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Frost Globe 'wind' Removal.


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I personally really hate the wind that's inside Frost globe and it's main reason why i feel the impulse get away from there asap. It interferes with my vision and i often find myself squinting eyes. I also feel that game starts to lag because of it, but it might be visual illusion due or the feeling of chaos that comes from not being able to see clearly. 

Can we have Frost globe wind removed?

It's been bugging me for more than a year, but i finally decided to post it because today i played with a Nekros that brought nullifiers to our side and i felt very comfortable sitting in their shields. I really wish it was that comfortable to sit in frost one, it would totally change Defense games for me. 

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Exact, a very dark energy color make the wind invisible, and can even make the globe itself close to invisible.


Our Frost's response(*) to that exact suggestion:

"I'm a Frost! I deal in snow and ice, not a chimney sweeper throwing tar bubbles!"



(*) not 100% verbatim

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since it's called Snowglobe, why not have Snow that falls vertically?

like what it looks like for most people when they go outside at this time a year. a nice pleasant sprinkle of Snow falling.

and just like pleasant falling of snow, the effect would be slower. snow falling, not sandblasting.


rather than some sort of silly snowstorm that is more annoying that visually pleasant.

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Now with the Rift Sigil, can we PLEASE make the wind effect go away (or tone it down a bit)... so that I can use other energy color other than DARK/BLACK color!!!!!!!

God, it is so annoying that I cannot see my Rift Sigil effect on Frost just because the stupid Dark energy color I am forced to use!

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