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Coming Soon: Devstream #45!


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Are there any plans to bring back lootiness to warframe?  I want to be just as excited by finding a new mod as for example,  when I found a good drop in Diablo, but the mod system doesn't allow for that. 

Edited by Aggh
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Excluding Syndicate weapon augment mods, I consider the Thunderbolt mod one of its kind. It allows for a counter-intuitive, but awesome change in playstyle for bowmen, at least for early-mid levels. While bows require high accuracy (because of limited ammo pool), good timing (to charge the bow) and good positioning (to impale multiple enemies on charged shots), Thunderbolt accommodates a more rapid fire rate and requires less precision.


So my question is, are there any plans to add more such unique, playstyle-changing mods in the future, for other weapon types?


A few examples, to further elaborate my point:

- A HEAT ammo mod for launchers - a chance to fire a high-velocity, armor-piercing projectile, if aiming at a high-armored target. It's counter-intuitive, because launchers are all about splash damage to crowds, but it's also beneficial, if you want to dispatch a single, but tougher enemy. Basically the exact opposite of Thunderbolt.


- A "ragdoll" proc for shotguns - a chance for each pellet to send enemies flying. It's counter-intuitive, because shotguns are all about keeping close to enemies, so you can pump them full of lead, but a ragdoll effect can have its playstyle changing benefits as well - to keep enemies away (from a vulnerable cryo-pod, or a downed teammate) or to send them in a specific direction (off a cliff, or into a Vauban's vortex).


- A "ranged combo" mod for fully automatic assault rifles - procs on head shots, buffing the user with either increased damage and/or reduced recoil for a very short duration. Counter-intuitive, because fully automatic doesn't combine well with consistent, let alone consecutive headshots, but extremely beneficial in the hands of a capable marksman.

Edited by RMark12
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I know there is gonna be some improvements to the archwing missions but I was thinking about invasions on archwing missions.  It starts as an extermination mission on the side you are on (corpus or greener ship) then you go to what would be considered an extraction point but instead of leaving you jump out into space then get your aw on (much like how you got your archwing in the first place) and then it turns into an sabotage mission.  So what do you all think DE?

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with you being able to add credits to you clans vault ( which I do all the time before each update to make sure the new item can be research )

any chance of being able to add materials into the vault for use later as I find I have a lot of materials that clan members might not have,

so when new research comes out were not always able to get it started as people may not be able to get on for a few days and it will allow others to start without using there resources  

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Will there ever be a Low, Medium and High graphics settings for Warframe? The game looks great as it is, but i feel like the game is being held back and could look a lot better if so many players weren't on low end 32-bit systems. 


(I remember when channeled kills would look awesome, not so much now...)

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It's 2015... weren't we supposed to have flying cars hoverboards and a water tile map by now?


If we get said water tile maps... can we please have a real 3d boss battle? mobs comming from above needing to be handled tentacles needing to be fought back a central weakspot(s?)  (eyes mouth etc) and a rock formation at the bottom needing DPS'd to release a lava flow or w/e mechanics you thing would be entertaining? (just tossing ideas)


Can one of the next warframes get a visual skill(team or solo buff)? something infrared or motion sensor that shows enemies through walls like you can see team mates?


Can Wyrmius get a couple unique mods (for sentinels/kubrows) exclusive to the minigame for scoring say 5k points RNGesus style droptable with cores/companion mods/Carrier Prime parts/etc?


Could one of those mods allow Wyrm to wander off in search of enemies until it's killed?


When do we get Opticor Prime?


Is there a possibility of a resource auction house at a later time? Resources for credits... also bind the credits from a sale/resources obtained to account so you still have no problems with people trying to buy low/sell high and of coarse gold spammers attempting to farm something to sell on 3rd party sites... this would reduce specific grinds for resources while allowing for any grinding you do for any one specific item to have the added benefit of giving other resources that would have some value... while at the same time fund large clans with what they need to build giant sprawling well decorated dojos

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Is there any chance for 50% and 75% platinum discounts to be added to the daily log-in reward for consoles?


Unlikely, I believe DE would give them to you if they could, I bet Sony's not allowing them to give out plat discounts.



Will console versions ever catch up to PC?


That is unlikely as well. The only way consoles could stay up to date with PC, is for DE is slow down PC updates and release them when cert finishes for consoles and DE have already promised that they would not delay PC updates. DE needs time to port stuff to console and once they submit for cert they have to wait for Sony/ Microsoft to give the ok while DE can hotfix PC whenever they want. 

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It has previously been stated that a team was working on Dark Sector/ PvP content. A growing number of players that reach rank 18 want to continue participating in healthy competitive games. Recent events in PC and even more so on PS4 have show that the current Dark Sectors do not provide an Environment that promotes enjoyable PvP interactions; the current system favors foul play and leaves players at the mercy of people that decide to manipulate defense teams only being able to participate if there is a challenger. What is the status of said work, and, is there any hope of salvaging content from the current Dark Sector experience?

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Any ideas for new mission types?


Here are a couple ideas I thought of.


Name: Blockade

Objective: Prevent enemies from getting past a point on the map.

Failure: 25% or more of the enemies got to their destination.


Name: Privateer

Objective: Capture enemy cargo/resource shipment.

Failure: The cargo shipment is destroyed or escapes.


Name: Caravan

Objective: Protect the cargo and get it to it's destination.

Failure: The cargo is destroyed or stolen.

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In the past, there was mention of DevStream missions for 8 people, I would like to know more specifically it will separate special mission on people or simply an extension of the already existingfor 4 to 8 people?

Edited by Ellrik
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Each Warframe and Weapon has the option to have three distinct builds, Config A, B & C.

I'd quite like to Forma these Configs independently from each other. Not as a replacement for the current system, but purely as an option.


Is there any chance of this ever happening?

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As this game so proudly calls themselves, space ninjas, there is absolutely no reason or emphasis to even use stealth game play. Do you have an intentions of actually bringing the ninja into space ninjas? Or will this game continue to be space massacre instead? Don't get me wrong, I love this game. But the lack of any motivational reasons to even attempt to stealth is beyond pointless to the point of hopeless.

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Right before the player ship's were released, you teased that each ship would be modular and that you would be adding more space to it; I was wondering what the status of this was.  Also, what happened to the preview of the docking animation that was teased in the same devstream?


Will players be able to customize which rooms/modules they add to their ship?



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