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Loki Is Just Too Strong


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If they want to nerf Loki all they need to do is remove Irradiating Disarm. 

Before that mod he was a great frame but not so much of an easy choice for most content. I will be very, very disappointed if they change any of his skills because of all the Warframes in the game it feels like the one with the most thorough design. The synergy between his skills should be a staple for other frames to aspire towards, not something that should be altered because the other frames slightly missed the mark in some cases. 


This. Good lord, this. 


Copy and Paste this into every thread asking to Nerf:




-Mesa (except to add movement and LoS to her Peacemaker)


Frames are slowly being reworked. And it does seem lately that more synergy exists in frame abilities. At least, for the most part. So yeah...maybe Loki was just an early example of it working correctly. 

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Exactly the point I've been trying to make. People want to nerf Saryn and Excalibur, i say no. If any frame needed a nerf, it'd be Loki. Compared to Saryn, Loki is OP as S#&$. So anyone who plays Loki and still wants Excalibur or Saryn nerfed, your a hypocrite. All this nerf talk is getting really annoying, this isn't a pvp game.

Edited by ShawnV2
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Loki may not be invincible, but he definitely brings a lot of cheese to the table. If DE is not gonna nerf invisibility they should nerf his radial disarm a bit maybe give it a cool down timer or something so he won't be spamming it every second so people could cheese through raids and defenses. DE could add more enemy types who deal with invisible warframe like a unit with splinter cell googles or super sonic hearing. 

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I'm sorry but, yes you do need to play with a Warframe to understand how it works. Some things you just can't learn from watching others play. That's just my opinion, not a poke at the OP. Now I'm not saying I main loki but I have spent plenty of time with him and I do not believe he 'deserves a nerf'. He is a thinking mans/womens frame. Just because you are invisible does not make you immune to damage. I've seen plenty of loki's fall because of bad positioning, including myself; just kidding, I never go down, to MLG 8) As for irradiating dissarm, I feel nyx's chaos has needed a major buff since that augment came out. Other than that, long live the loki master race X_X 

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This post is just simply ridiculous... Loki is perfectly balanced and doesnt need a nerf buff or rework.  As you loki is fragile asf... so he has abilities to balance that like really ppl.. REALLY.... out of the frames hes probly the most balanced


Frames that need possible resworks

 - Oberon 2 and 3

 - Nyx's 4 and 2 

 - Ember's 4

 - Rhino's 2 and 4 was good until they disable the spam for it....

 - Banshee's 4

 - Limbo in general all of his ablities

 - Excal exalted blade( dont get me started)

 - Nova's 1

Edited by ArbitorSupreme
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I think just making the AI smarter will not need to nerf him. Like if loki is using a weapon with a lot of noise the enemy will shot in the area they hear the shots, and with disarm they should add that a few enemies will try to fix their weapon instead of just rushing to melee. 

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I feel if you haven't played the frame you shouldn't speak on them. Loki is nice for somethings but the damage of his invisibility buff does not scale so if you are doing 10k crits to a lvl 10 enemy you will still be doing the same weak crits to a lvl 100 enemy. Loki is just as he should be, balanced.

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Read from Page 1 and read my posts here and you will realise why Loki is ok and others need a buff.

Edit- I will quote my very first response in this thread, I have numerous more response, but I am bothered to quote those again.

Yeah cause enemys that are permenantly disarmed are a threat to a loki without energy.

-What takes a while since he has the 2. Strongest power pool in the game. Collecting just enough energy brings you in a mode where you can't be targeted for quite a while.

-His disarm aug makes him more effective then nyx-croudet lvl x enemys with melee weapons or even corrupted do more dmg among themselfes then any aoe ability ever could on higher lvls.

-Having no power brings like evry frame except a correct buildet valkyr in the same situation. Others simply miss the easy way out.

-Still stronger then ANY other frame in the game -even without the aug-, no sign of balancing at all over years.

Your argument is invalid and loki is FAR from beein ok. Calling evry other frame in need of a buff is just bending the facts.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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In high level missions, damage powers don't matter, utility powers do. Loki has the strongest utility in the game, making him useful against enemies no matter how powerful they get. Personally, I feel this is less an issue with Loki, and more a problem with the fact that for most players, "endgame" is playing endless missions repeatedly, which is pretty much the only place that Loki really becomes overly strong in comparison to other frames.

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the ability to disarm enemies is his strongest feature and if you said you didn't want that  on him on 20+ waves of t4 defense, you're full of crap.


the invis has been "overpowered" from the start, but how it functions and what he offers a group is a strong contrast to ash, who is more damage oriented and suited for powerful solo play.  not to mention that ash's invis stuns anything nearby.


switch teleport while sorta obnoxious for trolling has its drawbacks, for example... if you were to use it on an enemy you wanted dead, you would be doing it wrong.


while decoy is a powerful... well.. decoy in its threat level, power strength affects its health, which is why the augment for decoy is utter garbage. also why you can build for efficiency, duration and range, which you can do on nyx to excellent effect as well. add in loki's essence helmet and you'll understand quickly why they have yet to implement primed streamline.


thing is in a game like this, loki would be what you could consider... strong utility, not... entirely overpowered.  his invisibility is there to make up for his complete lack of health and shields, you have to rely on quick thinking and primed flow for your health pool, which generally means that if you go down, you have no energy when you get back up.  your low armor only adds to this. yes, his invisibility makes him great for soloing, but it costs more energy than ash's and as such makes you rely far heavier on your weapons that you brought with you.  he's the master manipulator and is the only frame in the game that i think they did right and doesn't need tweaking... he perfectly suits this game, his theme and at the same time, does no damage with any of his abilities. even loki can make mistakes or be overwhelmed. i mean afterall, with a proper build on trinity, you can still give a group a 99.8%ish damage reduction buff for around 28-30 seconds, how is that any less overpowered? alternatively you can go the complete opposite direction with trinity and be a nigh infinite source of energy for your team... vauban can set up so many traps, snares and barriers that a team can find themselves largely unharmed by groups that should have otherwise trampled them.  if anything... most other frames are underpowered and/or need some tweaks or full blown overhauls *cough cough rhino*

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"Loki doesn't clear a map, Radial Disarm is merely an utility skill, it is not overpower".


However I'd say overpower doesn't solely means tons of damage.


Radial Disarm is a really good skill, except the effect of it is permanent and is spammable without much thought. It actually eliminates all (most) attack variations of our enemies, permanently.  It is basically a permanent cleanse of a fundamental game varieties and mechanics. Especially in Warframe, where melee enemies without mobility pose no real threat unless you walk into them.


In fact, it is already beyond overpower. It is breaking the fundamental game mechanics and varieties. 




However the fix is simple. 


Just make it a channeling ability. Energy drain rate depends on how many enemies are affected.


Instead of magically replacing their weapons with a toilet-cleaning stick, their weapons are blocked temporarily - just like Mesa's Shooting Gallery, but in a radial and immediate means.  Affected enemies struggle a few seconds, and then retreated to striking just like what they do as if you get into melee range.


Ability stops when Loki is out of energy, or toggle 4 again.


Now it can be combined with his 3rd for more tactical use.

Now his large amount of energy pool makes sense.

Now it is not a mindless spamming ability.


I had a much detailed post about this but just feeling lazy to search it up. It's the basic idea anyway.

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the ability to disarm enemies is his strongest feature and if you said you didn't want that on him on 20+ waves of t4 defense, you're full of crap.

the invis has been "overpowered" from the start, but how it functions and what he offers a group is a strong contrast to ash, who is more damage oriented and suited for powerful solo play. not to mention that ash's invis stuns anything nearby.

switch teleport while sorta obnoxious for trolling has its drawbacks, for example... if you were to use it on an enemy you wanted dead, you would be doing it wrong.

while decoy is a powerful... well.. decoy in its threat level, power strength affects its health, which is why the augment for decoy is utter garbage. also why you can build for efficiency, duration and range, which you can do on nyx to excellent effect as well. add in loki's essence helmet and you'll understand quickly why they have yet to implement primed streamline.

thing is in a game like this, loki would be what you could consider... strong utility, not... entirely overpowered. his invisibility is there to make up for his complete lack of health and shields, you have to rely on quick thinking and primed flow for your health pool, which generally means that if you go down, you have no energy when you get back up. your low armor only adds to this. yes, his invisibility makes him great for soloing, but it costs more energy than ash's and as such makes you rely far heavier on your weapons that you brought with you. he's the master manipulator and is the only frame in the game that i think they did right and doesn't need tweaking... he perfectly suits this game, his theme and at the same time, does no damage with any of his abilities. even loki can make mistakes or be overwhelmed. i mean afterall, with a proper build on trinity, you can still give a group a 99.8%ish damage reduction buff for around 28-30 seconds, how is that any less overpowered? alternatively you can go the complete opposite direction with trinity and be a nigh infinite source of energy for your team... vauban can set up so many traps, snares and barriers that a team can find themselves largely unharmed by groups that should have otherwise trampled them. if anything... most other frames are underpowered and/or need some tweaks or full blown overhauls *cough cough rhino*

The strong utility is less a problem then the infinite duration. The higher cost still gives you stronger scaling trough duration mods and ID is not influences by a timer or duration.

You only have to skill on max range to get the full effect of ID without ANY limitations whatsoever.

Nyx has to wait till her chaos ticks out or all effectes enemys die before beein able to recast it.

Trins protection doesn't come with a set that actually protects her that much. Ememys on higher lvls are litteraly able to 1hit her. Even while link is active. And you have to recast quite often even biilding on duration-what effectively affects EV.

Nova is able to recast her antimatter drop but it is still affected by duration and ticks out.

Loki is the absolute exceptation. The only frame without limitations on his utility and with infinite duration. How is that not overpowered?

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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His only way to survive is Radial Disarm and Invisibility. It makes him a bit mission specific. I wouldn't bring him on a Survival Mission but Spy Missions or Sabotage I sure would. I have my Loki Prime fully built and I just don't see how he is in need of a nerf.

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Solution: Instead of nerfing Loki or other super CC frames, buff the other frame abilities so they scale to higher level missions.


Example: Make fireball deal X% of total health dmg to enemies higher than level Y with a burn DoT that deals Z% of total hp damage per sec.

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