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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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Well I do not really care what exactly it is, as long as is fun to use and different from other frames.



And @Mods, meh you guys seem to be able to have some fun trolling... when i was a Moderator/Master Mod at alaplaya and later P7S1Games we weren't even allowed to make fun of things we might or might not have known ._.

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So skipping ahead because after 5 pages of reading this thread STILL no one has figured out it wont be a "light" frame yet for ONE very specific reason (not the least of which is that DE already said it isn't.)

We already have a Light frame peeps... it's called Mirage.

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Did anyone in stream mention Mage? I seem to remember playing as various colour Mages in the FF tactics games. Can't remember what the differences where though?


Not sure if it was mentioned, but it would come off as highly redundant to make a frame who could be, for example, a pure Pyromancer while you already have Ember (who is nothing BUT fire magic). I expect the theme will simply allow for incidental elemental damage with more unique utilities, where "mage" is more of a vague and all-encompassing term but tends to focus on their own powers rather than weaponry.


maybe the update in which the new frame is added, everyone will receive a palette.


I expect that the limited swatch of the base palette we all start with (which has 18 colors) would be sufficient to allow every frame access to all 12 main elements, especially if we go by the colors Zephyr's Tornadoes use for elements.

Edited by Archwizard
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Not sure if it was mentioned, but it would come off as highly redundant to make a frame who could be, for example, a pure Pyromancer while you already have Ember (who is nothing BUT fire magic). I expect the theme will simply allow for incidental elemental damage with more unique utilities, where "mage" is more of a vague and all-encompassing term but tends to focus on their own powers rather than weaponry.



Thats an good point, but Im still wondering how this warframes powers will work excaly, Im assuming they are able to change color via battle, I mean one loadout, pure toxin?, or another loadout pure Ice?


I do have my own concept of an elemental warframe and a few others I'm working on until i post them, but all in all Im just tired of waiting lol 

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Thats an good point, but Im still wondering how this warframes powers will work excaly, Im assuming they are able to change color via battle, I mean one loadout, pure toxin?, or another loadout pure Ice?


I do have my own concept of an elemental warframe and a few others I'm working on until i post them, but all in all Im just tired of waiting lol 

everyone its riddle time:


ok,we know that the new frame uses chosen energy color to determine "elemental" dmg..this has been postulated as merely an incidental type of determiantor as otherwise it would contradict with existing elemental warframes


we know that it isnt light based,that has been confirmed


it might be crystal based somehow,but it might also be like the various eximus types


with that in mind,would something covered in a thick armor plating that had openings in it with energy spilling out fit the bill?

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everyone its riddle time:


ok,we know that the new frame uses chosen energy color to determine "elemental" dmg..this has been postulated as merely an incidental type of determiantor as otherwise it would contradict with existing elemental warframes


we know that it isnt light based,that has been confirmed


it might be crystal based somehow,but it might also be like the various eximus types


with that in mind,would something covered in a thick armor plating that had openings in it with energy spilling out fit the bill?


Hummm maybe, ugh this warframe needs to hurry up and be shown in the Dev-stream or released soon!, I feel like a sitting duck 

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Did anyone in stream mention Mage? I seem to remember playing as various colour Mages in the FF tactics games. Can't remember what the differences where though?

In general black is attack magic, white is healing, blue is monster magic, and "red" is a combo of attack and heal with light armor and sword usage.


So it doesn't seem like it'll apply here.

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1.) Calm down.

2.) Look at their post count. Do you really think someone with 32 posts is gonna have been everywhere on the forums and seen that (or streams of course)?


3.) I've not seen anything denying it. If you're going to scream at someone that is was confirmed to not be it, give proof.

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1.) Calm down.

2.) Look at their post count. Do you really think someone with 32 posts is gonna have been everywhere on the forums and seen that (or streams of course)?


3.) I've not seen anything denying it. If you're going to scream at someone that is was confirmed to not be it, give proof.

mirage is the light frame ~,~ she refracts light to make clones, she gets a buff when standing in light or darkness, and she shoots a prism that destroys maps!


edit: also for those who don't know what a mirage is:


  1. an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air.
Edited by LordOfScrugging
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mirage is the light frame ~,~ she refracts light to make clones, she gets a buff when standing in light or darkness, and she shoots a prism that destroys maps!


edit: also for those who don't know what a mirage is:


  1. an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air.


i guess this scrugging gives one magical powers of analysis..because he is undeniably right in this post

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1.) Calm down.

2.) Look at their post count. Do you really think someone with 32 posts is gonna have been everywhere on the forums and seen that (or streams of course)?


3.) I've not seen anything denying it. If you're going to scream at someone that is was confirmed to not be it, give proof.




mirage is the light frame ~,~ she refracts light to make clones, she gets a buff when standing in light or darkness, and she shoots a prism that destroys maps!


edit: also for those who don't know what a mirage is:


  1. an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air.




i guess this scrugging gives one magical powers of analysis..because he is undeniably right in this post



As said multiple times in this thread.


People have been up in arms for the consideration that a concept frame could have been remotely similar to another frame before (Typhus and Saryn), and yet people aren't greatly noticing that one of the last couple of frames have been light based.


Mirage's name literally means a refraction of light, as said by Scrugging. Her Eclipse (an eclipse is literally a phenomenon cause by a star's light) ability is directly affected by a room's lighting. Her Prism (an object that uses light to create rainbows) shoots light at enemies, and when it explodes, it stuns enemies by blinding them with light.


Past that, in the stream, when the DEvs were watching the chat to see if anybody guessed it, "light frame" was posted said several times and the DEvs actually said nobody had guessed right yet.


Sorry, but another light frame is not happening. Not this soon, anyway.

Edited by CoRRh
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I think the leading theories now are Dragon or Mage frame.


If Dragon, I hope they really deviate from the fan concept :P. IMO, he is borderline Rhino copy/paste but with fire (plasma). 


Take Wing: Rhino Charge but with a stun at the end.


Indomitable: His most unique ability. Health and shields constantly regenerate and he cannot be stunned or knocked down. It more or less takes some factors from a couple of other frame's abilities and combines them. (at the very least, sounds like Iron Skin with a twist because it makes him more tanky)


Challenge: Mix Roar, Absorb, and Iron Skin, and take away the immobility from absorb. Hits to his shield increase his armor, and hits to hit health up his damage. Because:



Use Challenge and Indomitable to become The Terminator.


Rising Dragon: Apply wings and a jetpack to World on Fire. Rising Dragon lets you fly around, while sped up, and do AOE to enemies around you, while constantly draining energy.




I wanna hear about this Mage frame, though.

Edited by CoRRh
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we are all missing the big picture. dev's say frame will shock vets and element is affected by color of warframe energy. the next frame is......a painter! i mean just the concept will shock vets and it will be totally unique. every power will have something to do with painting!!!


power 1: quick strokes: swipes in front of frame with a brush

power 2:  gentle painting: frame pulls out an easel and any frames in an area are frozen while the frame paints their portrait......of death!  

power 3: palette: frame applies the corresponding element from energy color to the damage of allies

power 4: colorclasm: frame fabulously springs foward painting all enemies to death in a large arcing radius

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The idea of energy color effecting the elemental skill of abilities is certainly a cool one, but I don't really think it is a good idea to actually go with. Colors are cosmetic for everything else, and many people have set color themes they like to go with so I don't really foresee a lot of people wanting to move away from that in order to use a certain elemental effect. That, and I recall there was a lot of concern when mod colors were changed coming from the colorblind members of the community over having a hard time telling the difference between mods... I wonder how well something like this will be received by them, as well?

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mirage is the light frame ~,~ she refracts light to make clones, she gets a buff when standing in light or darkness, and she shoots a prism that destroys maps!


edit: also for those who don't know what a mirage is:


  1. an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air.


I care not for player speculation about the light frame. I only care if  DE specifically denied it.



As said multiple times in this thread.


People have been up in arms for the consideration that a concept frame could have been remotely similar to another frame before (Typhus and Saryn), and yet people aren't greatly noticing that one of the last couple of frames have been light based.


Mirage's name literally means a refraction of light, as said by Scrugging. Her Eclipse (an eclipse is literally a phenomenon cause by a star's light) ability is directly affected by a room's lighting. Her Prism (an object that uses light to create rainbows) shoots light at enemies, and when it explodes, it stuns enemies by blinding them with light.


Past that, in the stream, when the DEvs were watching the chat to see if anybody guessed it, "light frame" was posted said several times and the DEvs actually said nobody had guessed right yet.


Sorry, but another light frame is not happening. Not this soon, anyway.

Rebecca said twice in the stream that someone said what the frame was (though they didn't say themselves what the frame was).


And you have to account for delay in the stream. Nothing they say is accurately lined up with the chat.

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I care not for player speculation about the light frame. I only care if  DE specifically denied it.



Rebecca said twice in the stream that someone said what the frame was (though they didn't say themselves what the frame was).


And you have to account for delay in the stream. Nothing they say is accurately lined up with the chat.

logic can help us here


we should compile a roughly accurate list of all frames that were suggested at the relevant time period,accounting for stream delay


and then narrow it down with what we do know about what it will be...I,E, not a light frame,energy color changes element damage,male and so on


then it should become fairly clear

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