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Friendly Fire: Why Not An Option (Feedback)?


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Hello all,


Yes, it is that topic that is rather sore on players. 


Friendly fire refers to shooting allies (and it is not referring to a fire that is friendly [and the fire that is burning your house down right now, if you actually believe that is the meaning of "friendly fire", is certainty not friendly too]) and killing them. While this would realistically happen (because real life bullets are suffering from Radiation status effect), many players have voiced out that friendly fire would just break the game apart, due to their weapons' power and Warframe abilities. 


However though, the concept of friendly fire in Warframe could be something fun to have every now and then, giving certain players some pleasure through it, or just for self-imposed challenges. And so, would it be possible and wanted to, for the "Friends only" gamemode, allow the option for friendly fire? This would be shown to all invited friends. 


Through this, it would allow players who want friendly fire to keep to themselves without affecting the core of the game, while providing a small challenge for those that like seeking it (i.e.: Try not to shoot and kill teammates, or maybe try to kill them all as quickly as possible). 


Please discuss civilly in this thread.



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When I think of friendly fire I still remember the first time someone explained it to me:


Console: Friendly Fire is now on.

Me: What's friendly fire?

Teammate: Let me show you -BAM-

Me: :(


Other than that introduction, I am reminded of Left 4 Dead doing a campaign on hard mode doing my absolute best not to shoot teammates which lead to some awesome team gameplay but at the same time there were those incidents where a random person would join, grab a molotov or gascan, set us all on fire, then leave....


Having the option for it would be interesting.

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The powers and weapons in this game are far too massive and devastating to make this work.


It might be cool for a while, but trust me. You'd get sick of it.

Everything would get boring after a while if you are going to do it constantly. 


It is just something to spice up mission between friends. 

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Then let them do that in their own small corner, while the rest of the players just go on with their normal gameplay. 



Some option DE just won't do (example: Cover shooter esque stealth). This seems liek one of them, we already have this in the form of radiation procs. I can honestly see this doing more harm than good. Especially with the amount of AoE weapons with have,

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Some option DE just won't do (example: Cover shooter esque stealth). This seems liek one of them, we already have this in the form of radiation procs. I can honestly see this doing more harm than good. Especially with the amount of AoE weapons with have,

But you see: 


Cover shooting would need new animations and such. 

Friendly fire just needs a few lines of coding (which could be taken from the Radiation status effect code, but remove the UI overlay and accuracy decrease code). 


And really, this is just something for "Friends only". 

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Just problems that immediately occur to me when thinking of friendly fire. 



1) Melee weapons could not be used near another player.

2) Radial powers could not be used near players.

3) Players could one shot each other, as they are less durable than NPC.

4) Sentinels would kill your allies.

5) Sentinels could be killed by allies.

6) Trap effects, such as snow globe, would hit players.

7) It would effectively make all but precision weapons a liability. 

8) Syndicate's effects on weapons&mods would kill allies.



1) It would be possible to shot Limbo and Loki....


I can think of more issues, but it would be an exceedingly imbalanced addition to Warframe.


'Dragon age Inquisition' had a friendly fire option and the only way it was usable was by not giving your idiotic allies any AoE capability.

Edited by LazyKnight
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If is just an extra option whats the harm? As long as I don't have to deal with people trolloloilng around in my games with some good ol' fashioned FF I'm okay with it being an option for Friends Only matches. Imagine all the shenanigans to be had. Go to an exterminate mission, take out all the enemies, everyone turns off their HUDs and tries to find and kill each other on huge maps.

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I already find it incredibly annoying should a teammate or myself get hit by a Radiation proc and proceed to down half the team as we are trying to fight together.


Options are never bad though, I suppose.

When you/they are irradiated, they are no longer your friends. They are the biggest threat you will ever deal with, ever. They can kill you just by being near you. Eliminating this threat should be your number one priority. You must destroy them as soon as possible.


Once the proc wears off, they're back to being friends and stuff.

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