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Clashing Ideologies In Gameplay Is Ruining The Game, Endgame Is Falling Further Away.


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 Also, if a CASUAL player is having issues with it, it is because they're a casual. 


This sort of rhetoric kills games.


You disregard the general population to cater to a minority of players then you'll have a game that a select group of people enjoy playing that alienates anyone else who isn't "on thear level lulz". It's whats happened to Destiny, the bungie MLG tryhards ran that community into the grave and since Activision sees them as a viable source of income a number of patches and hotfixes completely overhauled a promising game into a pissing contes and I'd hate to see that happen to Warframe. The nullifiers and bombards are tedious and annoying and not so much a challenge as a chore.  I want enemies that are "smarter" not "harder". Pull me into an ambush with nullifiers that I need to shoot my way out of instead of using my abilities? GG. That adds variation to a mission and in occassional doses that isn't  bad thing at all.


But stunlock me in a corner while draining my energy and then blinding me with visual dubstep while enemies flank with a seemingly endless supply of ammo that they never need to reload? Cheap and way over the top :\... Although no one wants a game with paper enemies, I hardly see the appeal of a game with enemies that completely invalidate EVERY effort you have given to make your character a force to be reckoned with. 

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I understand the two sides very well, i used whatever means necessary to get to where i am today and I am friends with people who are completely against the whole notion of rep farming because they feel it's cheap but this method has existed since interceptions were released, DE unintentionally created a system that drastically increased the reliance upon warframes, before this whole thing with "press4towin" thing started do you even remember what dominated the forums? "omg nerf boltor to OP cheapens mastery rank, mr3's should not outdamage a mr10 because of broken weapon" the @(*()$ boltor prime overpowered lmfao and now they have moved on to going after players who aim for efficiency, everyone involved needs to back the F*** up and worry about their own accounts. Most normal players just go with the flow and keep an eye on the 'meta' if you could even call it that in warframe as it's a pve game in all reality, but you have these select entitled overly concerned players who care too much and want the game to stay in their comfort zone because they resent change and progression, more motivated individuals breeze past them and they become jaded because they spent all that time on sechura and with the syndicates creating a new age in the game they either adapt or they incessantly whinge on the forums.

I play how I wanna play, I never take corrosive projection off any of my frames, in my eyes not a big deal, but to some it's a cardinal sin i'll rock up to sechura to forma frames and get raged at for not running esiphon or something useful because corrosive is useless against infested apparently, people just care way too much what others are doing and need to stfu and keep to themselves because its ruining the game.

Now I believe even less that you understand each side. Because of what you just typed I have to believe you don't understand their point, because you seem to think everyone who believes these things are players frustrated because they've been surpassed. That's probably true for a few, but they make up a small minority.

I use these tactics on occasion, but they aren't satisfying and they're a sign of broken gameplay. As long as they exist, there's no way DE can challenge everyone without making it impossible for people not using the "meta" options. So what happens now is those have to be taken away for DE to challenge us. Tactical alerts without weapons so that Boltor Prime can't shred everything, that end up excluding a major portion of the playerbase. Nullifiers so we can't instanuke everything that effectively kill certain frames' playstyles, because those frames were too powerful otherwise. Rediculous instakill MLG snipers because otherwise we wouldn't die. Health-linked, multistacked, toxin proccing, armored Ancients because they were just cannon fodder before. Without balance, the root of the problem of challenge in this game, players can't be pushed to the limits since they have none. So the game becomes a combination of luck, restores, and map wiping, avoiding unavoidable attacks by killing everything before you see it.

T4 got added and solved nothing. Now the people who were bored running 90 minutes of T3 are bored running 90 minutes of T4. T5 would be the same.

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There's never going to be true endgame until we have an actual story to follow. you can't just toss out endgame when there's really no reason to have ANY game after the tutorial.


The interaction between us, Lotus,and Vor in the tutorial is pretty much all the story we have to really go on...everything else is bits and pieces of ancient history...(lore).

i get the idea DE had that we write the story...but it's failing,bigtime. By trying to achieve balance we leave ourselves out of the story. We're behind the scenes while the Grineer,Corpus,Stalker,and Syndicates (so far),write history with us as footnotes or minor inconveniences.

Bit players don't get endgame....

Edited by Chaosyn
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Woah there buddy. That's a lot of assumptions you're making.


It's easy to demonize everyone you don't agree with, to try and write off their motives as selfish or resenting progress, and while there might be some people who actually are selfish and do resent progress, that's not everyone.

What I don't agree with is why people feel one gameplay is more legitimate than another, anyone who labels use of aoe skills exploiting is a complete and utter moron, no two ways about it. As long as the player is not glitching or bug abusing, they are merely using their warframe to their potential. The only reason this is even possible is because of the ridiculous nerf and buff DE gave excalibur, mirage and saryn are possible substitutes but some kind of speed levelling will always exist and this comes back to my initial point of DE not understanding their own mechanics but i can't fault them on that I am still learning new stuff constantly.

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What I don't agree with is why people feel one gameplay is more legitimate than another, anyone who labels use of aoe skills exploiting is a complete and utter moron, no two ways about it. As long as the player is not glitching or bug abusing, they are merely using their warframe to their potential. The only reason this is even possible is because of the ridiculous nerf and buff DE gave excalibur, mirage and saryn are possible substitutes but some kind of speed levelling will always exist and this comes back to my initial point of DE not understanding their own mechanics but i can't fault them on that I am still learning new stuff constantly.


What I don't get is why people feel that other's aren't entitled to their opinions.


We have to face facts, some gameplay styles are not healthy for the game. Trinity blessing invinci-spam was not an exploit, but it wasn't a defensible playstyle either. This is essentially the same thing.


Speed leveling will always exist, the trick is to make it something that a macro can't play for you.

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if each Tier is like +10 to the enemy levels  to that of the previous Tier, i don't see an issue except that the endless game modes might be a bit more difficult as the waves/rounds continue, and it seems most experienced groups can go on for time that is too long as it is anyways.


there will likely be a Tower V, but the other towers need the other gametypes added like Interceptions for 1-3, Spy, maybe even archwing versions or something totally new.  there are going to be way more prime things to come and i'd rather the existing towers' drops not get further diluted.

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What I don't get is why people feel that other's aren't entitled to their opinions.


We have to face facts, some gameplay styles are not healthy for the game. Trinity blessing invinci-spam was not an exploit, but it wasn't a defensible playstyle either. This is essentially the same thing.


Speed leveling will always exist, the trick is to make it something that a macro can't play for you.

The problem is those opinions of a vocal minority are making much more noise than the general populace who don't care either way, i myself who play the game for what it is and deal with whatever changes are made but when it seems like some kind of good old boys clique who strongly believe their favoured playstyle is how the game should be is when I have an issue, We play how we want to play, If something is ridiculously OP like trinity being invincible then it will get fixed but what you want is different this is merely efficient killing.

The thing that bothers me the most in all the 'feedback' if you can even call it that, there is no alternative being produced by players it's just an outcry of nerf this and nerf that we don't want this we don't want that but on the same hand aren't offering any solutions to this supposedly 'broken' mechanic, so how would you go about fixing it? would you punish players for using warframes and the abilities that accompany them? would you reward players more for following one kind of playstyle over the other?

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The problem is those opinions of a vocal minority are making much more noise than the general populace who don't care either way, i myself who play the game for what it is and deal with whatever changes are made but when it seems like some kind of good old boys clique who strongly believe their favoured playstyle is how the game should be is when I have an issue, We play how we want to play, If something is ridiculously OP like trinity being invincible then it will get fixed but what you want is different this is merely efficient killing.

The thing that bothers me the most in all the 'feedback' if you can even call it that, there is no alternative being produced by players it's just an outcry of nerf this and nerf that we don't want this we don't want that but on the same hand aren't offering any solutions to this supposedly 'broken' mechanic, so how would you go about fixing it? would you punish players for using warframes and the abilities that accompany them? would you reward players more for following one kind of playstyle over the other?


You haven't seen any solutions? I can link you to a dozen threads offering solutions, and a dozen more on the opposite side offering none. That's a bad generalization.


And the whole forum is a vocal minority. All of us together represent less than 10% of the total playerbase.

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You haven't seen any solutions? I can link you to a dozen threads offering solutions, and a dozen more on the opposite side offering none. That's a bad generalization.


And the whole forum is a vocal minority. All of us together represent less than 10% of the total playerbase.

Sure link some of the better ones, I'd like to read some of their ideas,

Yes and that 10% is dominated by entitlement and dad gamers, It's great to see people are passionate about the game but when their opinion absolutely sucks and does more damage than good then its a problem.

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Sure link some of the better ones, I'd like to read some of their ideas,

Yes and that 10% is dominated by entitlement and dad gamers, It's great to see people are passionate about the game but when their opinion absolutely sucks and does more damage than good then its a problem.

You are oversimplifying and forgetting that player feedback is a double edged sword. Some of the changes to gameplay may have happened on their own, but likely would not have happened as quickly if at all. Player Feedback led to Damage 2.0 and melee 2.0, both were improvements over their predecessors, and those were the big ones from the time I have been here. Countless rebalances of frames have occurred, Weapons have been tweeked, Syndicate Rep gain has been modified. A lot of that was due to player feedback. If we all sat back and said nothing all of the time the changes that occurred during Vivergate may still be around. Personally, I embrace the vocal minority. They are a necessity for Warframe to continue to evolve. A game without an active and vocal community will not last long.


With that being said, you have to take the good with the bad. Not everyone is going to give constructive or helpful feedback, and many are based off of personal opinion, which is inherently biased.

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I'm not defending either of them just play your own damn game and let DE assess the data and balance accordingly.

...DE takes seriously if at all but it just seems players are often chalked up as collateral because DE focuses on all the wrong things...


...i feel as of this current moment the game is in very good balance...

I am really looking forward to this year of quality and i just pray to whatever god is out there that DE will focus on giving people something to work for while disregarding the outcries of ignorance and intolerance.


I agree with a lot of your opinionated viewpoints. And don't get that wrong, that's all we're doing as players is providing our opinions based on our experience. Before I talk about those few points I pulled out up above, I want to quote a buddy of mine in saying "I don't seek to negate your opinion by sharing mine". With that disclaimer out of the way, here we go.


- I think the first point I've pulled of "...let DE assess the data and balance accordingly" is one of the best things I've read in awhile. At the same time, we're all giving our feedback here because that is what the forums are for. DE has people comb these forums for points to bring up to the developers, as the devs don't exactly have all the time to sit and read everything of course. We know this. So, DE will do what they're going to do, and we can do what we're going to do. No one is hurt by this process.


- Your point that "...DE focuses on all the wrong things..." is really just your opinion that isn't backed up by what you believe are the right things. Also, you don't really know what they are actually dealing with. You don't have their list of items to work on every day, nor do you have the list of assets to work with, time frames, etc. You're oversimplifying problems and not even attempting to admit that you also don't know what the right focuses would be, given the information that you aren't aware. This makes the statement only partially informed at best.


We all want to see aspects of the game that directly affects our experience the most, to be worked on first.


- "...i feel as of this current moment the game is in very good balance..." Sigh. If you feel that all aspects of the game are in very good balance, you must not play melee primary game play. If you did, you wouldn't be saying that. There are multiple issues with melee that need attention. This has increased over time as Ranged, Ability, and Enemy adjustments (power creep) has taken primary development while melee has had only a few minor tweaks since Melee 2.0 was released. (The major change was to heavy melee weapons.)


For an idea of outstanding melee issues (as your last post I read said you were interested in reading threads on issues), please read through this threadhttps://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/368677-sword-alone-or-sword-go-home-or-have-sword-get-boned/?view=findpost&p=4081104


and this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/399956-thoughts-on-primed-reach/?view=findpost&p=4413363


or you can watch the vid attached to this posthttps://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/349196-a-look-at-the-current-state-of-the-dual-cleavers-throwback-thursday/?view=findpost&p=3897814


One from ADirtyMonkhttps://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/356937-tie-damage-decrease-to-movement-speed-and-melee-combo-counter/


Issues specific to Infested (the entire thread wasn't melee so I'm posting my post here):


"As a melee only player I have to agree with these new mobs for melee players are definitely a bit of a pain. Ranged players or players that spam abilities probably don't feel the effects as much.

My experience on this tileset was pretty terrible. Waymakers aren't clear enough and with survival, you absolutely need to be where the O2 is if you're soloing, when you need to be there, not searching and falling off the map or getting knocked off the map while the timer still runs as you reset (which is another issue).
- The constant knockdown from the new Moa mobs
- as well as the knockdown and drag from Ancients
- the blurred vision which requires rolling
- the sticky goo to slow you down and eat your health
- the toxic spore clouds in the air that bypass shields
- the electric half man guys on the ground zapping you
- the toxic half man guys on the ground spewing toxin to make you have a seizure
- the toxin half man guys on the ground that expel a cloud of toxin when dead
- the ancients that take all your energy in one hit (not as often as they used to of course)
- the eximus that have auras that strip away your energy so you can't regain it even if you're using rage....
Did I miss anything? All I need now is a mob that strips my Stamina (although some of those stances do just fine with that) and something sucking the O2 away faster.
To the guy saying swing your sword and the gnats go away, I melee only. All I'm doing is swinging. Those things don't just go away like that, or maybe they're just being shot at the player so often that there's no recourse other than try nab that dang moa as he jumps away from you."


A post I left on a questions for devstream that wasn't addressed (no worries, there's lots to cover):

"Stamina in melee fighting is something that really needs attention in order to help the survivability of melee fighters. Adding a stance in, for example, should be like learning new techniques which results in positive gains.

It should not punish the player by increasing stamina drain on an already high drain weapon such as the Dual Cleavers.
If you increase stamina drain, the pay out for such an action should be greater, but it's lacking in the case of Crossing Snakes and the Dual Cleavers. That is just an example weapon and stance that clearly shows the problem of high stamina usage.
When melee fighting as a primary damage mode, stamina is important to sprinting, blocking and attacking. Stances help to alleviate the problem of stamina loss through their animations, but the problem isn't loss of stamina during attacking. The problem is lack of stamina (even with a full Quick Rest and Marathon) after you have sprinted to your target while blocking (in order to mitigate enemy gunfire), reach the target and kill it, and then expect to quickly move off in another direction.
With no stamina after even one kill, you're unable to sprint, which means you are forced to copter or slide attack out of harm's way. Unfortunately you can not block at this time, leaving you open to the super accuracy of the Grineer (any units but a major pain is the speed and accuracy of the Grineer snipers), or Corpus laser crew.
This leads to another issue of stacked bleed procs that slip right past your shield, rendering there no point to even having a shield in higher levels against Grineer.
And yet another issue is knockdown recovery and knockdown resistance. Four mods to counter knockdown effects is not the answer here. My Warframe shouldn't get up off of the ground like an old man. There should be some option other than stacking two mods to enhance knockdown resistance or one for knockdown recovery.
As you can see, one problem leads to another. Mod after mod is not the answer in the need to adjust some core basic mechanics of melee combat.
Potential fixes might be:
- Remove stamina drain while attacking, if a stance is equipped.
- Greatly lower stamina drain while blocking incoming fire.
- Fuse Quick Rest and Marathon together, in order to allow for slightly more options at surviving as a melee fighter. For example, I am one of the player affected by the removal of the two mod slots on the Warframes. While I greatly appreciate the ability to use my abilities without needed mod slots, I generally would run with only one ability, or none at all. This allowed me to make up for the lack of capabilities present when melee fighting.
- Allow Warframes to gain faster knockdown recovery through leveling up the Frame. At rank 30, a Warframe could be capped at knockdown recovery speed, half of what it is now. If the frame is forma'd, the next rank up to 30 could allow for better knockdown resistance chance.
As long as I've played Warframe, I feel that some of these skills need to become part of the natural progression of ranking up a frame. Whether they're tied to Frame level, how many forma a Frame has, Mastery Rank, I don't have the answer to that. But I do know, more mods is not the answer.
Bleed procs and fire are the bane of my existence when melee fighting at higher levels. We have a 60% fire damage reduction mod that doesn't work very well and takes up a slot that can be better suited for another mod, and we now have a mod that will reduce status effect times.
I'm out of mod slots guys and gals. I've been melee primary for quite some time. On a Volt nonetheless, as well as Ash, Valkyr, Rhino, Frost, the list goes on.
I can make it work, but I am slowly losing the ability to melee. My skill level can only compensate for so much. I can only be so fast, so reactive, situationally aware, crowd controlling.....and now I have Grineer that are destroying me across the map because I simply do not have Stamina to block some gunfire while moving at warp speed around the map, in order to reach the next set of targets before they mow me down.
I still play melee primary, but it's much harder now than it has been before. You could even say I've done my own stress testing."
I'll stop here regarding melee. I do enjoy my melee.


- "...while disregarding the outcries of ignorance and intolerance..." For this you can refer back to your own first point that I pulled here. "...let DE assess the data and balance accordingly." You said it best yourself.

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8 man raids will be 2 group defenses, so probably you will have 4 ppl here and 4 ppl there. Basically same S#&$, but with a bigger strain on host. As well as some random *broken* mobs like nullifier, or 1hko bombards with knockdown cheap tactic.

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8 man raids will be 2 group defenses, so probably you will have 4 ppl here and 4 ppl there. Basically same S#&$, but with a bigger strain on host. As well as some random *broken* mobs like nullifier, or 1hko bombards with knockdown cheap tactic.

The interesting thing about that is will it be 4 and 4 or will the teams go crazy and we end up with one Mesa defending one and 7 on the other.  And god I hope there is more to the raids than the 4 and 4 defense, but we will see.

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The interesting thing about that is will it be 4 and 4 or will the teams go crazy and we end up with one Mesa defending one and 7 on the other.  And god I hope there is more to the raids than the 4 and 4 defense, but we will see.

WE will see about that.

Knowing De and how Scott said it will be *hard*. You can expect *cheap* tactics used by DE. Just remember the last Tactical Alert Overtake with nullifiers everywhere. I for sure know raids will have funny/bordeline difficulty. They went how you will need to know a tactics. So after few days/week you will have a layout for it, just like now you have 2exc 1 buffer 1 trin rep farm, you will have 5-6 core frames that must be there and 2 random others for damage or stuff.

I just hope rewards will be worth the hassle of getting into 8 man game with possible 7 tomatoes.

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Overall I agree, people should be able to play the game the way they want to play it. Without Dev interference.


Personally I think DE need to start introducing creative ways to deal with the Tenno. Rather than just increasing stats to foil our OP weapons how about introducing enemies that have their own means to deal with it. We have Damage 2.0 why can't we make some enemies immune to certain damage types. At the moment I can spam what ever gun I have and the enemy will die no matter what damage I'm doing. Make more use of weakspots and decrease damage to strong points. Shooting enemies in the foot and getting the same damage as the chest? Seriously...


Corpus have Nullifiers, wheres Grineers buff? Why not have rollers neutralise powers when they attach.

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Are we supposed to beleive that?

you are clearly on the repfarm/campframe/spam4 side my friend.

I use the rep farm method to forma weapons and what not yeah, if it is in the game i'll use it. I am not bound be some awkward gaming morals that restricts me from using content, as long as people don't cheat/bug abuse its fair game, I can't really side myself with people who want to tell people that one method has more legitimacy than another, it would also be hypocritical of me to want rep farm method nerfed in one away another as i was the one who promoted ceres in the first place https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/361131-600k-kills-one-week-draco-ceres-the-end-game-xploot-dream/

Some players enjoy run n gun, some enjoy boosting their mastery, either way I don't care just stop complaining S#&$ needs to be changed and let DE focus on the important stuff.

Edited by (PS4)torvahn
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- Your point that "...DE focuses on all the wrong things..." is really just your opinion that isn't backed up by what you believe are the right things. Also, you don't really know what they are actually dealing with. You don't have their list of items to work on every day, nor do you have the list of assets to work with, time frames, etc. You're oversimplifying problems and not even attempting to admit that you also don't know what the right focuses would be, given the information that you aren't aware. This makes the statement only partially informed at best.

It's actually more than reasonable, updates and content feel very rushed, if DE fine tuned their existing content and focused on bugs etc, lacking the knowledge of their own content, it is quite obvious with syndicates that very little time was spent on what could potentially happen and more just well whatever happens happens. Now look at the mess they are in.

- "...i feel as of this current moment the game is in very good balance..." Sigh. If you feel that all aspects of the game are in very good balance, you must not play melee primary game play. If you did, you wouldn't be saying that. There are multiple issues with melee that need attention. This has increased over time as Ranged, Ability, and Enemy adjustments (power creep) has taken primary development while melee has had only a few minor tweaks since Melee 2.0 was released. (The major change was to heavy melee weapons.)

Dakra prime is my most used weapon at 20% and i had a phase there for awile where all I did was melee because the dakra prime reminded me of tidus weapon from FFX(my favourite game of all time) Yes melee is underwhelming in comparison to the others but the dakra is no slouch, with crimson dervish it dwarfs all of your commonly dubbed "OP" weapons in power, but as you said melee is lacking in usability, in damage absolutely not.

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(1) Now, lets be real unless you suffer from mental illnesses this can not be defined as exploiting, using radial javelin is not an exploit

(2) Easy solution on that regard stop caring what other people are doing and play at your own pace




a.) Using radial javelin (AOE nukes) isn't an exploit. It can be useful in moments of great duress to clear out or soften a horde of enemies.

b.) Using radial javelin (AOE nukes) over and over to trivialize all content under level 40 isn't an exploit, it's just boring and destroys virtually all sense of tactics, skill, and even basic interaction with the game.

c.) Using radial javelin (AOE nukes) over and over with on maps small enough that you can kill every enemy the instant they spawn, forcing enemies to spawn at a rate 10 times higher than anywhere else in the game, is an exploit. It's obvious the developers didn't intend things to work that way.




The thing is, nuke-spam overrides gun play.  If I'm trying to see enemies, then aim at them and fire my weapon at them, all of that takes time. Time which is denied to me when another player is using their nuke power over and over, killing enemies in every direction before I can even acquire them. If you're trying to shoot enemies and there's an Excal or a Saryn standing next to you hammering their 4 key...You don't play. You might as well not even be there. You can get around this by hosting matches where you hand pick people who aren't nuke spammers, or (in some missions) by spreading out to fight outside the nuke radius, but I don't think it's really fair that a nuke spammer can unilaterally force me to do these things. When is the last time you saw an 4-presser complaining on the forums about somebody with a rifle stealing all their kills? "Hey team, please stop shooting things so I can use Miasma and feel useful, love, Saryn"?  I don't think so. Telling people to just get over it is legitimizing special treatment of nuke spammers, because everybody else is forced to work around them.

Edited by Momaw
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You want to know what endgame is???



A Tar Mao with Bombard armor, Anctient healer buff, Nullifier bubble, and can teliport and confuse tenno.



Also Broken lights



A security system like Spy 2.0


Wardens that will cause traps go off whenever they see you, and have a S#&$ton of HP.


Also a basically every enemy in the game, with some bosses.




Also.... Anyone who says, we shouldn't care about exploiting, we shouldn't care about power creeps, we shouldn't care about broken mechanics...








Please go to a mirror look at yourselfs think about your life, and then realize that is the worse idea a game developer of ANY MMO can EVER have.



Please never tell a game developer not to care about balance. It makes you look bad, and makes the community look bad.

Edited by Feallike
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You want to know what endgame is???



A Tar Mao with Bombard armor, Anctient healer buff, Nullifier bubble, and can teliport and confuse tenno.



Also Broken lights



A security system like Spy 2.0


Wardens that will cause traps go off whenever they see you, and have a S#&$ton of HP.


Also a basically every enemy in the game, with some bosses.




Also.... Anyone who says, we shouldn't care about exploiting, we shouldn't care about power creeps, we shouldn't care about broken mechanics...








Please go to a mirror look at yourselfs think about your life, and then realize that is the worse idea a game developer of ANY MMO can EVER have.



Please never tell a game developer not to care about balance. It makes you look bad, and makes the community look bad.


There needs to be a balance between 'balance' and 'fun'  Otherwise if abilities were watered-down you might as well be playing CoD: Space edition.  Abilities should ALWAYS be useful, but 'how' useful should they be to not trivialize other facets of gameplay [gun/stealth/ect.] However If you are talking about 'balancing' the abilities to the point of 'i might as well just gun them to death instead, and making my choice in warframe only count for hp/armor/shields at best' then that is NOT the 'balance' I want.

Edited by Sibarian
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Warframe has a lot of problems, both on DE's side and on the side of the playerbase. Either way one thing's certain: we've forgotten how to enjoy ourselves.

There came a time in my life, very recently, when I decided that I just wasn't going to play co-op anymore. It's not worth it when the only sound you hear is the spew of the boltor prime and the high, grating buzz of the Synoid Gammacor, and when if you want to play anything on the starchart at all you practically have to do it solo unless it gives either good XP or R5 cores or what have you. Now, there are times when Void gaming is good fun. I will not deny that. The camp of players I really hate are the people who are there for certain parts and for certain XP, which is why that whenever I go through Recruiting I have to tolerate every other post being "LF rep farm need excal trinity". And then when you try to say something you're struck down by people who say that getting things otherwise is too damn hard, and then DE has to cave into those requests to allow getting things to be easier and even more farmable, and now one can rank up in a Syndicate in a week instead of the months I recall was planned. We're a community of greedy, insatiable bastards who actually know they aren't enjoying themselves (the one thread defending draco because it's like "giving away your joy" but also saying it was a necesary evil).

At the same time, though, DE gave us the overbuffed Synoid Gammacor and Boltor Prime, they gave us poor frame synergy with the Radial Javelin buff, they gave us the endless spawning of Interception, they gave us a mod system where the endgoal is minmax not do something unique. I get the sense that sometimes the devs half-&#! things a bit because they don't know what they want this game to look like: we went from silent, somewhat quiet shooter to over-the-top campiness (see: Maroo) and hordes of enemies. I don't know which end of the spectrum we need to be on. What I do know is that I don't have high hopes for the raids, especially in the wake of every crappily designed warrior such as Vay Hek, Alad V, Lech Kril, Sargas Ruk, nor do I have hopes for a concrete endgame in general.

All told? OP is right about clashing ideologies in this game. I disagree with his stances on some things, but the evidence is there before us, as bright as the shining blades of Radial Javelin spam

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The problems I've seen:

New players are hated by old ones (obv doesn't apply to everyone) because the vets expect them to know everything.


New players hate vets because there are quite a few that are self important and conceited.


People that think bugs and flaws should be exploited instead of reported,making DE's job harder,and players more miserable as a result.


DE trying to make the Dark Sector they WANTED to make originally without bending to a publishers whims,but for some reason bending to EVERY tiny rustle made by the players..


Devstreams have become a joke....Too many dodged questions,too many taken as jokingly as possible. I get that some things CAN'T be discussed,but there are FAR too many questions brushed off of actual importance with a few laughs or flat out refusal,and the occasional "Look at this preview of new stuff instead!"....


Players too,have made devstreams fail....Repeated questions every two weeks even if they're answered..Flat out ignorance during the streams..spamming...etc.


Then there's the disgusting behavior in game that never goes away,because apparently the answer is a quick chat kick by a bot,and nothing more....Relog and you're right back in it....But hey, let's just slap "Online interactions Not Rated" on it...all good...


That's just the tip of the iceberg really.....but it's late and I'm tired....and I didn't eat my Snickers...

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