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Ember: Surviving Canadian Winters


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Ability Changes:

-          World On Fire is now a toggle ability with a 50 Energy cost on cast. It will drain energy over time as well as consider your power duration (affected by mods).

-          World on Fire has had its casting time reduced.


As usual... this is all subject to change, this is just a quick look at what the plans are.

Must ember's ulti be world on fire? not others?

Likes global meltdown, increase damage intake for all enemy affected, fire-element aspect of all weapons only. (like +150% fire dmg to affected enemies)

An additional fire damage bonus applied if affected enemy is infested-faction related (like, + additional 200% fire dmg on top of the +150% to affected enemy)


inb4 QQ on not reading *didnt read all post* 

Edited by low1991
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Having dusted off Ember, i have decided that these changes basically gives her the tools she needs to close in and survive close combat.


Theorycrafting: Toggle WoF, run in, Accelerant, reapply when the enemy unstaggers, Fire Blast if things get dicey. The added run speed and armor is appreciated.


The only way this could have gone much better short of giving back Overheat is for Accelerant to give the ability for Fire damage to ignore % of armor, scalable by power strength, maybe capped at 75% (or 90%).


Fireball is still kinda just there, but still plenty useful since chances are you already have something hit with accelerant and it will hurt.

Edited by KI7KO
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Accelerant stuns though. It would be kinda op for it to continuously stun, unless you mean remove the stun for the ability to toggle it and move around while it's on. I think her current accelerant is ok where it's at but maybe allow us to move while casting it? That way it would still synergize with WoF like your suggestion while keeping it balanced.


Silence stuns too and i see no problem in it, nor being OP


They enter in range, they get stunned, they recover from stun and retain the fire dmg vulnerability, that's it

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Silence stuns too and i see no problem in it, nor being OP


They enter in range, they get stunned, they recover from stun and retain the fire dmg vulnerability, that's it

Accelerant can Perma Stun if spammed, Silence cannot unless built for minimum duration which ruins everything else or minimum range which also ruins everything. Accelerant is fine as it is, learn to bloody use it.

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Accelerant can Perma Stun if spammed, Silence cannot unless built for minimum duration which ruins everything else or minimum range which also ruins everything. Accelerant is fine as it is, learn to bloody use it.


ofc since it's not a single cast spam anymore it would stun only on 1st contact and that's it -.-


keep ur "bloody" comment for urself.

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-          World On Fire is now a toggle ability with a 50 Energy cost on cast. It will drain energy over time as well as consider your power duration (affected by mods).


Is it going to be like


1. Toggle WoF

2. Timer starts

3. Timer ends OR you can turn it off before the timer ends?


If that's the case then I see this as a downgrade rather than an upgrade.


I would consider this an upgrade if power duration wasn't taken into consideration and it would be active as long as you have energy on you.

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ofc since it's not a single cast spam anymore it would stun only on 1st contact and that's it -.-


keep ur "bloody" comment for urself.


Anyway your idea is terrible .  It just shows your experience on this particular frame . (no offense please )

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It is nice and good.. also cool.
Ember is my Primary WF .. i formatted "Her" 7 times from the first time i crafted "her".
"Her" survivability is much better..
BUT.. only 1 problem i have. World on Fire ability can have only 3 target at once and low damage for this change.. it is like Mirrage's Prism.. but prism is a real multitarget ability + blind and deals much more damage in long-long distances, so it is even useful with 5-10 sec duration.
WoF used 125 energy to me.. now 295/1 full duration... it is ... I think to high for 1 use.

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Come on do it!


Restore World on Fire as it was in the good old days! When it was truly setting THE WORLD on fire!


And add goddamn Blast procs, we set up 3-4 explosions/sec for 10 secs... 30-40 explosions and not a single Blast status?!

That's ridicolous

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yep I love the other changes except WOF.. I don't see the reasoning behind it. she is my favorite frame at the moment and I have only been using my first,  second and third ability since the change. I honestly think WOF was good the way it was, maybe tweak it in some other way? take the duration completely off of it and have it toggleable I say.

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WoF was nerfed. 


Before the nerf:  100 energy per cast regardless of how long it lasts.


After the nerf:  Per cast, 50 energy + x seconds * 5 energy / second.  For the same 10 second duration as the original it costs 100 energy.  But, any length of time longer than that will cost you more where as before it didn't.  It's. A. Nerf.


I tested it in game and yes, we are paying for duration mods now where as we didn't before update 15.11 and I'm always out of energy when I use WoF.  It's. A. Nerf.

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Come on do it!


Restore World on Fire as it was in the good old days! When it was truly setting THE WORLD on fire!


And add goddamn Blast procs, we set up 3-4 explosions/sec for 10 secs... 30-40 explosions and not a single Blast status?!

That's ridicolous


Prism has LOS, doesnt?

WOF doesnt, it just explodes under any target it selects.

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