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How Many Of You Re-Color Your Weapons?

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I don't as I feel it's more authentic to leave the weapons as they are - although I do color my Warframes ala the types of characters I feel would wear them.


A notable loophole in this is that I DO color my Archwing under the idea of it being


*deep booming voice*



Though I ALSO colored my Archwing weapons, and now I'm feeling rather guilty about that..

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I can barely bring myself to use event weapons that can't be recolored.

Thank Lotus for Prisma because I was like that (STILL AM.)


Any Future Wraith/Vandel will be swept under the rug.  For one it's hard to match anything with the colors, and personally I hate (bright) red.

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Even though my possession of various colour palettes even though they're unlabelled and a source of mild consternation on my part renders the whole exercise mildly ironic. Of course, granted, of the palettes I own, I use only 4 kinds of blue, 3 kinds of red, one Gold, a Black, a White and 2 Oranges.


At any rate, I use weapons long enough to like them/see which frame can make good on them, I'll give them a scheme to go with it. With the PBR rolling in gradually, some are actually rather pretty with some more colour to them.


Either way...hooray for ironic activities.

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