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Devstream 44 Overview


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"• Tenno Missions requiring 8 players!"


Would this mean that something that could be associated with a raid is going to come to Warframe?

This would be a great way for clans to look forward to doing something together as a group. Plus they could drop

special items that are not available in regular game modes. A lot could be done with this idea. Hec make it a 16 player

raid with a huge ! boss that makes Lephantis look like a kitty in a shoe (Damn there goes my highly imaginative mind again). Anyway when it comes down to the bottom line having a raid in this game could bring forth a lot of new ideas. 




(")_(") Here's a bunny.

Edited by (XB1)Shad0wHunterJ
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Lotus confirmed for spider queen? o3o


If that's so, does that mean all the Kubrows we've been consigning to her have all been... .___.


yup, puppy chow, but hey a lotus has to eat, surprised she didn't want the adult kubrows we killed for their young? don't be, the kubrow dna splicer we all have in our ships ensures they're a true delicacy, perfectly raised. And to give variety of course too. Sometimes you want tall lean meat, other times you just wanna sink your teeth into a plump kubrow.  ^_^

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"• Adding rewards to each successful Mastery rank."


Assuming we all get slots per rank and that they're retroactive, hooray, no more wasting platinum for a long time.



"• Tenno Missions requiring 8 players!"


Please, please don't make these missions require 8 players, I'd very much like to run them solo. When solo, I get to play at my own pace and in my own way, which is an option that you guys have always said you support, so please continue to do so. And, it's pretty satisfying when you manage to solo raid bosses. :)


Also, there is the slight issue of me having a consistently poor connection with current squad sizes (my ping restriction setting is 200 or less, any lower and I can't find any matches). I don't want to imagine the rubberbanding in an 8-person raid...

Edited by Ailith
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Limbo tweaks? Huzzah! (Hopefully for the better).

Updated models for Frost/Trinity/and my attached at the hip love, Volt? Awesome.

And Darvo, I love you, my dear, but offer me something I want and you can have my money. You ever get your hands on half off reactors or catalysts....send them my way please.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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Much,much expectations for this year D.E. ...


Not mentioned but highly requested stuff :


- Mios

- Swimming

- Grineer underwater base

- Tyl Regor

- Riot Moa,Grineer arcbomber & other Enemies of the tenno submissions

- Spy 2.0

- Parkour 2.0

- Stealth 2.0

- Ledge mechanics

- Dojo shooting range/simulation room

- Other popular community frames

- Charge attacks comeback

- Other reworked bosses(Nef & Derf,Kela...)

- The fifth faction

- The Twin Queens

- Shotguns buff

- Daggers buff

- Other brand new tilesets

- Other pets apart from kubrows (a flying one,a lizard like those from that tactical alert, a feline one)


And many other things to give us reasons to stick with you! I wish you a successful 2015...

Edited by unknow99
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i have been with this game since update 8 and so much has changed and with all this lore and the reveal of certain characters i cant wait, this year is going to be a magnificent year for warframe and i am so excited. with all these changes and fixes they say they will do this game will just get better and better and i cant wait for the new updates and everything to come and im so excited about the lore, its like a history lesson for us tenno and its going to be amazing and im just so hyped for it. DE i love you guys and keep up the good work.


ps you guys are one of the best game devs out there all the way from your community work and feedback to the game and just everything.

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From new enemies and tilesets to some long-awaited lore, 2015 is looking like it'll be a huge year for Warframe.  Check out this brief overview of some of what we have planned in the coming months, and let us know what you're most excited for!  The best has yet to come, Tenno.



HMMM that picture where it says SPeak to the Lotus at the marker. SPeak?THought the tenno code was to never speak

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I'm most excited to see actual Corpus warriors.

I love their bizarre looks and modular floaty bits.


They have the least amount of variety and lore of pretty much any faction, but also some of the neatest designs in the game.

Their square helms, cool latin-esque alphabet and language, love of money, and bizarre birdlike robot designs have always made me enjoy them.

I just always wished I could see MORE of what they are about.


We know so much of the Grineer and Infested.

But outside of Darvo, the corpus are a pretty blank slate.


So I'm VERY excited to see them get new units.

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Regarding the 8 player missions, I think this would be the perfect chance to make syndicate specific missions. Im not quite sure just WHAT those would be, but hey the community can help with that.

a possible way to make less popular missions such as capture or hijacking(ew gross) is to add a twist to them. For capture, the target could hold a(faction oriented) blueprint(I.e. a corpus target has a flux rifle blueprint)

Grinder maniac looks like their attempt at the stalker

Edited by (PS4)theraputicGreen
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Much,much expectations for this year D.E. ...


Not mentioned but highly requested stuff :


- Mios

- Swimming

- Grineer underwater base

- Tyl Regor

- Riot Moa,Grineer arcbomber & other Enemies of the tenno submissions

- Spy 2.0

- Parkour 2.0

- Stealth 2.0

- Ledge mechanics

- Dojo shooting range/simulation room

- Other popular community frames

- Charge attacks comeback

- Other reworked bosses(Nef & Derf,Kela...)

- The fifth faction

- The Twin Queens

- Shotguns buff

- Daggers buff

- Other brand new tilesets

- Other pets apart from kubrows (a flying one,a lizard like those from that tactical alert, a feline one)


And many other things to give us reasons to stick with you! I wish you a successful 2015...


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Finally got an Xbone and want to transfer all my stuff from PC to xbox...i can finally play this game with friends! Since ya know...i dont wanna start from scratch, 400+ hours on this game! I beg of thee DE account migration once more for those who received a console during christmas!

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