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Excalibur Prime Buff In Line With Other Primes


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I honestly doubt giving Excalibur Prime a minor stat buff will suddenly make Excalibur (regular) redundant then all of a sudden all the Founders are curb stomping everyone else. Depending on the buff (which if it happens, probably will just be stamina or armor and nothing crazy like speed buff from Rhino Prime, or energy buff for Loki Prime and Nova Prime), the buffs would be at most convenient and at worst, negligible. 


I mean, I am certain everyone wants a buff for mag Prime and Frost Prime, but why exclude Excalibur Prime? Because you don't have it, and you think that it is suddenly "P2W", or "Get lucky-2-win?" Then are Arcane helmets also "P2W/Luck-2-Win?" After all, a new player today cannot obtain these helmets without trading, most likely trading plat. 


I think stamina makes the most sense. Armor would've made sense for Rhino Prime (I wish they'd nerf his speed though).

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I agree with this...


He really should be offered in other venues or some such.


Just because there is a Founder's version of Excalibur Prime doesn't necessarily mean that this should be the only version of Excalibur Prime.


Excalibur Prime MK:C

Excalibur Prime MK:S

Excalibur Prime MK:X


Should conceivably all be possible for the different systems... Works for Iron Man.


It retains the uniqueness of the Founders version and gives the rest of the players Excalibur Prime.


It won't stop all of the complaints, but it will stop the valid ones.


Only way I want him re-released (and at this point, I want him re-released, if only to have him be on par with the other Primes, including in their availability), is if they find some kind of worthy compensation for founders. 5000-7500 plat, a ton of legendary cores, something that's actually going to have the same worth that the exclusive founders frame and weapons have. Maybe Founders getting an improved, tricked out Excalibur Prime with increased stats, and everyone else having the option to get the current Excalibur Prime. Something.

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damn thats some depressing news but at the same time thats good on the founders end. i like this game

Yes, the founders put a lot on the line when this game started out. For their risk and honor of giving this game the support it needed to continue to survive, they deserve their reward of exclusives.

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Why is it that whenever threads regarding buffs to founder items, those that are against it act like the buffs would be completely OVER THE TOP? Making the items inline and competitive with others is not the end of the world.

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Why is it that whenever threads regarding buffs to founder items, those that are against it act like the buffs would be completely OVER THE TOP? Making the items inline and competitive with others is not the end of the world.

Trust me I have no idea, I don't even have the items and I thought it was fair.


He is a prime, after all, he should get the necessary buffs that all the primes will get.

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Name him Arcane Excalibur Prime, give him some extra parts like most of the other Primes have (do that for Frost Prime too) and to separate him from the to-be-re-released Excalibur Prime, give the founders platinum or something (at least 3000 I'd say, or, better yet, put up for vote what additional form of payback Founders should get, from a pool of Founder suggestions), and then re-release Excalibur Prime through Prime Access and the Void.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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I think Excal Prime should get buffed, but not rereleased. DE made a promise to players not to and I think it's important for them to keep promises like that.

He should remain a founders exclusive, but he should be WORTHY of it

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Only way I want him re-released (and at this point, I want him re-released, if only to have him be on par with the other Primes, including in their availability), is if they find some kind of worthy compensation for founders. 5000-7500 plat, a ton of legendary cores, something that's actually going to have the same worth that the exclusive founders frame and weapons have. Maybe Founders getting an improved, tricked out Excalibur Prime with increased stats, and everyone else having the option to get the current Excalibur Prime. Something.

You do realise that what you just suggested is going to put us right back into this same situation? If you gave everyone Excal P then gave founders a better version of it, the flood gates of "that's not fair and why do they get it" etc would just open again, because we would have something that no one else has still... Back to square one?

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Shhhh.... (don't let the secret out)


You do realise that what you just suggested is going to put us right back into this same situation? If you gave everyone Excal P then gave founders a better version of it, the flood gates of "that's not fair and why do they get it" etc would just open again, because we would have something that no one else has still... Back to square one?


It's like giving a whiny kid some candy. Sure when the candy is gone he's going to start whining again, but while his mouth is full of candy just think of all the peace and quiet we can get.



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Shhhh.... (don't let the secret out)



It's like giving a whiny kid some candy. Sure when the candy is gone he's going to start whining again, but while his mouth is full of candy just think of all the peace and quiet we can get.



Haha I understand that reasoning but it just delay's the inevetable :P






It's probably not going to happen. Excal Prime was not available to everyone and giving him or the other two items a boost would create even more tension and burn up the forums. 


Do you understand what the Founders Pack was? He was available to everyone for a limited time. Now when I say everyone I mean EVERYONE who was present in the game at that point in time. I think where you're coming from is that he was not available to everyone on PS4 and Xbone, because at that stage they didn't even have the game yet. Any founders who play on consoles (PS4 myself) leave our gear behind on the PC. It was an Exclusive Pack for a Limited Time so I do not see it resurfacing on PS4 or Xbox for that reason. 

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I am no founder.


But I agree with this thing. The founders deserve this reward for supporting the game from the start. From kickstarting the game. Without the founders, there would be no more Warframe.


Everyone had the chance to be a founder, and like most of the guys said the others weren't here/don't have the money to buy or whatever. It's not the Founders' fault it was exclusive, its no one's. They didn't want it to happen, but it did.

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Only way I want him re-released (and at this point, I want him re-released, if only to have him be on par with the other Primes, including in their availability), is if they find some kind of worthy compensation for founders. 5000-7500 plat, a ton of legendary cores, something that's actually going to have the same worth that the exclusive founders frame and weapons have. Maybe Founders getting an improved, tricked out Excalibur Prime with increased stats, and everyone else having the option to get the current Excalibur Prime. Something.

Founder's version of Excal Prime isn't going to get re-released and it shouldn't be because [insert legalese here].


That said, Excalibur Prime variants shouldn't solely be the province of Founders though...

We all play this game and players who didn't get into the game when the Founders offer existed shouldn't be penalized for having missed that window.



The simplest resolution would be to make additional versions with different version designations.

The version designations and different design should resolve legal issues as its not the same as just "Excalibur Prime"

Creating 3 extra versions (specific to the different systems accessed) that are able to be acquired- from the market only- manages to be both fair and helps to avoid further diffusing drop tables.

DE makes money.

It resolves any commentary from the different system users about DE giving them something unique.

Lastly, and most importantly, players who actually want Excal Prime have a means to acquire him now although he would have a version attachment and a different look.


As to compensation...

Founders don't need additional compensation, we have been compensated enough at this point.

We have already gotten more than they promised at this point.

Creating a means to resolve a schism that is a persistent pain point amongst players would be a good thing though.


The big things to me for something like this is leaving market access to it open and not tying it to the Prime Access program as that program is cost prohibitive.

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I suggest to do that very buff of Excal Prime


and give Proto Excal stats to put it in line with the Prime



It will allow no founder  ppl to enjoy the changes as well , and keep the balance between Regular and Primes (can see Proto as a Prime prime Excalibur)

Edited by Tsoe
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I am no founder.


But I agree with this thing. The founders deserve this reward for supporting the game from the start. From kickstarting the game. Without the founders, there would be no more Warframe.


Everyone had the chance to be a founder, and like most of the guys said the others weren't here/don't have the money to buy or whatever. It's not the Founders' fault it was exclusive, its no one's. They didn't want it to happen, but it did.


Lolwut? U really think so, or u just twink?

I must be grateful not for developers, but for some guys who just know about the game faster then me?



And how EVERYONE can play a game if i even never heard about it before i start playing?


And why the hell somebody can deserve more then they see in store? They put money for exlusive they get it.

It strange message now "prime must me allways better". You made your choice, devs made they choice.

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