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Why Is Everyone Hating On Tenno Live And Chroma ?


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what i see when i look at chroma




consumate V's all the way dear Lotus =]


and to be perfectly honest, i am/was not at all interested in 'chroma' anyways, so i rly dont care what he looks like (i kinda lost the faith after limbo/mesa who both look neato IMHO, but still they're SOO literal and their abilities/kits are just uninspiring/unengaging/lame/meh)


but DE has REALLY dropped the bar in recent livestreams, and this latest one was no exception... sadly =[


the DEvstreams used to always show off badass concept art and really tell us where their focus is/was and what was coming down the pipe, but recently DE wants to keep everything hidden (ala ARGHWING) and almost every time that they do this, it ends badly =[, so im just expecting raids/U16 to be a complete and total fail/faceplant/fustercluck/catastrophe/delayed/broken/etc =/


the few things that gave me some pleasure/hope? bringing back charge atks (but this is old news now, so they're just wasting air by repeating it again, something they spent 50% of the livestream doing)


the sentient trailer showed some vastly improved wallrunning controls, THIS BETTER BE INDICATIVE OF PARKOUR 2.0 CHANGES OR PPL WILL RAGE (srsly u cant show excal holding on a wall and jumping from zipline to zipline and halting on a line and then wallrunning up and transitioning horizontally while still traveling vertically and not expect players to want that ingame, DE has previously set a precedent that everything in the trailers is do-able ingame)


and of course the DEX dakra look great, but i personally see no need/point in a 'puncture glaive'


everything else about the raids and ... 'arcanes' [YAWN] ... srsly? a lame idea from the forums? bringing back arcane helms in a roundabout way? =/ color me not impressed, sry

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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That's not what the community wanted. DE said that they were doing a theme that the community had long requested. The community requested a traditional, mythological dragon theme, whether western or eastern. The community did not want a sea dragon. The community was specific. For DE to do this is either ignorance on their part or willful trolling of the community (chroma barely even looks like that pic you posted). This is just like if the community were to ask for a lion frame, and DE ended up releasing a sea lion frame. A sea lion isn't a lion. It having lion in its name doesn't make it a lion. In the same way, the community wanted a dragon, not a sea dragon. I really shouldn't even have to explain that to you as I expect you're smarter than that.

DE is like Deadric prince Clavicus Vile. If you ask something from him, he will give you that, but with horrible twist.

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I never stated the forums were solely dedicated to housing those who complain. I simply stated that it if somebody desired to speak out against something DE is doing, they would immediately turn towards the forums as a first resort. Please, do not put words into my mouth.


Since you once again deem it necessary to put forth your opinion, I will once again counter with mine. I think the design artists have done a fine job with this frame, as I can clearly see the inspiration behind it. You can constantly call it bad, if you wish, but telling me this over and over will not serve any purpose.


As for your take on the "mass disappointment", I will only repeat what I have said before; the dissatisfied speak much louder than the satiated.

Did I ever state I could not see the intended design? I saw it and that is what is making me quite angry.


What is the point of a dragon themed warframe if the theme its self it trying to hide and it takes ten minutes of research and deciphering to make sense of it? The point of a dragon theme is to be imposing, threatening, graceful, noticeable, and not something that confuses. Are you completely certain chroma fits that image? I am not. I KNOW I am not. What is stopping the other "satisfied" people from posting their opinions? Did it stop you? No, it did not! I was dissatisfied for quite some time with various other frames but I withheld my judgement until they were implemented into the game. On my part that was a mistake because I see that if things don't change early then DE is content to let it sit and rot until we a forced to accept it. I refuse to accept it.  

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Not only does he look like crap (I dont know why they said hes dragon theme or whatever) but what got me more than looks was he was a team support frame. All this time dragon meant solo and feared yet Trin might have competition now. I was expecting Rhino 2.0.


The arcane attempt looks meh. I dont like the "kill 10 enemies to get a 5 second 100x damage boost" which is stupid because after you kill 10 enemies, there is no one left to kill. But there is no detail on this so I will wait and judge. Overall I just hate that idea and temporary things in general.


Ive not watched the stream, I usually dont but it seems alot of content is coming to the game as well as big changes. Im sure it will bring me back to the game. I wish they did more with spy. I absolutely loved the mr 8 to 9 spy test, we need those in the game.

Edited by kilerskull
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actually after doing some research I realize its neither JUST a dragon, or an anteater infact its not even JUST an anteater...

Its a Dragonic armored Anteater...


Edited by Arlayn
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I don't HATE him.


I think DE could have done better. Even without the hype, Chroma looks questionable. The armor designs is a bit weird and somewhat off putting, but it might have been the stance in the picture I saw, I'm not sure. The angle does a lot.


But no angle compliments that helmet design. The super long snout is atrocious and REALLY throws off the whole thing, and just looks.. extremely weird. That wasn't being inspired by dragons, that was trying to make him look as dragonic as possible and FAILING miserably. I really hope they change that snout.

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I don't HATE him.


I think DE could have done better. Even without the hype, Chroma looks questionable. The armor designs is a bit weird and somewhat off putting, but it might have been the stance in the picture I saw, I'm not sure. The angle does a lot.


But no angle compliments that helmet design. The super long snout is atrocious and REALLY throws off the whole thing, and just looks.. extremely weird. That wasn't being inspired by dragons, that was trying to make him look as dragonic as possible and FAILING miserably. I really hope they change that snout.

actually as "dragonic" was possible was achieved. If you say...



Its a Dragonic armored Anteater...


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Ash's flabby arms grew on me...somehow, and as for Chroma, I don't have an issue as such with the weird armor he has. I don't mind the busy design, I don't even have a problem with his head looking like a seahorse. But a dragon it ain't. Just because some dragons are based off seahorses, doesn't make a warframe based on a seahorse a dragon.



That would make it infinitely better.


And Chroma as he is now has buckteeth. So he's a bucktoothed anteater/seahorse.


Edited by Geraion
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Exaggeration and cop out.

With thousands of players of course there will be a variety of responses to every decision that DE makes.

However there are many decisions that DE makes that have a very high approval percentage.

There is no reason to imply that the large amount of negative response from Chroma's visual design was inevitable no matter what they did....


Irrelevant. The majority of fantasy creatures were initially inspired by some real world creature.

If people ask for a unicorn and get a narwhal it doesn't matter that is where some of the unicorn myths come from.

When folks ask for a four legged creature with hooves and a mane but then get a whale like body with fins it would be jarring and unwelcome.

The mythical Cyclops was likely inspired by the finding of mammoth, mastadon or elephant bones....when people ask for a cyclops you don't give them and elephant and act like it makes sense.

Likewise, when folks ask for a dragon they generally want the style of the fantasy creatures not whatever real life creature likely isnpred it.



I respect that different people respond to art differently so alright...but seems like something of a stretch.

The curvature is similar but the overall shaping goes pretty far away.


On the other hand-


-evokes dragon more blatantly.



Let's just be real for a minute. If there are some alt helmets that are more "traditional" or easily recognizable as dragon themes it will alleviate the issue quiet a bit. Choice is the ideal solution to please multiple preferences.


OMFG! this should've been the first helmet! I'm totally willing to put everything else i dont like about the design if I can get an Alt helmet like this... Hmm now that I think about it that might have been DE plan all along! Let The Plat Rain!

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