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What's Going To Happen To The G3?


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Actually, could somebody tell me the source of this whole "Hek is a goner" thing? Missed something, and I haven't seen anybody provide any specifics on what's actually going on?

Links or whatnot? And I'd rather not watch the entire prime time, but a time marker would be good if that's where it's from.

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Actually, could somebody tell me the source of this whole "Hek is a goner" thing? Missed something, and I haven't seen anybody provide any specifics on what's actually going on?

Links or whatnot? And I'd rather not watch the entire prime time, but a time marker would be good if that's where it's from.


We got a message in the inbox from the Lotus that was intercepted from the Queens. I wouldn't say Hek is a goner, necessarily, but the queens are pissed.

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We got a message in the inbox from the Lotus that was intercepted from the Queens. I wouldn't say Hek is a goner, necessarily, but the queens are &!$$ed.


You do know what Penance means, right? He's not going to get away with a simple "I am sorry, my Queens".


It sucks big time to be Uncle Vay Hek right about now.


He could try running away and hiding, but then that's treason and will have a bounty put on his head by the Queens. (Inb4Event)

Edited by Tymerc
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The right answer is nothing, if for no other reason than the gun they drop would become unobtainable.

A cool answer would be their eradication.  Tyl seems like a cautious sort, so he would not be quite in line with keeping those beasts out and active.  I think he would take the Sargas Ruk approach.  What would also be fitting would be containing them for experimentation into their specific genetic defects, so Tyl could develop a kind of 'rage' stimulant to boost troop combat potential.  With enough refinement, it could give the Grineer a serious edge, as long as the specific mental failures of the G3 are kept out.

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Because they haven't updated it yet, or they're not changing it.


They should have the boss of Jupiter be just Zanuka, or a bigger, better Zanuka. And have the threats from Corpus be from Frohd Bek or something, not Alad.

No, the reason why Alad's is still there is the same why Vor is still in Mercury, you may have already cleared the nodes long ago but it's supposed to act like story progression, especially for new players. The reason why you can go back to fight them is simply because of game mechanics, nothing more nothing less.

And because of that the G3 won't be going anywhere really, at least in terms of gameplay mechanics, dunno if DE has anything planned for them.

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The right answer is nothing, if for no other reason than the gun they drop would become unobtainable.

A cool answer would be their eradication.  Tyl seems like a cautious sort, so he would not be quite in line with keeping those beasts out and active.  I think he would take the Sargas Ruk approach.  What would also be fitting would be containing them for experimentation into their specific genetic defects, so Tyl could develop a kind of 'rage' stimulant to boost troop combat potential.  With enough refinement, it could give the Grineer a serious edge, as long as the specific mental failures of the G3 are kept out.

If they get changed at all, I hope they become less....creepy. Getting told my Warframe looks 'slippery' is really just....not okay.

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maybe bounty, maybe just under suspension. Still, Hek is an important part of the Grineer Council to be simply thrown away.


Speaking of the three stooges, imagine Tyl Regor upgrading them since he's from the science department.

Tyl will have an army of the Liam Neeson Grineers... who needs the G3?


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