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[Mini-Boss Idea] Derf Anyo, Son Of Nef [The Immortal Megathread]


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Derf Anyo, son of Nef. Enthusiast of Tenno Culture.


Basic Mechanics:


Derf is a miniboss that appears much like the Stalker. Like the stalker, Derf can't be killed. Instead, he faceplants hard and then despawns using Ash's smokebomb.

- Spawns in using the same ceiling panel method that players use, except faceplants on landing

- semi-comedic relief that appears on Corpus maps

- continually seeks out players to learn more about GLORIOUS TENNO and test his skills

- uses limited edition reproduction Skana brand Dual Skanas

- Levels up with each encounter with the targeted player (he can become a legit threat after so many encounters)

- Think Young Revolver Ocelot + Street Fighter's Dan + Johnny Sasaki and a lil Deadpool too

- Ability 1) Clumsy Slashdash - Derf slashdashes, but will 'accidentally' kill Corpus allies (by design). Derf's slashdash terminates in a faceplant

- Ability 2) Ash's Teleport (just to make him getting into combat easier)

- when defeated, may drop blueprints of his Skana brand Skana

- ridiculous quotes


"Y-you too!"

"I have over 300 confirmed kills!"



Other possible suggestions:

- Dynamic despawn: Derf's despawn after being defeated is context sensitive. He can be blown out of an airlock, etc.

- He's actually invincible, and must be dispatched through unconventional means: you must break his crappy replica blade through parrying, suck him out into space by blowing out a window, or hack his replica suit and teleport him back home

He probably should act like a deranged Power Ranger knock off. Poses and all when he arrives in a puff of small lasors and smoke!

■ Clumsy Slashdash seems fantastic! Lets add a silly value for him to smack the wall with it.

■ How about another move? He'll do "Super Jump" and land it in a "Radial Blast" (Rhino). Though instead of landing fist in the ground all cool like make him do his trademark faceplant!

■ Since he's dual wielding fancy Skanas lets have him spin around like an idiot for a special move?

■ When he gets defeated/retreats he has tiny fake explosions around him acting like he's going to explode! Then realizing that he's not exploding at all and it's a hologram while you can half see a very bad cloak running out of the room slowly becoming more invisible until he just despawns. [bBYiffo]

I solemnly demand that the "Clumsy Slashdash" will infact be in walking speed, and he will simply swing his blades around real fast all over the place trying to hit stuff (including other corpus) before tripping down and faceplanting. [Feam]


If he's gonna randomly help you when the stalker comes in then I'm all for it. Imagine the lights start flickering, noises begin to enter your head and the stalker appears, then suddenly, derf anyo's theme pops as he shows up beside you. He uses his derfslash only to faceplant and poof away. 

Check this one baller of an idea: If you are playing on solo, and Derf appears, he would have the same color scheme as you and your do! [Cestus]

- make him run really fast like volt after using the cheap smoke bomb, so we can see him running away (not vanishing..), with a funny running animation too. xD [JDP04]

I prefer Stalker :P but this is cool too

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Derf should sound like a tryhard, as if he really truly believes what he is doing is the right thing to do. His grunts should be filled with effort and determination, and his howls should be filled with the impotent fury of a child. (Just like Taper in Zone of the Enders 2!)

Edited by Reefermun
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Great Idea OP!!


Mabye have it so that when the stalker attacks you there is a chance that Derf will spawn(the stalker will be confused at his appearance to and the to help the stalker but ends up screwing him up instead

for example he accidently trips him or knocks him down ect.

and after that whenever the stalker and Derf spawn the stalker will say 'Get away from me you!!!" or act similarly distressed


Either way Derf For The Win!!

Edited by Neo3602
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