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T4 Survival 8H49M Solo


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At a guess? The ocassional bug that stops air from depleting, spawns from spawning and rewards from accruing.

Just walk away from your computer and let the clock run.


Nope. Once at extraction, it shows the time at which the error occurred, e.g. play for 15 minutes normally, glitch at 17, leave at 50, game will report 17 as mission score.

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Boltor Prime & Limbo. Keep yourself in rift & use it on enemies 1v1.

1) Too slow

2) You need to exit the Rift to pick up personal life support capsules

3) Same for loot

4) Energy is still a problem, even with insane regeneration/efficiency setups

TL,DR: Limbo is not a walking god mode

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4-man party.
Room near extraction.
Some imba ways to stay and farm like Vauban + Nekros + Trinity + Loki/Valkyr.

Something happens, 3 of 'em disconnect, remaining one rushes to extraction.

4 revives and their temp.invul is enough to get here, if room is nearby.

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I think there was one guy in the ODD leaderboard once with 1 hour something time for over 500 waves. he got removed from the leaderboard.


and actually i dont think that someone does 8h survival solo with nullifier as opponents.

You cant even glitch behind walls, because there are no elevators in survival missions. => In my opinion impossible

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If you kill enemies quick enough, then yes. It'll work.

also you can activate life support from rift anyway.



Nope. Once at extraction, it shows the time at which the error occurred, e.g. play for 15 minutes normally, glitch at 17, leave at 50, game will report 17 as mission score.

assuming the record was put after the system was able to notice they bugged out... since we know DE loves people who exploit top records and let them keep them.

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*brainburnt, i mean solo survival for 8 hours continously? it's already mind numbing enough as it is trying to do a survival for more than 40m (had bad experience with corpus pre-nullifier with valkyr, crewmen at some point simply refused to die) i can think of a few ways to do this (maybe quite a few if necros specter actually desacrates stuff) namely you can do it with vauban in some tiles, just camp grinner galeon tileset extraction with vortex for how much you like and if life support assists you and you got top notch weapons MAYBE you can do it, but i dont really think it's legit just couse there is just no reason to try a stunt like this, besides solo is completely client based so i guess it would be easyer to hack

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At a guess? The ocassional bug that stops air from depleting, spawns from spawning and rewards from accruing.

Just walk away from your computer and let the clock run.

it's not a guess, you're correct that is exactly what happened. Unlike most of you I just pmed the guy and asked. He got that bug and left his pc on
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