating Hunter.



  • While the game is nice to look at, once you've visited the main 'overworld' of a planet, there's not much else to see. Dungeons will show you other facets but are often locked away behind doors and walls if you're simply in Exploration mode.



  • The voice acting is pretty great, audio quality-wise... but it feels somewhat detached at times. In that, I mean that while the interaction between the player and his Ghost is good, it feels like other NPCs in cutscenes are more like talking to themselves while you happen to be standing in the vicinity.



  • The first 'expansion' feels much more like a rather large patch than an actual expansion. Usually, having an expansion means having loads of content added but The Dark Below is just a new Raid and a few new pieces of gear. And considering raids doesn't use matchmaking, that new content is only relevant if you have people who stuck around to run it.



  • The campaign overall is pretty short. While you'll need at times to simply go out and explore to level up to continue your campaign, the campaign missions themselves feels more like a chain of arenas you fight through in familiar landscapes. It makes sense as a shooter but there isn't enough 'other stuff' than shooting done in those missions.
  • Melee weapons should have been a Special or Heavy weapon option. After the taste of using the Sword of Crota in the mission of the same name, they should have known people would've wanted to use one. Sure, you can somewhat get one now... for a time off of an enemy spawn. But they could've done like with the energy sword in Halo and have the weapon use 'ammo' when striking an enemy.



Overall, I'm on the fence. Destiny feels like Bungie had plan for a Halo MMO but recycled it when it saw where Microsoft wanted to lead the franchise to (hell, 343 retconned a new spartan protagonist for Halo 5 just to fit in MC, at Microsoft's behest, in more missions to increase sales? Geez, give the guy a break! He had 4 games to shine, time for someone new for a new perspective!). It's good for what it does well but was much less than expected. It's not a bad game, it's just one you can't help but feel like there's a thing or two missing and what they're doing for content doesn't help much.


I haven't touched Destiny in a while though... but like Letter13 said, I'm hoping the game will be worth returning to later when a bunch of content has been added... and add raid matchmaking, goddammit! XD

The only random matchmaking in the game is for strikes and crucible. For all other game modes you need to find people with third party apps or have friends.

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The only random matchmaking in the game is for strikes and crucible. For all other game modes you need to find people with third party apps or have friends.


I should then rephrase : of all activities that requires more than one people to be played, Raids are the only ones not to have any matchmaking.

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