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Where Did My Kubrow Go? Oh... It's Dead...


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So story goes, life happens and I didn't play for a while. Finally got a chance to play with a friend after defeating a mound of homework, and get met by the shock that the game has deleted my Kubrow, (and I hope nothing else) while I was gone. SO... what developer thought this would be a fun feature? Because that was one of the reasons I really enjoyed this game, and now it's gone. So I am not trying to cry about it too much but want to submit an idea to fix this in the future. And hey if it is possible for the gods of this game to revert it back and give me what is lost, I would love you forever.


Now the idea came from noticing this handy thing called the stasis chamber (which I did not anticipate needing to use, and should have. Yeah yeah my fault for being ignorant of this.  I didn't anticipate my extended absence either.) So now that we are in a future where we can travel FTL, Have stasis chambers, Go into the Void, Revive ourselves from the dead, and detect enemy's before we can see them, how can we not detect low health on a Kubrow and activate a stasis to protect it? I mean that seemed reasonable to me. But hey I didn't really expect the ship to really keep track of time I wasn't logged in. I am used to things going into cold storage as soon as I log out. But hey this just me being ignorant of the way things worked, I could have thought about it, but I was not expecting something like this to occur, so I guess I wasn't paranoid enough.


So realistically why have we not seen a change on this system? We can consign the Kubrow to the Lotus, put it in stasis, somehow survive our selves even when we die in missions, but hey, if you are too busy to come play again, we can just get rid of that Kubrow for you. The logic doesn't seem right for this whole system. Why not have almost a constant stasis system for Kubrows? Every time you log out, it would be essentially put into stasis. That would fix the issue. Or the whole health detection system would be much easier. When you come back, it will be in stasis you could leave it there, but if you wanted to revive it, you would have to be ready to heal it back up to revive it, Or from that point you can choose to consign it and the Lotus can heal it. So can I expect to see a change to this anytime soon? Or is this gonna just be one of those things that makes you feel like the devs don't care?


Alright so I am an animal person, And I got into playing this game during a time  when I hit an emotional low, and mindlessly beating things to shreds really helped. That Kubrow was one of those things that made the game fun for me. Sure it is annoying to take care of at times, and really wasn't that helpful to me, during mission, but It was mine and I enjoyed it. So playing helped me get a release and get things back into order, then I got onto doing things to progress my life, and back in school, so I lost my free time to play. Then I got a chance, and found that the game made no effort in really telling me to watch out for this possibility, and no longer have a Kubrow. Sure I have extra eggs, but it just isn't the same. It's a weird thing that I became so attached to the game, so much so I really lost heart to want to play again without my Kubrow. Yeah is just an f-ing game, and I should probably get over it, and I might. But why not see if I can't get it so others don't have to have this same issue. I have always thought the devs for Warframe are pretty cool, I don't want to ask for the impossible, and so if it turns out that my Kubrow truly is gone to the void of space(or where-ever this bits go once deleted), well, that's how it is. I would love to have it back and would respect(and love) you guys(the Warframe team) so much if it was possible. But atleast, I want to see a safety system in place for this. I can see no reason that one hasn't already existed other than there just wasn't any thought about it with everything else that has been going on. Or maybe this is just meant to make you not want to use Kubrows?(then why have them exist?) 


So what does everyone think? Am justified in my ideas here? Does anyone else think this is an issue? Or am I just being silly over nothing with this? Anyone have a better idea? I have lots of questions it seems and I would like your input on this. I tried to not make this a long story you had to read about my personal problems, just got finally bothered by this enough to want to try and do something about it. I could have gone ranty but tried to keep it in a bit. Anyways on to the responses. I look forward to hearing what you all have to say.

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i suggested in many past posts about this that DE implement a feature that if someone doesn't log in for a week at all, any active kubrow me automatically placed in stasis.  a week should be ample for anyone who has maintained their kubrow fine enough.


anyhow, i am sorry for the loss, i like my kubrows and this would suck for me to lose it by some random occurrence of losing computer access, hospital emergency stays, etc etc

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Other than mastery fodder, I completely ignore Kubrows. The 3 hour wait to swap one out, lower damage output than properly modded ranged sentinel weapon, constant maintenance, and loss of vacuum / instant shield restore makes them inferior in every way.

Sure they have some decent utility skills, but these are out matched by other frame skills / sentinals / consumable gear.

Sure some of them can look cool, but they are not worth the trouble. Mine stay in parmanent stasis until DE fixes the implementation.

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I think it is great that many of us think similar. I would hate to see this resolved by them saying that, well Ordis hates Kubrows, so deal with it. That seems like a cop out answer to me. But this idea of a chip or a module, is a pretty good one. Even if it is one that you may have to buy for each use, that way they can still stimulate the market. I am not looking for a free lunch with this, but I would like it resolved. I am sure they are tired of hearing about it probably as much as we are tired of saying it. But as for a simple fix that doesn't need new items, having a change in code to switch it into an automated system, would be the best implementation. Though there may be a back end necessary to test this once patched, that is a little larger and more complex, I would think this would be something to finally put to rest. It is possible that these updates for this, may be able to pave the way for a simpler patch process down the line. I don't know how often accounts are backed up, but I would imagine for this, they would need to have some kind of system in place that once this patch is live, they would have to check to make sure the Kubrows don't die and are placed in stasis, and if they do die, restore from the backup. It would be an easy task if their local test environment scaled perfectly to the live version, but we all know that the hot-fix count proves it doesn't. So I do understand that this may not be as simple as we would like, but it is still possible, and the sooner the fix happens, the happier we will all be. I am sure they would like to stop being bugged about it every time this happens.

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If they are going to do something like give us pet MOAs, then I think we should also get things from each of the races. Would give the game an interesting dynamic. I am kinda partial to the Kubrows now, so I personally would like new companions to be additional, not replacements. And yeah, this is a system that I think didn't get finished in a way. It works well enough to keep people using it, but it hasn't been refined. I hope to see this be changed in the direction of better Kubrow safety while you are away, and possibly more/additional companions. Interfacing it with the game characters will come with that I think, so I am sure you would get some extra Ordis comments about it.

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it doesn't even make sense anyways, ordis wouldn't just sit there and watch the kubrow die... and act completely normal about it after.. idk lol I just don't understand why the system is the way it is.

He doesn't like kubros?



If they are going to do something like give us pet MOAs, then I think we should also get things from each of the races. Would give the game an interesting dynamic. I am kinda partial to the Kubrows now, so I personally would like new companions to be additional, not replacements. And yeah, this is a system that I think didn't get finished in a way. It works well enough to keep people using it, but it hasn't been refined. I hope to see this be changed in the direction of better Kubrow safety while you are away, and possibly more/additional companions. Interfacing it with the game characters will come with that I think, so I am sure you would get some extra Ordis comments about it.

inb4 zanuka rides.

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The entire thing is basically a huge credit sink, except newer players and those who don't play alot can't keep pumping 100k worth of serum into the kubrow, on top of needing to log in to look after it. 


DE needs to take out the entire health loss system for the kubrows. By doing this what happens? What does DE lose? Nothing.

At the moment, seems like alot of people have kubrows in stasis because it's a hassle to care for them with this system in place. By removing that, people won't be sinking credits into them, but the people who have alot of credits are people who have millions of them, so this credit sink wasn't effective in that regard. 


Also 3 hours for a kubrow to come out of stasis is ridiculous. If you wanted to play with friends and grab your kubrow out, you'd have to be hanging around for 3 hours or know beforehand. Reduce the time to something more like half an hour and more people would probably use kubrows.

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I don't want to "care" more for my Kubrow.


I want to have a "use" for Kubrows.


The only use for them atm is to crack open the locked containers and for them to dig up some energy every now and then.


The DPS is only good if you've maxed out, Formed, bred a Kubrow a couple times and I don't want to do that to make them anywhere close being worth the money sinks that they are.


I think this thread is a good way to segway into the dozens upon dozens of threads about improving the kurbows and making them something worth the time.

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