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Are Kubrows Still Used?


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Sure your not talking about the shade sentinel?


Sorry my bad shade can do all that, and bring back your shields, has a ranged weapon and it's stats are not dependent on your own warframes stats.


But Kubrows are fun, but the 3hr wait, the fact they can really only do one thing, and are non-elemental melee only, really makes me use sentinels a lot more.


If they add at lest a few more things, and give us away to remove the 3hr wait then yeah i can see people using kubrows a lot more

Shade is horrible at stealth and extremely unreliable. It also requires LoS to activate cloak and has a limited duration.


I dont NEED to switch out my Kubrow every mission, so the 3 hour wait is not really that big of an issue. Kubrow do more than just use their abilities. They are also great at taking down nullifiers, especially when there is more than one. They can also open locked containers, which does come in handy at times. IMO, Kubrow A.I is better at taking down an actual threat instead of just randomly killing enemies like a sentinel. Of course its not always reliable, but my Kubrow has "saved" me more often than my sentinel even though my sentinel has more kills. 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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I have seen mine do it, weapon it uses is sweeper.

Last time I saw sweeper kill anything was way back when it was OP as hell. 


But then you also come to the problem that sentinels are really useful for utility thus it is often better for them to draw no agro and not risk dieing. 

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Shade is horrible at stealth and extremely unreliable. It also requires LoS to activate cloak and has a limited duration.


I dont NEED to switch out my Kubrow every mission, so the 3 hour wait is not really that big of an issue. Kubrow do more than just use their abilities. They are also great at taking down nullifiers, especially when there is more than one. They can also open locked containers, which does come in handy at times. IMO, Kubrow A.I is better at taking down an actual threat instead of just randomly killing enemies like a sentinel. Of course its not always reliable, but my Kubrow has "saved" me more often than my sentinel even though my sentinel has more kills. 

Yeah i forgot the kubrows can open lockers. never really use it. never need anything from them. oh and i did forget that some kubrows have a 2nd skill which can be useful, even if 2 of them are the same...


But both shade and huras have timers on there skills. Huras over 2min and shade only 1min, but i never seem to stop attacking for more then 30 seconds. so shade is better for my play style


Now you don't use more then one kubrow so you wont need to change out, but some people have a lot more. i have like 13-15 atlest 1 of each type and some for different warframes. I would like to use them more often, but i don't have the plat or time to be able thaw them out to use them so only like 5 or so are level 30.


Yeah they seem to have better A.i, but way too many time have my kubrows gone down because of them going after the bigger threat which is normal nullifiers which have about 6-7 heavy gunners and bombards right next to them..... it's worse for the huras tho if a nullifiers hits it you lose it's affects. Now this would not be a problem if they had some range and not rush in.

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why waste credits and time on a tamagotchi when you can just get a sentinel that requires nothing and doesn't have a 3 hour waiting time to switch between sentinels? I see absolutely no benefit to using a tamagotchi.


1.) Kubrows have MUCH stronger shields and heath.


2.) And they can leech crazy amounts of HP when you melee.


3.) And they have bleedout mechanics meaning they can be revived instead of just exploding.


4.) And they hit like a truck driven by a honey badger hauling a load of bricks.

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1.) Kubrows have MUCH stronger shields and heath.


2.) And they can leech crazy amounts of HP when you melee.


3.) And they have bleedout mechanics meaning they can be revived instead of just exploding.


4.) And they hit like a truck driven by a honey badger hauling a load of bricks.


That might be the case, and I feel kubrows are more beneficial to the player, but in the end the $$ to keep up and the interactions required throw me off. Senti are so care free and I love that. Kubrow on the other hand are just annoying. Add the stasis to that, egg farm, high start up cost and how they run everywhere (and in front as people have said) it really is not worth it to me.

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They costs credit to maintain, they costs platinum for immediate switch, they die and you are screwed. They cannot restore shield or revive you, unlike sentinels with that mod. 

I made a thread on how the hek kubrow needs 3h to recover. This is not logical, the game is set on DE's idea so I do not accept any comment on "how can you wake you immediately from cryosleep". Game, not rocket science!

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why waste credits and time on a tamagotchi when you can just get a sentinel that requires nothing and doesn't have a 3 hour waiting time to switch between sentinels? I see absolutely no benefit to using a tamagotchi.

So, much this,...

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I kinda giggle at the statements of how costly their upkeep is when, if you do the math, they cost only about 3,000 credits per day if you're efficient with the DNA stabilizers. You break even in a single mission at the worst. So, in my opinion, they pay for themselves. Literally, even, if you grab the Scavenge (90% chance to open a locker) mod and run a T1.

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Took a break from using kurbows due to a sudden case of having no credits thanks to Baro but now that I'm above 200K again I've finally found a nice Sahasa Kurbow to use and am enjoying the nice piles of free money and energy they offer.


So far I've potatoed three kurbows and forma'd them once


Huras: Kasrkin


Sahasa: Chimera


Sunika: Leman Russ


All I need now is now is a giant chunky Raksa named Baneblade and my collection will be complete!

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They costs credit to maintain, they costs platinum for immediate switch, they die and you are screwed. They cannot restore shield or revive you, unlike sentinels with that mod.


1.) I feel like you misunderstand the mechanics...  If a kubrow is downed in a mission, they can be revived, just like another player. There is a mod that can make the timer last over 30 seconds. There is no cost or penalty for this happening. Your dog just gets up and keeps fighting.  If your kubrow dies, i.e. you fail to revive it, then it will lose a large amount of loyalty points. You can restore loyalty every day by petting the kubrow on your ship. You get enough loyalty action are "allowed" to have your kubrow die once per day.  The only way to have your kubrow actually die, like it's gone forever, is to let it starve to death....Which takes 20 days of neglect.


2.) The Raksa breed can restore your shields (and simultaneously, its own).  In fact it's significantly better at it than the sentinel mod Guardian.


I kinda giggle at the statements of how costly their upkeep is when, if you do the math, they cost only about 3,000 credits per day if you're efficient with the DNA stabilizers. You break even in a single mission at the worst. So, in my opinion, they pay for themselves. Literally, even, if you grab the Scavenge (90% chance to open a locker) mod and run a T1.


Exactly. It makes no sense. Maybe all these people that say dog is too expensive to keep have never actually tried using mods??

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... The only way to have your kubrow actually die, like it's gone forever, is to let it starve to death....Which takes 20 days of neglect.



So Ive abused my kubrow because I want her dead asap. I dont have the $ to consign her, Ive already done that to 3 others and its taken its toll on me. Her loyalty is 0%. I was wondering, will she lose health faster this way or it will always be 20 days?

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