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Hotfix 15.13.2


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I'm getting freeze since this 15.13 patch.

It seems only happening during the archwing missions.


First few min works okay.

After that start to get freeze and unfreeze for 1 sec and freeze again.

Eventually I got out from the squad and left me along in the mission.


Since 15.13 patch, there should be some changes on the graphic settings.

This never happened before.


Maybe computer is not stable as others.

This is my brief computer spec.

CPU: AMD FX-8350



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Overkill on removing the gold trim from my exclusive, not-attainable-anymore $50 Targis Prime armor set.


Give that back to me please. I'm really not happy about this.




I try to settle with just adjusting the "tint" of it and am still not satisfied, then I switch frames (cause every frame I own is wearing Targis ***PRIME*** set) and I see that ugly bright candy yellow again and I just get really heated about it all over again.


This is killing me DE, seriously. I can't even stand to play this game right now for the headache of having to readjust the colors of this gold trim that shouldn't be colorable in the first place and still not be satisfied with any of the color options you've stuck me with.


Not Fair.

Edited by Bokeazian
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couple of things i encountered after 15.13.2:


1. duplicate stuff in profile (placeholder items i suppose?)



2. Meridian operatives sometimes (well, most of the time actually) bring a Grakata instead of a Vaykor Marelok



3. Lech Krill got sandwiched between a railing and a rock and stopped attacking so i pushed him out using switch teleport, but then he immediately fell right through the rocky ground:



4. The Lotus' transmission in the rescue alert for plastids just now was mismatched. She talks about the wardens even though we're in an infested ship: (not sure if other Eris rescue missions encounter the same transmission, i'll check)



5. Options->Controls->Customize Key Bindings->Chat = Enter. This is the key i use for opening the chatbox for ease of use, but now it just opens and closes immediately within missions, preventing me from typing. Since I can type only while holding the enter key and releasing it immediately inputs the message i'm guessing something changed with how the game recognizes the enter key function for the chatbox. (used to be Enter->type in chat->Enter->message is sent)


i'll also be sending some tickets regarding a cute map hole in the Phobos tileset.

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No more Grineer lootboxes.  No more money from missions.  Solo'd an extermination today, it was Grineer faction on Mars (Corpus world).  Lotus said I was fighting alongside the Corpus, yet Corpus were unfriendly to me so I had to kill them.  All I got to keep were the loots, all credits had been stripped.  What is this?

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Still no fix for missing back flip handspring animation for the mod handspring and constitution



Actually I need a clarification from you, DE. Is that the knockdown for enemies also scales with enemy level so handspring cannot have the back flip animation?

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Still waiting for a word from a DE Staff member on the removal of Rare 5 Core x5 packs. Don't baby us. We know you see our threads about this. Why can't you reply to someone explaining if this is a bug or not? We're not stupid and this is getting very bad rep for the entire game. ESPECIALLY since Baro comes back tomorrow. we're not paying plat for 5 cores so that we have to buy those things hundreds of times just to max one Primed mod.

Edited by Ocaz
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"Still no fix for" soma prime magazine model on reload.


Also reported here



Issue Description:  During the reload animation, the Soma prime magazine appears to be using a LOD model while it is in the hand of the Warframe.  It is an eyesore.


Testing:  Issue occurs on multiple computers and users, even after a cache refresh.


Reproduction steps:  Reload a Soma Prime.


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So basically I'm seeing that this hotfix was just bunk all around.


I trust DE to make the necessary fixes and as much as I hate to beat a dead horse, I'm going to this time:


I seriously find myself unable to cope - to the point of almost not being able to play - with the changes to my expensive Targis Prime set that has now lost all the aesthetic value that I had originally purchased it for to begin with. I cannot reiterate this enough, I would really like to have my gold trim back please.


I know DE has done really bad updates in the past, and some of them have been really good, and there's always someone to piss and moan about the changes regardless. Every time I've seen a bad update, I've seen fixes for it even though I never experienced certain problems in the past, but now with this Prime Coloring stuff I see a direct and immediate change that makes me feel completely and utterly cheated out of my money that I spent to have this unique Targis PRIME armor set that used to look stunning and has now become an eyesore that I wouldn't pay $5 for if it had come like this originally.


I don't care about the prime frame trim, or the prime weapon trim, that doesn't bother me and I appreciate the added cosmetic freedom, but THIS ONE THING that I had deliberately purchased FOR the gold trim to begin with has No reason whatsoever to affected by the changes in this recent update.

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