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Would Veterans Be Interested In A "legacy System" Where Mentoring Newer Players/frames Would Result In Exclusive Rewards?


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I'm probably going to be in the minority here... but I wouldn't want to see this.

Mainly because it's the quickest way to destroy that new player.


He jumps straight to being carried through the quickest and most efficient way to attain the listed goals by the vet. 

Given the parts to build his Prime items. And essentially marginalized to rapidly rank up his weaponry / warframe.


This is (in my opinion) a recipe for disaster.

This is a very valid point and would put the responsibility on the veterans. I think this community could handle it. I, for one, am grateful when a BMOC shows up. Most, I think are smart enough to understand marginalized knowledge. The question is, would it curtail the enjoyment curve?

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Well, I've seen a lot of turbulence on this "mentor" idea.

How about this.

When a player becomes a "Mentor", their warframe abilities and rank lower, to match the players they're with in the mission.

Your mods and such will all remain equipped, but will be reduced in effectiveness to as if you were a lower level.

This way, there's some risk required, and beginners aren't getting hard carried because their Mentor is set at their level.

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Everyone is readying their goblets for some greedy milk. That's the result. If you can't see what's bad about this idea then don't mind me. I'll stay on this side of the fence.


Make no mistake, if this crap is added then I WILL try to snatch all the rewards. Doesn't make it right anyway.

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It depends. Before going into that, you should've a clear idea of who can be considered vets. If by vets, you mean having played warframe for 2 years (like the other thread is all about, lol), then I would say it's a bad idea.

Well, I have played for about 6 months but don't go around dumb@$$ing everything.

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Would be all for this idea since this game is really difficult to start to understand intially and in turn it would give vets more of an incentive to not treat noobs like...dirt.


I think another thing, possibly easier to implement is to add in a personal shooting range to our liset complete with targets, obstacles to practice parkour, ability to change gear/mods/frames/weapons/etc etc to test stuff out. Honestly, I wonder why this hasn't been done yet.

Edited by fizbit
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I would... but only so that I could get the exclusive reward.

if helping newer player makes them happy and getting exclusives makes you happy, then job done.

What DE wants:

Continued revenue support from veterans.

New revenue from new and mid-level players.

What Veterans desire:

A reason to keep coming back to invest.

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No, players should be helping each other out of kindness, not for "shiny things".

I have a feeling I'm gonna be in the minority.

i agree with you

this is a bad idea 


so, no OP we dont want this


it wont work in game like it sounds on paper, esp with the "type" of new players warframe has attracted recently

and there should be no incentive for helping new players besides helping them 

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if helping newer player makes them happy and getting exclusives makes you happy, then job done.

What DE wants:

Continued revenue support from veterans.

New revenue from new and mid-level players.

What Veterans desire:

A reason to keep coming back to invest.

Whatever content they spit out as exclusive mentor swag will be blazed through just like any other 1-time piece of content (tenno reinforcments ahoy). What happens then? create more mentor content? doesn't this feel all too familiar?? You said vetaran but this content barely does anything for veterans.

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i got to mr8 a couple of weeks ago and got some really good gear and and ever since then i havent really focused on increasing mastery rank im more involved in helping newcomers because ive noticed there are alot of new people coming to the game and in the past week i have helped at least 4 and the most rewarding thing about it is being viewed as inspiration because all of them say that one day they will be like me or better than me and it makes me fell great about myself, when people strive to either be better than me or be like me, so the idea of shiny things for veterans (also i have been playing for just about a year give or take not sure if that is relevant or not but i have no idea what your defintion of veteran is in this idea) who help low levels may sound like a good idea but keep in mind the lore, we want lore and when there is lore it must be tied into the game so for example we are tenno brethen of war and we help each other and each day more brothers and sisters get the call to take up arms and it is our duty to aid them in their journey, you know what im gonna start a forum for the whole lore + game thing. but yeah veteran get shinies for helping newcomers, not really wanting it but if it comes in then there isnt much i can do about it.


EDIT: i made that forum for the whole we are tenno and lore + gameplay. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/388020-lore-game-lots-of-fun-or-so-i-hope/ i hope the link works.


also editor of this forum post if you wish for me to remove the link or the comment feel free to tell me to do so.

Edited by thebobinator2000
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Everyone is readying their goblets for some greedy milk. That's the result. If you can't see what's bad about this idea then don't mind me. I'll stay on this side of the fence.

Make no mistake, if this crap is added then I WILL try to snatch all the rewards. Doesn't make it right anyway.

Lol. I love it. If using the Dark Side of the force gets everyone what they want, then $ith names for everyone!

Some for honor. Some out of charity. Some for $. Some for Glory. See in-game Syndicates and Factions.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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Sure it would be nice to help players with an incentive, I personally do it on my own time as well, I don't need rewards. I can see flaws with this system though, I wouldn't approve it. DE of course would somehow manage to make it work, or at least try. But I'm thinking myself that maybe there is a way to work around this.


In essence this kind of system is what a clan should be for. Not that all clans are sole purpose to help new players, but there are clans that are formed (like my own) that sort of form their clan around new players, to help them start out or get better. Maybe to add an option somewhere that allows the clan to checkmark that they're a new-player helper clan. Not it'll be as easy as a check-mark either, I can see many clans hitting that checkmark just to get some more recruits.

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[OP's post]

While I would definitely enjoy a specific system for helping new players, as many are unaware or unwilling to ask in recruiting chat and end up trying the game solo -- finding it quite challenging and unrewarding -- putting exclusive items as a reward is not the way to go about it.

The vet community is kind of split.


Some love helping new players, don't mind waiting for them to catch up and reviving them when they go down.

Some just play the game to get the rewards -- rushing, 4spam, etc. These ones are not fond of having weaker players in their squad.


While this would result in more players giving aid out of greed, it would also reward the kind players. I really don't see a problem with it

I would... but only so that I could get the exclusive reward.

Any incentive for helping new players.

This is the part that worries me about exclusive rewards. For exclusive rewards, people HAVE to use this function. Including the people who don't want to play with newer players. This creates a bad environment for both sets of players.


However, I'm not saying there should be no system or that there should be no rewad.


No, players should be helping each other out of kindness, not for "shiny things".

I have a feeling I'm gonna be in the minority.

The people who already help would continue to do so they just get recognition for it and more people will also start to help which will decrease the learning curve of this game, I cant be thankful enough to the person who told me T opened the chat window when I first started haha

As much as I would love exclusive items ,I do not need them to help players. I do that because it isn't easy being the new Frame in this cold system.

So if DE said they'd do it that is fine but it isn't needed.IMO.


Some people will "go through the motions" so it can be exploited...But that matters little to me.

If there's a reward then no. Forced 'voluntary' work is the worst.


If you are in the mood for helping there should be a place to pickup help requests. If you are not then you shouldn't try to.

I'd be fine with a mentoring system that DIDN'T reward people. People should just be helping other people where they can anyway.

EDIT: IF ANYTHING, I'd probably only has that RNG is a little kinder to people who help others out. So;

Raise the Stalker/Zenuka/Grustrag Three showing up from 1.5% to maybe 3-5%?

Rare Prime Parts from the Void have a higher % to drop.

Rare mods/resources have a slightly higher % to drop more

Etc. etc.

That would be all I ask, if anything.

I'm probably going to be in the minority here... but I wouldn't want to see this.

Mainly because it's the quickest way to destroy that new player.


He jumps straight to being carried through the quickest and most efficient way to attain the listed goals by the vet. 

Given the parts to build his Prime items. And essentially marginalized to rapidly rank up his weaponry / warframe.


This is (in my opinion) a recipe for disaster.

Players who want to help newer players will probably do it regardless of the addition of such a function. However, it's the fact that the newer players need to speak up and ask for help to initiate this connection that is a problem.

If this type of assisting system were implimented, I would like to see there be a reward, yes. However, in order to have a reward here, it would have to be something small -- something that doesn't shift the priority of farming. A small sum of credits, yes. A few non-rare fusion cores maybe?

What we're looking for here is essentially a macaroni artwork, or a crayon-coloured thank you card for looking after the kids. Something that lets the helper know they did something good and it has been noticed, but not something that everyone wants or can't get through other ways.

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if helping newer player makes them happy and getting exclusives makes you happy, then job done.

What DE wants:

Continued revenue support from veterans.

New revenue from new and mid-level players.

What Veterans desire:

A reason to keep coming back to invest.


Of course.


This is the part that worries me about exclusive rewards. For exclusive rewards, people HAVE to use this function. Including the people who don't want to play with newer players. This creates a bad environment for both sets of players.


If the exclusive reward was nothing more than a badge/sigil I don't think it would cause an issue. Its just like any business trying to get workers, you need to give them a reason to want to work for you, that's why you pay them.

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No, players should be helping each other out of kindness, not for "shiny things".

I have a feeling I'm gonna be in the minority.

I agree, and other MMO's back up the notion that systems like that don't really work well.


There isn't any real way to issue this stuff by way of how a person addresses another, or by the helpful tip you give another person.  It would take a call support center that rivals a large corporation to monitor that many chats and hand out the goods.


That means that everything has to wind up mechanical and in-game.  Stuff like helping a new player through his mission he's having difficulty with, with, things like that winds up mechanically being "guy with level 1 gear and guy with level 30 gear do a mission together", substitute gear for time /played, MR rank, or whatever is to determine veteran versus new. 


This sort of thing has been tried with community quests and mentor systems in other games.  What winds up happening is that yes, you get some folks that'll offer a helping hand, and the world is not an all cruel place---there are plenty of nice folks that'll help others out.


But you get just as many being $&*^s because they where doing it specifically for their little shiny and are now angry that the mission failed, and proceed to berate the player for denying them their good samaritan badge---yeah, let that irony sink in for a moment.


Good folks will help others when they can because it's the right thing to do.  We don't really want to include those that don't because they won't actually include themselves.

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If the exclusive reward was nothing more than a badge/sigil I don't think it would cause an issue. Its just like any business trying to get workers, you need to give them a reason to want to work for you, that's why you pay them.


You underestimate those who have little left to collect in the game. Plus, if it's only a sigil or badge, is that only a one time reward? I'd like to see some recognition for all the times I help.

As I said, people who want to help new players will do so regardless of a reward. May as well give them something, but not something exclusive, otherwise every collector (including the cranky vets who only talk about the T4S 40+ minutes part of the game) will HAVE to do this to get it. Regardless of how many that is, you're still putting some people in positions they don't want to be in. Both the newer players, having to deal with the guy that doesn't like them, or is rushing through the missions, and the vet who doesn't have time or care for the new players.

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Players who want to help newer players will probably do it regardless of the addition of such a function. However, it's the fact that the newer players need to speak up and ask for help to initiate this connection that is a problem.

If this type of assisting system were implimented, I would like to see there be a reward, yes. However, in order to have a reward here, it would have to be something small -- something that doesn't shift the priority of farming. A small sum of credits, yes. A few non-rare fusion cores maybe?

What we're looking for here is essentially a macaroni artwork, or a crayon-coloured thank you card for looking after the kids. Something that lets the helper know they did something good and it has been noticed, but not something that everyone wants or can't get through other ways.

Like I said, I help people, regardless. I wouldn't like to see something big like a Wraith Soma or something come out of it, but not something so small that it's annoying (Uncommon 5 Fusion core). Something that will actually benefit and encourage people to actually help newer players, like what I had suggested. Not something that's so big that it forces players to do it, but not something so small that it annoys older players to the point where they just don't wanna do it because of a crappy reward. I'd do it for nothing, but if there were to be a reward, I'd prefer it to be something along the lines of what I had suggested.

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As I said, people who want to help new players will do so regardless of a reward. May as well give them something, but not something exclusive, otherwise every collector (including the cranky vets who only talk about the T4S 40+ minutes part of the game) will HAVE to do this to get it. Regardless of how many that is, you're still putting some people in positions they don't want to be in.

*cough* Eyes of Blight *cough*

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I'm against it mainly because you specify exclusive rewards.  The idea of being hard-locked out of potentially interesting content just because I'm a grizzled husk of despondent grudge-holding spite is not particularly one I'm fond of.  But there's a lot more than that.


Why should I have to slog through stuff and be literally forced to play with others just for access to something?  Currently Warframe incentivizes multiplayer by the fact that tasks are easier to accomplish with a team, but it doesn't force said multiplayer.  Your suggestion hard locks access to content, locking it behind multiplayer.


Beyond that... why would/should someone get rewarded for carrying new players?  Dragging new players along behind you haphazardously solely because you'll get something for it is the opposite of why helping should be a thing to begin with.  I've always disliked the idea of incentivizing people to "mentor" others.  People who want to genuinely be helpful will do so without the need for trinkets.  This type of system would only cause players to see newbies with $$ in their eyes, they'd be milking the new players not because they want to help, but because they want personal gain.


I tend to toss out tidbits of knowledge or advice on junk in region constantly while I'm on.  I do not do so because I want any form of gain, I even decline people who want to add me after I've given them advice (remember, grizzled husk) since I'm not even in it to make friends.  Advice is shared solely to promote further understanding of others, aka helping for no reason other than to help them with their information based dilemma.

Edited by Bobtm
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Whatever content they spit out as exclusive mentor swag will be blazed through just like any other 1-time piece of content (tenno reinforcments ahoy). What happens then? create more mentor content? doesn't this feel all too familiar?? You said vetaran but this content barely does anything for veterans.

Y U Ignore Dis?


Now I wish I took the time to write a wall of text instead of seperate posts. Laziness killed the desert skate 

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You underestimate those who have little left to collect in the game. Plus, if it's only a sigil or badge, is that only a one time reward? I'd like to see some recognition for all the times I help.

As I said, people who want to help new players will do so regardless of a reward. May as well give them something, but not something exclusive, otherwise every collector (including the cranky vets who only talk about the T4S 40+ minutes part of the game) will HAVE to do this to get it. Regardless of how many that is, you're still putting some people in positions they don't want to be in. Both the newer players, having to deal with the guy that doesn't like them, or is rushing through the missions, and the vet who doesn't have time or care for the new players.


No I don't, as I AM one of those people. I don't see the issue, if people want the rewards they have to do the deed. And not every would-be collector is going to do something they really don't want to do just to get a sigil or badge. The Eyes of Blight event offered a freakin weapon and I couldn't be bothered to do it.


As I said, people won't do something that they REALLY don't want to do. Eyes of Blight was a huge example of that. An impatient teacher is better than no teacher at all. I don't want to work my day job, but I do it anyway because it rewards me. If my boss suddenly changed my job to s*** shoveling on a farm or something, I would quit. Same applies to this situation except with an even less appealing reward (as most players already have sigils/badges they like to wear (especially founders).

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Put yourself in a new player's shoes. Would you want to be mentored by another player who has zero interest in actually mentoring you, and is only in it for the reward? I don't see how incentivizing a bunch of people who have no interest in helping new players to bloat the system is a good idea. You can spin it any way you want but that's what you're going to end up with at the end of the day.

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