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Warframes You Unexpectedly Enjoyed?


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I'm curious. What Warframe have you built that you expected to be mastery fodder or not your style, that you instead found yourself using again and again, especially if it was just for fun? What was it that you found too much fun to put it away? Especially where there are better frames for the job.


I've been playing Ash lately. It never struck me as a frame I would keep using, but I am. Ash ended up being the frame I used to finally knock of the sword alone achievment. It's a surprisingly good melee frame.


And Blade Storm. Warframe: Armchair mode. It gels really well with 2 and 3. Lose their focus, teleport in, go nuts. I'm guessing it's not the best frame for team play or higher level stuff, but it's a lot of fun.


One of my frames is going to lose it's loadout slot. Ash gets it.


Enlighten me please.

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He was my starter, I grew very bored of him quickly, sold him once I reached full slots (only had space for 3 at the time and wanted a new frame). Didn't bother getting him again for quite a while. Then I rebuilt him, gave him another chance. Loved him. I suppose it's because I actually learend how to play him instead of just being a huge noob and using slash-dash 24/7. I found out that blind was freaking amazing, and that super jump was my favorite utility power in the game.


Edit: He's been my main frame ever since.

Edited by IANOBW
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I'd say Volt.
I've leveled him twice. The first time I didn't really like him. Mostly because it was before his ult got tweaked, and you would just hang in mid air being one big target, for the duration of the cast. He was deemed mastery fodder and sold once I was done.

I then later wound up leveling him again, and after the tweaks I enjoyed playing him much much more. I had also grown into a better WF player this time around, which also had an effect on my experience.

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hydroid : When i first started playing him and the only potential i saw in him was having 2 damage abilities, 1 mobility and a other ability wich i did not understand the use of on any warframe ( collect mobs in a puddle just to get raped once you get out of it ? )


But since short i've been using different kinds of builds on him to see if i'd re-discover his playstyle and i gotta say, this warframe is CC galore.


Transorm into a ball of water from one side of the room to another, knocking down anything in and near its path.

Sending a meteor rain shower and tentacle swarm upon them to further increase the duration of the CC / Melee finisher moves ( yes, 250k finisher crits)


Collect swarms of mobs in your puddle to have allies ready to blast their rocket launchers onto the enemies.



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Banshee is pretty ridiculous in terms of Util. I had her and Prisma at the same damn time. Now that Prisma has Shred, and Banshee has Resonance, we'll see whats up.


Loki with a powerful weapon like Latron W is high profile.


Excalibur is pretty good. I didn't know that his powers could be used midair. Plus when I first got him, I had useless mods.

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Rhino easily. This experience after being frustrated at so many Rhino's that run around using  Iron Skin only, providing relatively no help to the party, and subsequently getting downed constantly because they thought Iron Skin was an immortality button.


I took out approximately 10 clan mates that were not aware of the implications of making an entirely power based build plus other defensive/survival mods. It was awesome actually getting more involved with playing Rhino as previously I completely ignored him rushing leveling to 30. Once I ran them around all of us on Rhino we all found that Rhino is a truly fantastic frame as long as you do not shoehorn your build into a survivability only setup. Rhino FTW folks.

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Oberon since he got buffed, I think. Originally he was ok...but he fell off compared to Trinity.


Since the Buff...Renewal keeps folks healthy and alive, extends bleedout time...Smite is just wonderful for either distant CC or forcing a ground finisher on an enemy if you get close enough; Heavy Gunner, Galatine, squish. Hallowed ground keeps you standing up and keeps you free from the majority of detrimental effects, which is great for dealing with Infested. Which is the main attraction actually; Ancient getting you down? Smite, Reckoning or Hallowed Eruption proc it and introduce it to the blade.


After that...initially?


Trinity. When I first picked up the frame, it was a little after Nova. Trinity became the first frame I ever put a Reactor in. Since then, I tended to bring Trinity in the event of 'not sure what to expect'. Ever since Oberon's buff, I've admittedly been using her less, but then she did dominate most of my time for a good long while. A favourite, and I am giving her attention, just a case of when and where.




Mesa has...With Primed Continuity, I've got a pretty damned useful Shooting Gallery. Once I get the Augment, CC for days. Ballistic Battery has uses when it comes to the fact I favour Single Shot Marksman weapons anyway, especially on Solo sprees. Peacemaker is...I don't use it particularly often but I will if the situation calls for it. Colours nicely as well; one of the few frames I've used Black and Red with.


Banshee is a sweet frame, and the Augment runs Sonar into the same niche I use my Saryn's Venom for. Both are effectively part of the same named loadout as the 'Marksman'. Banshee's just more for the subtle approach than my 'Accurate Blitzer' Saryn style.





Ironclad Charge has actually made him fun for me to use. Still toying around with what weapons to go with him but the Kronen are at least aesthetically fitting. Also gives better mobility than heavier weapons and he does need it to get back into the thick of it after a charge. Duration just helps keep things going.


I do intend to break out Limbo at some point, to see how he handles. Being a more tactical frame, he may or may not suit me. Just going to have to see.

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Well when I was new I was maining valk, cause ya know invincibility and I thought that was op. But now it's a tie between Loki and banshee. Loki is my main if I am ever soloing or playing pubs, banshee can't be beat though when I'm playing with my clan I love her so much

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Zephyr. I got her a year ago when she first came out, got her to 30 and largely ignored her because I didn't have a very good time with her at the time. After a few months off, I came back after the addition of augment mods and got her Jet Stream. This one addition changed her completely in my eyes. I started to use her as my high-speed Capture frame, and while trying to race a clanmate's Zephyr I got very accustomed to using Tail Wind to cross gaps and avoid stairs, and as I was doing this I enjoyed her general gameplay and what she offers. She's a good frame, and a load of fun for just blitzing around the map and trivializing jumps that some frames have trouble with.

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Hmm.. Valkyr, becouse i more enjoyed sniping (lol) than fight with sword.. Then, OMG Hysteria..


Quite recently, Limbo.. After i discover how to play in rift, and create nice loadout for him (something like Van Helsing/demonologist with ThunderAttica).. And of course you can pass through all corpus lasers.. Yes, in spy missions to.. xP

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I used to rip on Banshee for being boring and crap, but then I made a Resonance build for fun and realized: all of her skills are entertaining and useful as hell. Sonic Boom sends people flying millions of miles away, Sonar makes them die hard, Silence AoE stun ftw, and of course the Dubstep Wave is great fun too.

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*read in Terry Crews' voice*








But seriously, yeah... because of EV I can sweep everything with 50k crit damage, more or less, each hit. And I become a hurricane when Berserker stacks at 3.

Edited by faustias
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