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Looking At The Panthera Paper-Stats I'm Horrified.


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Remember the Khom, Tenno!!


DE is relesing a weak weapon so they can buff later.


It's much better to buff something weak than to nerf something strong.


No cries of


"Y DID U DO IT, DE?!!? IMMA QUIT TE GAM'MI!!!!!" <---Imagine a 10 year old with a voice that makes you want to strangle its owner.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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Remember the Khom, Tenno!!


DE is relesing a weak weapon so they can buff later.


It's much better to buff something weak than to nerf something strong.


No cries of


"Y DID U DO IT, DE?!!? IMMA QUIT TE GAM'MI!!!!!" <---Imagine a 10 year old with a voice that makes you want to strangle its owner.



I've been using the Kohm from the start before it was considered "viable." It was in no way shape or form in as bad a shape as the panthera.


They need to buff the hell out of this thing I cant believe it uses 2 weapons one of which requires a grind to obtain, only to have it be a weaker turd.

Edited by DotBeta
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Remember the Khom, Tenno!!


DE is relesing a weak weapon so they can buff later.


It's much better to buff something weak than to nerf something strong.


No cries of


"Y DID U DO IT, DE?!!? IMMA QUIT TE GAM'MI!!!!!" <---Imagine a 10 year old with a voice that makes you want to strangle its owner.

I want to believe this. I really do, but on the other side of things, there's Rakta Ballistica.

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Its DE's lack of QA department showing. The recent trend of releasing S#&$ty weapons and buffing them to near-OP levels after enough people call them mastery trash is pretty sickening. Why can't they just release them in a non-S#&$ty state?


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3x the speed  = 3times the stats!


noones looking at this xD

Its like saying that you have a Burst that does 100 damage

or a burst that does 3 shots of 40 damage, in the end it does more damage

You have no idea how fire rate works do you?

Plus ammo efficiency is a problem sooooo.

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I rather the alternative fire to be a charged shot that embeds itself in an enemy, slicing like a buzzsaw, inflicting bleed proc and dealing damage over time. Stats wise, this gun really needs a buff and the current alternate fire is not viable against infested. Buzz saw is too small, swarms are too huge.

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I was pretty intrigued by that lovely 1.7 fire rate, but... semi-auto? Seriously?

(Reading from the wiki. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.)


Just from looking at the wiki description, I think that it would be better if:

- the weapon were fully automatic


- the weapon were semi-automatic (with MUCH higher damage per shot), but holding LMB would hover the blade in front just like DS's Ripper. Holding RMB would aim as usual.



I haven't tried the weapon yet, though, so just a warning that I might have no idea what I'm talking about. XD

Edited by SortaRandom
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I was pretty intrigued by that lovely 1.7 fire rate, but... semi-auto? Seriously?

(Reading from the wiki. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.)


Just from looking at the wiki description, I think that it would be better if:

- the weapon were fully automatic


- the weapon were semi-automatic (with MUCH higher damage per shot), but holding LMB would hover the blade in front just like DS's Ripper. Holding RMB would aim as usual.



I haven't tried the weapon yet, though, so just a warning that I might have no idea what I'm talking about. XD

It also apparently uses FIVE ammo per shot, which is ludicrous, especially when it only has a 12 round(saw?) magazine. You are right, there is no reason why its alt fire needs to take up a separate key and replace ADS.

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Ugh, I just deleted miter last night after ranking it up to 30, which btw, was horrible; one the worst weapons this game has to offer. Now I have to farm up mats to make another miter just to get a version that's worse than the original. I think I will skip this weapon until they force people to rank up as they mentioned in the last dev stream.

You guys say the Miter is so horrible. But it's a good CC at infested missions. Panthera on the other hand is really not impressive.

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Because DE doesn't understand what balance means. They either release UP or OP stuff. Releasing something that is simply "good" is a no-go.

Because with this community, there is nothing in between. Either you will have complains that it's OP or UP... and everybody has their own definition of "balance". It seems to me also, people don't complain UP as loud, but I've seen plenty of threads with people writing up 50 pages, their detailed reasoning how OP broken "their game". And so, it's always better for DE to release it UP first than to release with some power.
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I've been using the Kohm from the start before it was considered "viable." It was in no way shape or form in as bad a shape as the panthera.


They need to buff the hell out of this thing I cant believe it uses 2 weapons one of which requires a grind to obtain, only to have it be a weaker turd.

I kind of have to agree.  When the Kohm came out I'd declared that I thought it was the worst primary made.  Little did I know that there was a "you ain't seen nothing yet" coming down the pipes.  The fix made the Kohm very strong, though, so I'll see what this thing brings.


My first ride out with it was Apollodorus. 


It can't one shot a Lancer out of the box.  The fire rate is slow, projectile travel is slow, and a lack of zoom makes this not a great thing.  It takes five ammo per shot for some ungodly reason.  I wasn't able to make it work in any meaningful way to confirm it, but it appears that it might ricochet, even when hitting targets, so that might be something.


The yo-yo for secondary fire is bad, but better if you stand and grind on their face with it--its head shot damage out of the box is merely half per shot of the regular fire on the body!.  But hey, at least you're only using one round per "shot" for that one.


My first impression is that I want my Miter(which I never used) back, and I want my Hikou(which I have the prime of and also never really used) back.  Guns without zoom suck in general, and single shot projectile shooters without zoom take it to a new level.  The thing could one shot bosses and I probably wouldn't main it.


At least this one doesn't even make good paper stats either, so

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PSA: the 'on-paper' stats are changing in the next Hotfix. The Update notes will have full details, but you can expect damage numbers and Status chance to increase (and a few other things).

Gotta ask, is the new way of doing things just releasing a weapon then balancing it later?

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PSA: the 'on-paper' stats are changing in the next Hotfix. The Update notes will have full details, but you can expect damage numbers and Status chance to increase (and a few other things).


thx DE.BK


(the weapon may be buged (the fact it use 5 ammo to shoot 1 razzor bkade sound like a broken charge mech)


could the few other thing be the charge atk :D

Edited by Tsoe
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Gotta ask, is the new way of doing things just releasing a weapon then balancing it later?

Most likely not, but at the same time it isn't fare of us to blame DE if they release something that's OP or UP, because those two things are 80% opinion based, the last 20% is actual balance, and that actual balance sometimes takes time to get 100% right.


they're always balancing something, and it's safe to say that it might and will happen again in the future.

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Most likely not, but at the same time it isn't fare of us to blame DE if they release something that's OP or UP, because those two things are 80% opinion based, the last 20% is actual balance, and that actual balance sometimes takes time to get 100% right.


they're always balancing something, and it's safe to say that it might and will happen again in the future.

It is not really opinion based when there are similar weapons for comparison and how the Beta Testers see them. Also IMHO it is not opinion based when a weapon requires a more powerful one to craft, and that "more powerful one" is considered pretty weak (especially when you consider how it is obtained) by most of the Beta Testers.

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A terrible weapon that requires 2 other weapons to craft, and actually those 2 weapons have better stats, market price --> 225 plat.

A lot of farming is needed to craft the Mitter which is actually terrible it self and not even worth the trouble.

Tipedo 125 plat and so worth having.

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