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Coming Soon: Devstream #46!


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Join us this Friday for Devstream #46! We've got lots to discuss and share about Warframe's next major update!

Who: Rebecca will be on the couch with Geoff, Steve, Sheldon and Scott!

What: We will be doing a Q&A Session with questions from this thread as well as focusing on coming content for Warframe!

Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes!

Where: Find us at: http://twitch.tv/Warframe

When: Join us Friday, February 6th at 2 p.m. EST! Time Zone Converter: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

This thread will close at 10 a.m. on February 6. Get your questions in! 

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can you message me those details so I can order you guys that pizza?

more details on new frame?

when will the first sharkwing/pishfusher mission be? progress report?

will we ever get more celestrial bodies to play on?

AKA more starmap? new starmap ever going to happen?

what ever happened to "new faction coming"?

when are we going to get an event that rewards prime chamber?

when can we expect to see the player-made enemies? progress report?

are we going to have syndicate primary and melee weapons soon? [synoid dera/supra? secura fluxrifle? vaykor gorgon? vaykor amphis? secura prova? sancti nikana?] (like the current secondary sets eg: vaykor marelok, sacti castanas.)

will prime accesses come more often than every 90days+7 to 14?

Eg. nova PA was ~20 or 30 days early

koolbro armor? (doges need swag)

Edited by VioDuskar
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Are there any plans to have more than one augment for the same ability? For example, we already have an augment for Slash Dash that adds to the melee combo counter, and could have another augment that makes Slash Dash's animation instantaneous.

Edited by CaveCricket48
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- Will Rhino's Iron skin get a visual rework? the molten metal hides any and all customization.

  You can make your Rhino the most beautifull and impressive Rhino in the universe.. but the moment you press that button.

  BAMMM, ALL YOUR HARD WORK, GONE, you choose between 3 options:

  being shiny silver,

  being shiny gold,

  being dead.


- Have you ever thought of placing a high Mastery Lock on Prime gear?


- I've seen alot of people talk about Non-primes being nicknamed mastery fodder.

  and noone bothering to play them since they have a prime variant.

  So more of a suggestion than a question.. Why not block access to a Prime until after you max the original.

  i.e. you can't build Loki Prime unless you maxed a Loki

  Or have the foundry recipe for the Prime require you to have a maxed out original in your inventory (either consumed or not)


- any updates on Lore?


- what are your thoughts on the majority of late-game nodes being empty and requiring you to recruit a squad to play?


- Have you thought of making the Random bonus objectives less random?

  (hacking a console on a defense mission or getting 20 sidearm kills on an archwing mission is impossible)


- Will Kubrow upkeep ever be nerfed? I never used mine because of his ridiculously expensive maintenance.


- Will we ever get an invasion rework? 25.000 credits is alot for some people, but it's not worth doing the same mission 5 times

  Let alone for just 1 Orokin Cell..


- underclocking mods:

  instead of having one lvl10 Steel Fiber mod for your potato'd Valkyr, and another lvl 5 Steel Fiber for your normal Nova,

  why not be able to manually change the effective level of mods, i.e. having your lvl 10 SF act as a lvl5 when applied to Nova


- Why did we kill the Orokin? :P


- Will resources and mods be made more visible in Archwing missions?

  More than once have I seen my squadmates cheer and celebrate after getting 7 Tellurium or more in a long Intercept mission,

  When I myself only found 2, or 1, or none at all.


- Will helmet stats ever become independent?

  I want to wear the default Rhino Prime helmet, but I don't want to lose the speed boost from Vanguard.


- last but not least, you probably get this question alot..

  Will Valkyr Prime ever be a thing?

  I don't need/want to know when she will be a thing, just if..


I understand not all of these will be answered.. but some would be nice

Edited by BaIthazar
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Every update has a unique facet that becomes symbolic of an innovation they bring along with them, with U13, it was dark sectors / melee 2.0, with u14, it was the player ship, and with u15 it was the archwing, what new facet of the experience / content can we expect to be the pinnacle of U16, and how will it affect the experience of older players who have played for a long time, and new players alike?


Enemy Balance - Infested


In U14, the infested ancients received many buffs and improvements to help the infested be a tougher faction, now that we have more infested units that help them and play the role of support and damage dealing units, will the ancient's roles be changed? - to accomodate the new infested's extra oomph to the faction, since the new units add another layer of difficulty, will we see changes to how infested damage reduction works?

Edited by Somedude1000
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Dojo rooms and more customisations!

More dojo colours?

8 man raids = new raid chat?

More Syndicate rewards?

Better alliance and clan management?

Solar rail rework?

Strict Nat?

Warframe fan pack update any time soon?

Pink underpants make an appearance?

Why so many weapon versions (wraith, vandal, prisma) can't they just be skins?

More relay features?


New daily rewards?

Mastery test rank up rewards?

Parkour 2.0?

Stealth Rework? This is about space ninja's right?

The new warframe?

Windows 10 support?

AFK combating mechanism rework?

Archwing additions?

Ash Prime?

More Sigils giving buffs?

Void trader?

Edited by Jithvan
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Give the Sentinel some love!


Kubrow have high shields and health and can be revived - sentinels die real easy when up against t4 level 60+ enemies. Can you at least link health and armour like you do with the kubrow until you have looked at them fully?

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Looking forward to it, Rebecca.


My question is: Will Capture Targets ever be reworked into unique npcs that perhaps act as a mini-boss of sorts that has a phase or two before you can capture them?


As it is, I find them to be boringly trivial to defeat and capture.

Most people just make a beeline for the Targets, knock them down, capture them and race to extract in a time-span of 5 minutes or less.

Edited by Tymerc
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1. When will Update 16 be deployed? Any timeline if not the exact date?

2. Any update on water tilesets? How will the archwing weapons work underwater?

3. Will the archwing missions in underwater have huge skybox like in space or rather smaller?

Edited by Verouzer
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Any news on a balancing pass for clantech? Shotguns? Further buffs for sniper rifles?


Updates on when past Prime frames (Frost, Ember, Mag, and yes, even Excalibur) might be brought up in-line with current Primes (Loki, Rhino, Nyx, Nova) and given stat bonuses?


When might we get more SMGs? Grakata is still the only one.


Also, is there any news on when potential passives might come out for the frames that currently lack one?

Edited by Vargras
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I originally wanted my number one issue being addressed to be a focus on reworking the whole LookingForGroup interface.  For this to be heavily played as a multiplayer game, it feels rather primitive in that function.


However, that being a not so quick fix, something reared its ugly head drastically in my eyes after the last devstream.


I remember you mentioning a topic in regards to formas appearing in Rotation C - and to be perfectly honest, I didn't think much of it because I had not yet really faced that ordeal.  I recall the answer given was more of a shrug off answer into a joke about rotation D.


I'm all for rewarding players for taking tougher challenges, such as stay longer then 20mins/waves but it would be a folly of a plan to keep formas as they currently are within the void reward system.


When I first started playing this game back in late November, I recall the actual JOY I got from seeing my first few formas...and yet now, I only feel defeated when ever they appear instead of any of the other rewards.  Fusion core pack of 5r(value speak for itself) - or any of the prime parts which can be traded, used to build the weapons...or even in the worse case scenario they can be turned into ducats.


Formas outright just fall off as you gather more and more.  The issue isn't that formas are worthless, but they have no value in excess...and we have no clear cut area to grind/farm for them, thus they just randomly take space of rewards that make the player feel a sense of success.


It is absolutely insane the percent of times I'm seeing formas drop on Rotation B and C - I'm not exaggerating when I claim half the voids I've ran since last devstream(Def/Surv) I've seen more formas then I'd ever have expected.


It has not been uncommon to go on a 40min survival or 40wave void mission with half...half*(4 rewards) being forma...all sadly land on Rotation B and C - tell me how I'm suppose to be happy to spend that much time in a void mission walking out with arguably the worse prize?

Edited by Vessot
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So I have massive question would it be possible for us to bring in a new boss that makes it so like it Requires four people to even to try to stand a chance? I have made ideas for it, though i really like to see warframes being not solo as much. We are to unite! (And just update on name cause "You cant have fun." Skot=Scott)

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